Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Organizational Culture And Employees' Job Satisfaction In Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study assessed the influence of organizational culture on employees' job satisfaction in Tanzania. Specifically, the study assessed the influence of adaptability culture, consistency culture, and communication culture on the employee‘s job satisfaction at PSSSF. A case study design was adopted whereby PSSSF was used as a case. The study was approached quantitatively, where quantitative data was collected through questionnaires from 166 PSSSF employees who were sampled based o...

The Influence Of Administrative Leadership In Enhancing Motivation Of Staff In Local Government Authorities In Tanzania: A Study Of Moshi Municipal Council

ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to examine the influence of administrative leadership in the enhancing motivation of staff in local government authorities in Tanzania, a study of Moshi Municipal Council. The specific objectives included examining the effects of administrative inspiration in enhancing energized motivation of staff in local government authorities, evaluating the influence of appropriate administrative behaviors towards attainment of organizational goals among staff an...

Challenges Facing Community Home Based Care Givers Of People Living With Hiv/Aids, Case Of Hope Humana Care Program In Mabvuku

ABSTRACT The researcher sought to study on the Challenges facing Community Home Based Care Givers of people living with HIV/AIDS. The research was well furnished with a couple of theories, relevant literature by other authors and previous studies that supported the research. The participants were sampled using purposive sampling. The research comprised of Hope Humana staff, Hope Humana Voluntary Caregivers and the HIV/AIDS affected individuals who made up a total of thirty two respondents who...

The Effects Of Climate Variability On Women Small-Holder Farmers. Case Study: Zindowemberengwa 2000-2013

Table of Contents Declaration form.....................................................................................................i Dedication..............................................................................................................ii Acknowledgements................................................................................................iii Acronyms..............................................................................................................iv...

An Analysis Of The Effectiveness Of Revenue Collection Strategies On Enhancing The Financial Position Of Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT Developing effective ways in revenue collection has been an important matter in tax and revenue collection. The study explored the strategies and the advent of new instruments that had been put in place by ZIMRA to help revenue collection to be effective. This was to significantly enhance revenue collection in all Departments. Implementation of innovative revenue collection strategies was supposed to improve its organization structures, training, manpower planning, developing teamwor...

Nutritional Ecology And The Conservation Of Mona Monkey (Cercopithecus Mona, Schreber, 1774) In Selected Urban, Semi-Urban And Wild Habitats Of Southwestern Nigeria

ABSTRACT The mona monkey (Cercopithecus mona) is an arboreal Old World primate that depends on forest resources for its sustenance. Due to anthropogenic activities, forest covers are fast declining globally. The foods of the mona monkey in degraded habitats need to be understood in order to strategically plan for its conservation. This study determined the food and nutritional ecology of mona monkeys in three locations in Southwest Nigeria; an urban area, the University of Lagos (UNILAG); a s...

SSA Research 371 PAGES (65778 WORDS) Marketing Thesis
Effects Of Store Environments On Customer Buying Behaviour. A Case Of The Midlands Spar

Abstract The research investigated the effects of store environments on the buying behavior of customers. Its main objective is to explore the effects of the physical components of the store environment on customer buying behavior. Literature was reviewed guided by given objectives and gaps were noted as the literature flows. The type of research design used in this study was exploratory, making use of a qualitative approach and a communicative technique of interviews. Data collection instrum...

Football As A Space For Marketing And Relationship Marketing In Zimbabwe. Case Of Selected Companies

vi ABSTRACT The study heightens on the issues of football as a space for marketing and relationship marketing in Zimbabwe. The aim of this contribution is to ascertain on the rationale of companies investing money in football sponsorship. The major objective of the contribution is thus an identification of the strengths and limitations of football as a space for commercial marketing and relationship management in modern Zimbabwe. Literature review covered football as a space for marketing and...

The Influence Of Security Sector In Governance, Case Study Of The Zimbabwe National Army From 1980 To 2015

Abstract The paper examines the influence of the security sector in governance, a case study of Zimbabwe National Army from 1980 till 2015. Such a topic has been necessitated culminating from Zimbabwe experiencing the deployment of military personnel to strategic positions in various state institutions responsible for governance hence affecting economic and political governance positively and negatively. The research aims to find out why the ZNA fail to divorce itself from the ruling party ZA...

The Effect Of Social Media On Consumer Purchase Decisions In The Beverage Industries In Zimbabwe

ABSTRACT The researcher was motivated into conducting this research study by the need to know and understand the effects of social media on customer purchase decisions. The objectives of the study were to establish the influence of digital consumer interaction on need recognition, to investigate the effect of electronic word of mouth on information search, to investigate the effect of product attributes on evaluation of alternatives and to assess the extent to which brand online communities c...

An Assessment On The Impacts Of Labour Turnover On Organisational Productivity. The Case Of Zimbabwe German Graphite Mines (Pvt) Ltd

Abstract Significant changes in the global economy have accelerated the movement of labour from one organization to another. Therefore the research aimed to bring a clear understanding and appreciation of the relationship between labour turnover and organizational productivity. The research was informed by the Needs theory which show that employees affiliate to different needs in order to be satisfied at work and the Equity theory which posits that the motive to act in a certain way is develo...

Assessing The Effects Of Capital Structure On Performance Of Non-Financial Firms Listed On The Zse (2010 – 2016)

ABSTRACT All firms have to make a decision on how to finance their operations. A firm can use retained profit or borrow from financial institutions, or offer securities and shares. Each source of funds has its own advantages and disadvantages. The proportion of debt to equity applied by firms determines the capital structure of a firm. This study therefore investigated the relationship between capital structure and the performance of non-financial companies listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchan...

The Dynamics Of Decentralisation On Development Planning In Urban Local Authorities. A Case Study Of Harare City Council

ABSTRACT Perhaps not surprisingly, the developmental burden which has been placed on the idea of decentralisation has been too great for it to bear. Third world states find much promise in decentralisation. The performance of decentralised government all too often falls disappointingly short of these expectations. (Smith, 1985:185) The adoption of decentralisation as an option for development in post-colonial Zimbabwe became an immediate option for national development. Emphasis was placed mu...

Examining The Causes Of Intra-State Conflicts In Zimbabwe And Their Impact On Human Security Agenda

ABSTRACT The country has been highly susceptible to intra-state conflicts since the attainment of independence, thus this research assessed the causes of intra-state conflicts in Zimbabwe and the impact of intra-state conflicts on human security agenda. The main objectives were to assess the causes of intra-state conflicts in Zimbabwe, to analyze how intra-state conflict affect human security and to proffer recommendations on how intra-state conflicts can be managed as part of the human secur...

Performance Appraisal And Local Government Staff In Tanzania: A Case Of Opras In Mpwapwa District Council

ABSTRACT The introduction of OPRAS as a performance management tool in July 2004 was precipitated by problems of poor work performance, low productivity, poor accountability, corruption, and weak local government management systems. This study evaluated the impact of OPRAS to the improvement of performance of local government staffs in Tanzania, taking a case of OPRAS practiced in Mpwapwa District Council. Data in this study were collected through interview and questionnaires. A total of 146...

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