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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Primary School Feeding Program- Allocation Criteria And Its Subsequent Effects In Tanzania: A Case Of Manyoni District

ABSTRACT This study aimed at examining the criteria employed in allocating School Feeding Program [SFP] and its subsequent effects in primary schools of Tanzania taking Manyoni district, Kintinku Ward as a case study. This study specifically focused on examining the criteria employed to allocate SFP, determine the effects of SFP on performance, enrollment, attendance and drop out among students and challenges affecting the program as such. The study adopted cross sectional design with a case...

An Exploration Of Statelessness In Namibia: The Significance Of Legal Citizenship

ABSTRACT This exploratory study looks at statelessness in Namibia, focusing on citizenship as a legal status. The study uses the theory of politics of citizenship to assess how the issue of statelessness fits into citizenship discourse in Namibian. It defines the problems presented by statelessness and highlights the urgency of addressing it. The study draws upon qualitative data like documentary analyses, books, journals and semi-structured interviews. Despite provisions on protection agains...

Contribution Of Secondary School Administrators In Promoting Workers Service Delivery In Public Secondary Schools: A Case Of Nyamagana District Mwanza Region

ABSTRACT This study, concerned with the contribution of secondary school administrators, in promoting workers service delivery in public secondary schools. The main aim was to investigate to what extent the adoption and implementation of secondary school administrators in Tanzania, impacted service delivery in public secondary schools. The theoretical framework, have been created from the theories of Managerial, Transformation, Participative, Transactional, Post modern, Instructional, Contin...

Impact Of Strategic Planning On The Performance Of Local Government In Tanzania: A Case Of Mpwapwa District Council

ABSTRACT The study investigates the effect of strategic planning on the performance of local government in Tanzania. Specific objectives are; to assess the effects of setting objectives on the performance of local governments, assessing the effects of budgetary allocations on the performance of local governments and to assess the effects of performance review on the performance of local governments. A descriptive research design was employed using 70 respondents who were employees with quest...

An Assessment Of Pricing Of Minerals – The Case Of Artisanal And Small Scale Mines Of Sambaru And Winza

ABSTRACT Since, the implementation of the 1985 structural adjustment programs in Tanzania many sectors of the economy including mining were privatised. With time, peasants flocked the mines in numbers as artisanal and small scale miners (ASMs). As time passed, complaints emerged that, artisanal and small scale miners were selling their minerals through dealers, who were paying them low prices relatively to the market prices. This study was conducted to assess the pricing practices of ASMs. T...

Effectiveness Of Service Delivery And Technology Utilization In Banking Sector:- A Case Study Of Crdb Mbinga

ABSTRACT  This study assesses the effectiveness of service delivery and technology utilization in banking sector. It was conducted in the CRDB Mbinga branch. Specifically, the study examined the implementation technology in services provided by banks and challenges facing the Mbinga CRDB Bank branch. The study look at the self-service technology such as ATM, internet banking and telephone banking together with other bank services like loan, account and how it impacts on the customers’ supp...

Contribution Of Fishing Community Subgroups In People’s Livelihoods: A Case Study Of Pangani District

ABSTRACT  Community livelihoods depend on many sectors, one of them is fishing through community subgroups. The aim of this study is to examine the assessment community subgroups, for fishing in the peoples livelihoods in Pangani district. In order to achieve this there are specific objectives which are being undertaken as follows First to examine the contribution of fishing groups to people’s livelihoods in Pangani. Secondly, is to find out problems facing community subgroups for fishing ...

An Investigation Into The Effectiveness Of The Performance Appraisal System In The Public Sector In Namibia. A Case Of Ministry Of Works And Transport Human Resource Department At Head Office

ABSTRACT Performance appraisal system(s) is crucial in assessing public sector employees. The drive for public sector reform for employee’s performance is significant to the measures set out on targets to organisations main objectives. This quantitative and qualitative study, therefore sought to investigate the effectiveness of performance appraisal system in the public sector in Namibia using the Ministry of Works and Transport Headquarters as a case study. The population of the study cons...

Gender Equity And Career Progression In The Ministry Of Health And Social Services In Khomas Region Of Namibia

ABSTRACT Namibia is not spared from inequalities in terms of gender. There is a need to understand the status quo of gender equity and career progression amongst Namibian government institutions. This will help accelerate the realisation of the objectives of the national plans on gender equality namely; the National Gender Policy of 2010-2020, Vision 2030, National Development Plan 5 and Harambee Prosperity Plan that prioritise women involvement in governance and decision making. In an attemp...

SSA Research 141 PAGES (29081 WORDS) Gender Studies Thesis
Line Managers' Role In Improving Employee Performance: A Case Study Ofthe First Bank Of Nigeria

ABSTRACT The objectives of this research are to outline the benefits of involving line managers as internal coach in improving staff performance, to outline how the First Bank of Nigeria can motivate its line managers for more involvement in subordinate coaching, and give an outline of how the First Bank of Nigeria could organize its line managers to efficiently and cost effectively train and coach her staff. For the First Bank of Nigeria, these line managers are Heads of Units such as Branch...

Analysis Of Antibacterial Activity Of Terminalia Sericea And Combretum Imberbe Two Combretaceae Species From Namibia.c

RACT This study measured the impact of being listed on the Namibian Stock Exchange on stakeholder value creation. The study was prompted by the concerns raised by the Minister of Finance in the Namibia Financial Sector Strategy: 2011-2021, where she referred to the low levels of liquidity on the NSX. The study is aimed at establishing whether being listed on the NSX creates value for stakeholders. A study was conducted with eight Namibian listed companies. Financial ratios and the share price...

Examining The Impact Of Sharing Accommodation On Hotel Occupancy Rate In The Kingdom Of Swaziland.

ABSTRACT This dissertation examines the relationship entailed in, and the impact of, sharing accommodation on the hotel occupancy rate in the Kingdom of Swaziland. The entrance of sharing accommodation platforms onto the hospitality marketplace has been characterised by concerns of potential declines in demand for hotel rooms and discrepancies in hotel regulatory controls. Despite considerable research having already been undertaken in this area in the developed countries, a gap remains in th...

Financial Risk Management Strategy For A Business School: A Case Study Of Namibia Business School

ABSTRACT The study explored financial risks faced by educational institutions in their operations. It focuses on how educational institutions identify, measure, monitor and manage the financial risks they are faced with and how the risk management strategy benefits the institutions. The main objective of the study was to study the nature and extent of credit and liquidity risks faced by Namibia Business School for the period between 2009 up until 2011. The study aimed to identify an effective...

The Effects Of Fiscal Policy On The Livelihood Of Low Income Earning Household In Namibia, Windhoek

Abstract The research paper was based on how fiscal policy affects the livelihood of the low income earning households in Windhoek informal settlements in Namibia. The study’s focus was on Value added Tax and Income tax. Fiscal policy is a very important economical tool for every economy as it can be used as a tool in a recession. However, government expenditure and taxation and its administration might have either a positive or negative influence on the low income earning households. The t...

A Case Study On The Inluence Of English As A Medium Of Instruction On Learners Academic Performance At Ella Du Plessis Secondary School And Shikongo Iipinge Senior Secondary School.

Abstract Gender-based violence in Namibia has escalated to an alarming rate. Persons with disabilities particularly women, are also not spared the rod. The intersection of gender and disabilities renders them double discrimination compared to men with disabilities and women without disabilities. Yet, the plight of women with disabilities with regard to gender-based violence rarely features in both preventive and remedial intervention programs. This research sought to explore and understand th...

SSA Research 138 PAGES (24651 WORDS) Gender Studies Thesis

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