ABSTRACT This research focuses on youth involvement in the formulation of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals: A case of Zimbabwe. The research examined various efforts by government, The United Nation’s Agencies and Civil society organisations on and offline, to involve young people in the SDG formulation process in Zimbabwe, the obstacles, strengths and weaknesses of approaches employed. It also provides recommendations to improve engagements of young people in policy shap...
Abstract The purpose of this study was to improve the brand image and perception of studying music courses. The research was qualitative in nature which encouraged the researcher to carry out an Action Research in the department of Music Business, Musicology and Technology in quest to improve the brand image and perception of studying music courses. The study identified the different perceptions the public have towards studying BSc Music Business, Musicology and Technology Honours degree at M...
ABSTRACT Civic society all over the world has been demanding formal democratic systems in states, where states are expected to be accountable to citizens. There is a tendency for development actors, mainly NGOs, to pressurise governments to exercise accountability, by advocating for, and, strengthening citizen voice and the engagement. Some NGOs tend to ignore their own accountability obligations to the communities and citizens they serve. Accountability as good governance means allowing peop...
Abstract The global village has seen a significant margin of persons who are not living in their countries of origin but somewhere beyond their national borders as refuges. Therefore this study sought to analyze the effectiveness of Restoration of Family Links (RFL) to African refugees and the case study was Tongogara refugee camp in Zimbabwe. The research revealed that restoration of family links improves displaced persons in issues of health, performance and behavior. In the same vein, rela...
ABSTRACT This study is aimed at assessing the role played by third sector in fostering youth empowerment in Zimbabwe and a case study of Zimbabwe Red Cross Society in Highfields was used. The study was targeting youths in Highfields assessing the economic political and social impacts of the organisation to the youth. 40 respondents managed to take part in the research and all filled in questionnaires which were semi-structured with sections A, B and C. A total of 23 males and 17 females took ...
Abstract World over, municipalities or local authorities have been blamed for poor service delivery by both central government and local residents. Central government which has devolved power to local government accuses municipalities for poor service delivery, just as residents (tax payers) also point fingers at municipalities for the same reasons. It is with this project which aims to unveil some these constraints that affect service delivery, from the service providers angle of view. In ad...
ABSTRACT This study was carried out in Mikumi National Park (MINAPA) to quantify the amount of solid pollutants along the highway through MINAPA. The study adopted longitudinal research design where ten sampling points labeled A to J were established from the western part (Mikumi town) of the highway to the eastern part (Doma village). Waste products were collected, sorted and measured in a daily basis at these sampling points for three weeks. The findings of this study reveals that plastic ...
Abstract: This study was conducted following the research conducted by Kasoga (2014) in Tanzania which proved empirically that the joint liability lending model first used in Bangladesh was not replicable in other ethnic groups in Tanzania, which were Chaga from Kilimanjaro Region, the Zaramo from Coast Region, the Kinga from Njombe Region and the Gogo from Dodoma. She found that the joint borrowers perceived joint liability lending model as inappropriate lending model because of high percei...
Abstract The primary aim of the study was to determine the impact of loyalty programs on customer repeat purchase with specific reference to the hospitality sector in Harare. In particular, the study sought to determine the effect of customer rewards on customer loyalty within specific hotels in Harare as well as establish the influence of rebates on customer repeat purchase behaviour. In addition, the study intended to determine the effect of point system on customer retention and also estab...
ABSTRACT The study examined the application of capacity building approach for socioeconomic development in Morogoro municipality. The study focused on identifying the forms of capacities built up by development stakeholders, the contribution of capacity building approach in socio-economic development and to understand the impediments of capacity building. The study employed a total number of 40 sample size. Primary data and secondary data were used in this study. Data were collected using in...
ABSTRACT Public service delivery is of paramount importance to citizens around the globe. Service delivery is therefore meant to ensure good living conditions to the people thus there is need for good public service delivery. It can be noted that there are many factors that have been alluded to as causes of poor service delivery by local authorities and these factors are financial constraints, economic instability, political interference into the local authority issues and management thereby ...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the contribution of sunflower farming to the well-being of small scale farmers in Dalai and Mondo wards, Chamba district, Dodoma region, Tanzania. Specifically, the study identified the sunflower farming activities adopted by farmers, examined the challenges faced by small scale farmers in the sunflower production and examined how sunflower production contributes to smallholder farmers’ wellbeing (that is food security, ability of farmers to access health s...
ABSTRACT This study is aimed at examining the influence of customer relationship management on the customer satisfaction of restaurants in Dodoma City. The sample size comprised 120 respondents. Data collection methods included an interview, questionnaire and documentary review. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics which involved correlation analysis. Multiple regressions were used to find the relationship between Customer Relations Management (CRM) and customer�...
Abstract This study focused on GBV against men which is something that is rarely talked. The worst part of GBV against men is that, when it does get talked about, discussion is almost always limited to the abuse that men do to women. A lot of people are of the idea that violence is not something that women do, and when the men who have been victims of women try to speak out they frequently encounter negative reactions like mockery and name calling to actual accusations like it is their own fa...
ABSTRACT Road transport is a flexible mode of transport, however, management of road transport companies is faced with technical, legislative and economic problems (Sukalvoa and Ceniga; 2014). Management is usually compelled to adopt different methodologies and techniques in order to manage costs rather than to reduce them (Siyanbola; et al, 2013). In many cases, managers try to simply cut costs without considering the organizational or operational effects associated with those reduced costs ...