ABSTRACT This study evaluated the effects of monetary policy instruments on private sector credits by banks in a globalized economy covering a period of twenty years, from 1986-2005. Six major monetary policy instruments namely cash reserve ratio, liquidity ratio, interest rate; minimum rediscount rate, treasury bill rate and money supply were employed explanatory variables while bank total loans and advances serves as the dependent variable or bank credit. Adopting the multiple regres...
ABSTRACT The role of consulting services from the consulting firms like SIDO, Audit and Accounting Firms, and Ministry of Industry and commerce for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) growth and sustainability is poorly known especially their influence in the SMEs performance. The main objective of this study was to examine the role of consulting services in the performance of SMEs, using Dodoma Region as a case study. The study used a cross-sectional design method to collect data from one p...
ABSTRACT The study has aimed to examine low income employee‟s micro business management strategies and livelihood in Ubungo Municipal Council.The study specifically has focused on determining the typical livelihood strategies performed by low income employees, assess the micro business activities‟ undertaken by low income employees, assess institutional and managerial support from Municipal to enhance micro business management and improvement of their livelihood and challenges facing low...
ABSTRACT The study examines factors affecting revenue collection in Local Government Authorities in Tanzania. Specifically, the study focused on identifying revenue sources in selected six LGAs (Kilolo, Uvinza, Nyang’wale, Rorya, Chemba and Kakonko), to determine the influence of internal control system in revenue collection, organization factors, and individual characteristics of the responsible personnel in revenue collection in selected LGAs. A cross section research design was employed...
ABSTRACT This study was conducted in Dodoma region covering seven districts. The study area is among the central regions which are dry without alternative source of clean water from the surface. Rural communities in study area are less capable of achieving economies of scale to raise income needed for drilling independent boreholes. The situation creates the urgency of finding the effective management system for ensuring sustainability of rural water projects. The aim of the study was to ass...
ABSTRACT Direct delivery of medicines and medical supplies, was introduced in 2010 in the country following the directive of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoHSW) to MSD. This was prompted by under-delivery of health products to health facilities, delays of delivery and poor clientele relationship between the health facilities and MSD. This study was therefore, put in place in order to investigate on the contribution of the direct delivery method on the availability of medicines ...
ABSTRACT Background: In public health, traditional 4Ps marketing mix elements (product, price, place and promotion) have been successfully used to influence clients/patients to adopt desired health behaviors and health status changes in reproductive health, TB, malaria, child survival and HIV interventions. However, the use of additional 3Ps of the marketing mix has rarely been used in public health interventions. Objective: The main purpose of the study was to examine the influence of the a...
ABSTRACT Tanzania is one of the countries that have introduced the e-budgeting system up to the local government authorities in the country. However, huge funds are lost in lower local government authorities in Dodoma government because of poor budgeting system. There are reported double allocation, errors and miss use of funds, that continues on the lower level of government. Therefore, this study examined the effect of e-budgeting in the financial performance of lower local government auth...
ABSTRACT This study on the impact of poverty on mangrove forest conservation was carried out in Chwaka Bay, Zanzibar. The study involved four villages of Michamvi, Ukongoroni, Chwaka and Charade. The study comprised one hundred respondents. Stratified and simple random samplings were techniques that were used to select one hundred respondents from a total population of 5512 people from the study area. The study used interviews, questionnaire and focus group discussion to collect data from re...
ABSTRACT This study assessed the factors affecting employees‟ attraction and retention in Local Government Authorities of Tanzania by using Njombe District Council as a case study. More specifically the study sought to: assess the status of employees‟ attraction and retention, examine the factors affecting employees‟ attraction and retention, analyze the challenges facing employees‟ attraction and retention, and suggest possible strategies to improve employees‟ attraction and reten...
ABSTRACT One of the basic social functions is to maintain amicable social groups. In order for social groups to attain this goal, adults use different strategies to make children. This study set out to examine challenges facing local government authorities in addressing the problem of street children in Tanzania, particularly in Dodoma Municipality. The research design adopted was a cross-sectional descriptive survey and a sample of 105 purposively selected respondents using the qualitative ...
ABSTRACT Contract farming (CF) is increasingly gaining importance. However, there are some controversies on its impact on the livelihood in agrarian societies. It is alongside this argument that pressed on conducting the present study to ascertain the impact of contract farming to the livelihood of grapevine farmers in Dodoma Municipal, Tanzania. Specifically, the study aimed at examining the main features of grapevine CF, identifying factors that influence small grape farmers' engagement in...
ABSTRACT The study assessed the factors contributing to poverty in small scale mining areas in Msalala District. Two wards namely Lunguya and Chela with its two mines in village of Nyangalata and Mwazimba were selected as sample sites. A sample of 87 small scale miners and 100 head of households from the two villages were involved in the study. The study consisted of mining officer from Kahama mineral office, one Village Executive Officers (VEO) from each village, one Ward Executive Officer ...
ABSTRACT This study was conducted to assess the causes and consequences of the closed and imperfect market for grapes in Dodoma. Three research objectives guided the study which includes identifying the sufficiency of the existing market of grapes produced by the small scale farmers in the study area, examination of the initiatives of a farmers group in enhancing the availability of market for grapes produced in the study area and find out the challenges of market-facing the grape farmers. T...
ABSTRACT This study aimed at assessing Climate Change Adaptation Strategies (CCAS) in crops production in semi-arid areas. The study focused on assessing the effectiveness of climate change adaptation on maize and grapes production in Hombolo. Specifically, the study assessed how climate change variability affected crops; assessing different strategies used to address the impacts of CC on crops production and investigating challenges to implement CCAS in the production of crops. Oral intervi...