ABSTRACT The financial sector of Ghana witnessed what many described as “financial crisis” in the early part of 2017. Many financial institutions became insolvent stemming from high levels of non-performing loans in the financial sector. Ghana as a country is currently experiencing one of the worst financial crises the country has ever experienced since it became a Republic. So far, over seven (7) commercial, retail and investment banks in the country have been declared insolvent by the ...
ABSTRACT In an effort to improve performance, the government of Namibia has identified Performance Management System (PMS) as a vehicle towards achieving national goals and objectives. However, the implementation of PMS seems to be ungainly, with not much to be shown. To this extent it is important to analyse the implementer’s perceptions (employees) on the implementation of the performance management system. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyse employee’s perceptions regarding ...
ABSTRACT Maintaining peace and order is essential in every society. Security in democratic states become challenging for the specialized force responsible for keeping order known as the police. This work examines the Nigerian Police Divisional Headquarters Kabala Doki Kaduna State concerning security challenges during the 2015 election. The methodology used in this research are qualitative and quantitative, interview and questionnaire were used in collecting data .The research used theory of ...
ABSTRACT The primary focus of this academic study is to determine the proportion of casino employees within the Osu that actually come from the community relative to those from outside the community. The researcher’s intension is to discover whether casinos in the community have most employees coming from the same community. A secondary motive is to find the trend in casino employments of the Osu community over a specified period of time. The scope of the study is limited to casinos in Osu...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine banks, on investments and performance appraisal. It was also to ascertain the problems of using financial reports to access performance of banks and finally to determine if there’s a relationship between financial reporting and performance evaluation of a bank. The inductive research method was adopted and the statistical analysts, particularly the chi-square and t-distribution test were used in the analysis of the data collected from ...
ABSTRACT Nigeria has earned an appellation for herself as a show case of Africa’s democracy for several score of years. Ironically, every journey towards such democratic process/experience had been laden with electoral violence even since the colonial days. With the rebirth of African liberalism and the wave of democratic consolidation process that swept across the globe/world in the 1990’s, electoral violence returned in a more frightening dimension in most African states. It is, therefo...
ABSTRACT Anglo American Plc (“Anglo”) is one of the world’s largest mining companies. In addition to the London Stock Exchange, it is listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange with operations that span the globe. At the date of valuation, 30 September 2014, Anglo’s shares constituted a significant portion of the investment portfolio of the researcher’s employer and was one of the primary drivers of portfolio performance. Incorporated in 1917, Anglo’s maturity was further evidenced...
TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page ...........................i Approval Page ......................ii Dedication ..............................iii Acknowledgment .......................iv Table of Content .........................v CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Introduction .............................1 1.2 Statement of the problem ...........................2 1.3 Research Questions ................................3 1.4 Aim and objectives of the study ............................3 1.5 Justification and signif...
ABSTRACT In this thesis, I discuss the sound system, tonal patterns and some phonological processes of Gua (Gwa). As a „Hill Guan‟ language, Gua belongs to the Guan language group under Central Comoe sub-family of the Kwa language family. It is spoken typically by the people of Anu-(m) and Boso, which form the two dialects of the language. It is located in the Asuogyaman District in the Eastern Region of Ghana. The thesis relied on data from the Boso dialect of Gua for its description. U...
ABSTRACT Despite the fact that mental health nurses are more prone to job stressors, little research has been done on stress in their day to day activities at the hospital. This study, therefore, identified the causes of job-related stress among mental health nurses, assessed the effects of job-related stress on mental healthcare delivery and explored coping strategies among mental health nurses. Based on a mixed-method approach, the study was based on nurses at the Accra Psychiatric Hospita...
Background to the Study One of the important aspects of the production of goods and services is the proper distribution of the same in such a manner that it will reach the target consumers in the most cost-effective and expeditious manner. Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, delivering and communicating value to customers, and customer relationship management that also benefits the organization. Marketing is the science of...
ABSTRACT Women empowerment, financing in business is very vital and of utmost importance because of the level of which our global world is moving. This project work is aimed at dishing out the need for women to be given reasonable opportunities in business. Also, in the research work a lot will be dealt with on women in business though at small scale and it will be more narrowed down to the incubation centre that is situated in Birnin-Kebbi, Kebbi state at the Northern part of Nigeria. ...
ABSTRACT The study investigated the relationship between childhood abuse (psychological, physical, sexual, and neglect), religiosity and later life satisfaction among adults with a history of childhood abuse in any form. One hundred and thirty-three adults, with a history of childhood abuse, were purposively sampled from Tema SOS Village. It is an institution that provides daycare, education, medical, psycho-social support and vocational training for people who have suffered abuse. Participa...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to provide an understanding of how employee engagement and psychological empowerment influences the relationship between job satisfaction and organisational citizenship behaviour of first-line employees in one-two star hotels in Ghana. The study employed a cross-sectional design and a quantitative method approach. The data was gathered with the use of a standardised questionnaire, a total of 302 first-line employees from 25 hotels in the Upper West Regi...
Abstract District Assemblies across the whole nation continue to face increasing developmental demands from their various areas of jurisdiction. However, in the midst of the increasing demands is the challenge of mobilizing local revenue as many people are unwilling to pay tax. District Assemblies continue to face financial challenges as the volume of IGF generated is far below the needed capacity to harness the desired level of growth. This in effect has affected the DAs ability to meet the...