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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Assessment Of Performance Of Financial Management In Local Authorities: A Case Study Of Bahi District Council In Dodoma Region

ABSTRACT Local Government Authorities have authority of collecting and spending public funds, also are responsible for delivering public services such as Primary education, Secondary education, Local health services, Agriculture extension and live stock, Water supply and Local road maintenance. Financial management is very important to LGAs in order to convince the public that their funds are properly used according to laws and regulations governing the authorities. The general objective of ...

The Contribution Of Youth Associations In Improving Livelihood: A Case Of Kividea In Kigoma

ABSTRACT In recent years, there had been a growing interventional strategy around youthfocused unsustainable livelihood, with focus on improving the role of youth in social, economic and political development, especially in developing countries. Youth organization has become one of those interventional strategies concerned with youth livelihood development. In the midst of lack of detailed information about the contribution of such organization to meet youths‟ needs, the study has examined...

The Role Of Village Saving And Lending Groups (Vsl-Gs) In Improving Livelihood Of Smallholder Rice Farmers In Igunga District

ABSTRACT Assessing the role of Village Saving and Lending Groups (VSL-Gs) in improving livelihood of smallholder rice farmers was conducted with an objective to establish how the model contributes to improved livelihood of smallholder rice farmers in Igunga district council. The research design applied in this study was cross sectional since the assessment was meant to be a one time with findings to inform other similar programmes. The sample size for this study was 123 respondents comprisin...

Assessment Of The Effectivenes Of Marketing Management In Non Governmental Organizations In Tanzania: A Case Of Morogoro Municipality

ABSTRACT The study was focused on the assessment of the effectiveness of marketing management in Non-governmental organizations in Tanzania specifically in Morogoro Municipality. It was guided by three specific objectives which are: to identify the NGOs‟ practice of marketing management, to understand the management, opportunities and threats of NGOs and to examine the perceptions of beneficiaries towards services given by NGOs. The research methodology employed was case study design. Data...

State And Oil In Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study critically examines the linkage between the Nigerian State and oil as a commodity produced and marketed within capitalist relations. It analyzes its impact on the crisis of development in Nigeria, characterized by pervasive economic crisis, political instability and social tension. And deals with how this critical linkage can be subjected to a transformation which will bring about national control, and the use of oil for the benefit of most Nigeria. We commence from a theor...

Impact Of Financial Inclusion On Poverty Reduction Among Small Holder Farmers In Dodoma: A Case Of Chamwino District

ABSTRACT Inclusive finance is drawing attention as a vehicle for economic growth and poverty reduction. This study focused on the impact of financial inclusion on poverty reduction among small holders‘ farmers in Dodoma particularly Chamwino District. The study specifically focused on the type of financial institutions available to small holder farmers, the contribution of access to financial services by smallholder farmers and the effects of financial inclusion on poverty reduction. The s...

Managing Urban Solid Wastes In Urban Areas: A Case Of Kahama Town Council, Shinyanga Region

ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to investigate the way of Managing Urban Solid Wastes in Kahama Town Council, where three Wards were involved including Kahama Mjini, Majengo and Nyasubi. The study was based on the following objectives: to assess the SWM stakeholder participation in the study area; to assess factors that affected the success of stakeholders on solid SWM in the study area; and in the Public and Private Partnership in SWM Framework. The study has involved both qualitative and...

Corporate Social Responsibility And The Performance Of Small And Medium Scale Enterprises (Smes) In Lagos State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Corporate social responsibility has become the rhetoric of every business enterprise, no exceptions to small and medium scale enterprises. This study examines the relationship between corporate social responsibility and organizational performance of SMEs in Lagos State, Nigeria. Data were generated by means of questionnaires to 261 operators of SMEs, 2518 employees and 2591 consumers of the products and services of the enterprises on CSR and performance variables.

The Impact Of Training And Development In Public Organization: A Case Study Of Nyamagana District In Mwanza Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study aimed at investigating the impact of training and development on employee work performance in public organizations in Nyamagana district and finds out factors that affect training and development on employee work performance in government organizations and suggests some measures which add value to the training and development programs. The study used a non-experimental cross-section design that allowed the uses of questionnaires and interview in which a sample size of 96 ...

The Impact Of Public-Private Partnership On Health Service Delivery In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Arusha District

ABSTRACT This study was set out to explore the impact of public-private partnership on health services delivery in Tanzania. There is a smooth relationship between public and private sector on provision of social services in Tanzania. This study reveals the extent in which public-private partnership has managed to achieve in the provision of health services to the people especially of Arusha District. A sample of 80 respondents was taken and these were public and private officials, specialis...

Change Management And Organizational Performance In Nigeria: An Empirical Investigation

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to empirically test the relationship between organizational change and performance as well as proffer better strategies for managing change to enhance organizational performance. 

Challenges Of Proliferation Of Small Arms And Light Weapons To Peace-Building In Liberia And Sierra Leone

ABSTRACT This study focuses on the challenges of proliferation of small arms and light weapons (SALW) to peace-building in Liberia and Sierra Leone. The study provides a critical analysis of the nature of warfare in Africa with the use of small arms and light weapons and child soldiers. It is a discourse of post-conflict peace-building as it assesses the various measures adopted in Liberia and Sierra Leone. It argues that continual availability of SALW in these countries poses a great threat...

Capital Structures In Nigerian Firms - Patterns Determinants, Adjustment, Optimality And Costs

Abstract This study is an attempt to extend the frontiers of knowledge about company finances, with particular empirical reference to Nigeria. It examines the extent to which Nigerian firms use owners’ funds (equity) and borrowed funds (debt). It covers a period of 10 years, from 1974 to 1983. The study  samples 87 non-financial companies quoted on the Nigeria Stock Exchange; the sample excuses the financial sector because its financing patterns sharply differ from those of the other secto...

An Assessment Of The Impacts Of Export Processing Zones On Namibia’s Socio-Economic Growth

Abstract This study attempts to assess the impact of the Export Processing Zone (EPZ) programme in Namibia. Using data from the country’s EPZ programme authorities, the central bank, relevant studies, and country reports, the study shows that although the programmes have facilitated employment generation and foreign exchange earnings from manufacturing and exports, such exports rely highly on the mining processing sector such as diamond cutting, polishing, as well as zinc refinery. The rel...

The Relationship Between Ceo Compensation And Firm Performance: A Case Study Of Namibian State –Ownedenterprises (SOE’S)

ABSTRACT Over the years, the increase in executive remuneration in both the private sector and stateowned entities (SOEs) has been the subject of intense discussions. The poor performance of some SOEs with highly remunerated executives, begs the question whether chief executive officers (CEOs) in Namibian SOEs deserve the high levels of remuneration they receive. The main purpose of the study was to determine whether there is a relationship between CEOs’ remuneration and company performanc...

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