ABSTRACT There are several challenges which face farmers in Igunga District in Tabora Region, who have decided to engage in the production of sunflower. Despite of these challenges, more famers keep on leaving their formal cash crop like cotton and seem to prefer growing sunflower. This study was thus put in place in order to assess the perceptions of small growers with respect to considering sunflower as an alternative cash crop. The study was conducted in Igunga District in Tabora Region, a...
ABSTRACT This study aimed at assessing the contribution of employee training to performance of local government authorities in Tanzania using Shinyanga municipal council as a case study. A mixed method design was used. Questionnaires and interviews were used for data collection in which seventy- four (74) questionnaires were distributed to respondents. The findings of the study show that the majority of the respondents understand the importance of training in their work performance. The worke...
ABSTRACT The study is focused on the pull and push factors towards petty trade development in Tanzania, drawing data from Dodoma City. Specifically, the study informs of the pull or ambitious factors that influence people to engage in petty trade, the push or compelling factors that lead people to engage in petty trade the challenges encountered by petty traders and the opportunities for future development. Using a cross section design, the study generated data from the sample of 96 petty tra...
ABSTRACT Human Resource Information System adoption is increasingly associated to several factors including Technological, Organizational and Individual factors. The study focused on the factors influencing the adoption of human resource information system in parastatal organization. Specifically, this study addressed the influence of Technological Factor on the adoption of Human Resource Information System, Organization Factors on the adoption of Human Resource Information System and Individ...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the factors that are associated with teachers’ job satisfaction and motivation. The study was carried out in Kwimba District in Mwanza Region. The study had the following objectives: To identify the kind of job satisfaction and motivation aspects that teachers are most satisfied with working in Public Secondary Schools in Kwimba, to determine whether teachers differ in their job satisfaction and motivation in relation to the type of school a...
ABSTRACT In latest decades there has been a dramatic growth in the number of single-parent families, the large majority of whom are single mothers. In the fast-changing societies around the world, the incidence of single-mother families continues to grow at a steady rate. Their life situations have been found to be in tatters for most of them. For instance, most of single mothers live in poverty and even many more are vulnerable to poverty. Accordingly, this study has attempted to hub on the ...
Abstract This study investigated the determinants of public investment in Namibia. Time-series techniques such as unit root test, cointegration, and Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach were applied on quarterly data for the period 1990: Q1 to 2017: Q4. The results based on the unit root test showed that the variables are integrated of order zero and one, meaning that they are stationary in a level and first difference. The empirical results showed that real interest rate, unemploym...
ABSTRACT Water is essential for the existence, development and preservation of all human life, making it an essential commodity in the world. Hence, this thesis aimed at analysing the pricing mechanism of water in Namibia, using a case study of NamWater. The study specifically looked at the water pricing mechanism being used by NamWater as well as the advantages and disadvantages of such a pricing mechanism. This study adopted a qualitative research method approach using a case study as the r...
ABSTRACT Capital flight continues to be of great concern in many developing countries and Namibia is not an exception. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of fiscal policy on capital flight in Namibia for the period, 1993-2014. To assess this effect, the ARDL bounds test to cointegration technique was employed. The finding not only reveals fiscal policy to affect capital flight but also that there is a long-run relationship between capital flight and the selected macroeconomic...
ABSTRACT Since their inception Finance Divisions of the Namibian Public Service (NPS) have been operating on separate payment methods that were not linked under a unified Financial Service Modules (FSM). The isolation of these modules had resulted in lack of information flow within the FSM which was necessary to ensure accuracy and validity of financial information, hence the need for reconciliation process. The study evaluated payments on FSM in the NPS, particularly implementation of integr...
ABSTRACT Revenue generation by local governments towards the development of their respective areas in recent times has been identified as a major challenge. In view of this, the study aims at assessing the revenue generation processes and strategies adopted by the District Assemblies to generate revenue, in addition to the challenges encountered in these processes in order to recommend measures to improve the system. To achieve the above, the study adopted the qualitative case study approach...
ABSTRACT Suicide has become a major public concern in Namibia, particularly in Ohangwena region. This study investigated the causes of suicide in the Ohangwena region by exploring the causes of attempted suicide in the region. A qualitative approach was utilized. Data were gathered through semi-structured self-developed interviews and analysed using thematic content analysis. The sample of twenty (20) participants who were all suicide attempters, were purposively selected from the three distr...
Abstract This study examined the prevalence of menopausal symptoms and coping strategies among a total of 140 woman selected from ST Andrew Anglican church Abossey Okai in Accra. The effects of the average age of the participants and number of children on women‘s experience of menopausal symptoms and coping were also examined. The employed a cross-sectional survey design and a set of questionnaires measuring signs and symptoms of menopause and coping strategies were administered to the res...
Abstract Mobile money is an important phenomenon for the cause of financial inclusion in developing countries. The value and volume of both mobile money transactions and payment systems transactions have tredemously increased in Ghana. This study sought to investigate the adoption of mobile money by Ghanaians, using members of the University of Ghana Legon campus as case study. The study adopted questionnaires as the sole instrument for data collection. The findings reveal that dominant use ...
ABSTRACT The study examines the effect of financial innovation on the demand for money in Namibia. The sample period of the study covers the first Quarter of 2000 to the fourth Quarter of 2013. The secondary data utilized is sourced from Bank of Namibia, Namibia Statistics Agency as well as the World Bank Financial Statistics. The study employs the following variables; real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as a proxy for income, inflation, repo rate and credit extended to the private sector as a ...