Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Effects of Electronic Banking on Intermediation Efficiency in Nigeria

ABSTRACT           This study measured the effects of electronic banking products of automated teller machine (ATM), internet banking (IB), point of sale (PoS) and mobile banking (MB) on intermediation efficiency in Nigeria. The study made use of time series data covering the period from 2006 – 2013 from the Central bank of Nigeria. Tests carried out included descriptive statistics, unit root test, cointegration test, correlation test, while stepwise regression analysis was used to de...

Effective Communication And Organizational Performance: A Case Study of Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN)

ABSTRACT Attempt to conduct a study of this nature was predicated on the need to determine the impact of effective communication on the organizational performance of the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN). It is important to emphasize the fact that communication plays a vital role towards the achievement of organizational objective but this objective can only be achieved when there is enabling environment for both the staff and management of any given organization. After review of relev...

Rethinking Public Service Motivation For Increaser Employees Performance And Retension. (A Case Study Of Office Of The Accountant General Sokoto State)

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY One of the major problems confronting management today is that of motivation to perform assigned task to meet or surpasses predetermined standard. Motivation is that energizing forces that induces or compels and maintains behaviors. Human behaviour is motivated it is goals directed. It is not easy to motivate an individuals, for the success of any motivational effort depends on the extent of which the motivator meets the needs of the individual employees for whom it i...

Marketing Communication And Organisational Performance In Food And Beverages Industry A Case Study Of Unilever Nigeria Plc

Abstract The study examines the effect of marketing communication on organisational performance in Unilever Nigeria Plc. The main objective of the study is to investigate the relationship between marketing communication and customer purchase behaviour. The research design is the descriptive survey and data were gathered through a well-structured questionnaire. The simple random sampling technique was used to draw a sample of 480 respondents.480 copies of the questionnaire were administered w...

Political Economy Of Fish Production As Source Of Revenue: A Case Study Of Yauri Local Government Area Kebbi State

INTRODUCTION Through out history, hunting and gathering has been man’s major occupational activity, and later man began to think of how to produce food, rear livestock as well as engaging in commercial activities. However, food production and rearing of animal in most developing countries is done largely at subsistence level. Agricultural activities such as food production, rearing of animals as well as commercial activities is the mainstay of the economy of the most developing countries. ...

Mobilizing The Youth For Self-Reliance: An Assessment Of Self-Help Initiatives: A Case Study Of Suru Local Government Area From 2011-2015

BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY Self reliance in a general sense is what actually promotes productivity and other economic activities which obviously lead to the development of a country. From time immemorial people have always engaged in different activities such as farming, fishing, hunting, among others, in order to satisfy their basic needs and enhance their social mobility from one class to another.

Credit Administration In Commercial Bank (A Case Study Of Unity Bank Nigeria Plc)

ABSTRACT This research work was undertaken to assess the CREDIT ADMINISTRATION IN COMMERCIAL BANK (A CASE STUDY OF UNITY BANK NIGERIA PLC). This work was intended to achieve the following objectives: to appraise and determine the lending procedure of banks, to highlight the extent to which improper project evaluation influence bad debt of Money-Deposit Banks. Relevant data were collected from both primary and secondary sources. Questionnaire was the main primary data collected instrument emp...

Entrepreneurship Knowledge And Self-Employment Intention Among Undergraduates. A Case Study Of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto

ABSTRACT This study provides understanding of entrepreneurial intention of undergraduates. It reports findings from qualitative data retrieved from self-administered questionnaires to final year students of Usmanu Danfodio University Sokoto that were selected through random sampling. Analytical techniques used include frequency, percentages and logit regression to know the impact of entrepreneurship education on the intention of students to be self-employed. Finally, the study found that exp...

Tax Administration In Nigeria; An Evaluation Of Tax Evation And Avoidance: A Case Study Of Lagos State Nigeria.

ABSTRACT This study aims to evaluate the causes and effects of tax evasion and avoidance in Lagos state and proffering solution to the menace of these tax irregularities. The total number of one hundred and twenty seven (127) was used to analyze the opinion of eligible tax payers in Lagos state. The hypothesis were tested on the relationship between the tax evasion and tax avoidance and the administration of taxation by the government and the relationship between tax evasion and tax avoidanc...

Youth Participation In Electoral Process. A Study On The Role Of Youth In The 2015 Election In Birnin Kebbi

ABSTRACT This research work captioned to explore the effort, role and contributions of youth in electoral process, in Birnin Kebbi metropolis in 2015 general election. The research work examined the factors hindering youth participation in the last general elections where emphases was placed on lack of adequate knowledge and information on electoral process, lack of adequate education, deprivation, unemployment and absence of free and fair election, which are in place to bring about electora...

Checking Wastage In Public Spending In Public Sector Organization An Assessment Of The Roles Of Bureau Of Public Procurement (Bpp) Kebbi State Office

INTRODUCTION Nigeria is in dire need of accountability in Public Spending. This is because accountability Public Spending is cost effective to promote social and economic development. Public Spending has the potential to enhance democratic process by promoting fairness, civic responsibility and social – economic development. They add value to a country in terms of its attractiveness as a place to live work and invest. The term “Public Spending” here refers to the combination of governm...

The Nature And Management Of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) In Northern Nigeria, From 2012-2015.

ABSTRACT This dissertation set to find out the Nature and Management of Internally Displaced Persons from 2012 to 2015, taking northern Nigeria as a case study. Chapter one contains the background to the study as an introductory part, statement of the problem, research questions, aims and objectives of the study, scopes and limitations of the study, and literature review, theoretical framework, assumption of the study, and definition and operationalization of concepts and chapterization. Cha...

The Impact Of Planning And Control On Organizational Performance ( A Case Study Of Cement Company Of Northern Nigerian)

BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY Planning and control are put in place to keep organization on course towards profitability goals and achievement of its mission and to minimize surprise along the way. They enable management to deal with rapidly changing economic and competitive .environment, shifting customer demands and priorities and restructuring for future growth. Planning is a management function that denotes .the process of thinking about and organizing the activities required to achieve desire...

Cultural Practices And Infant Mortality In Wammako Local Government Area Of Sokoto State

ABSTRACT Save the children initiative (2014), estimated general infant mortality rate to be 100 deaths per 1,000 live births for the 2011-2014 period (NPC, 2014). Regionally, south east, south west, north east and northwest have infant mortality rates of 74, 81, 129 and 139 deaths per 1,000 live births respectively. Indicating the highest concentration in the North West (NPC, 2014).This research examines if there is any relationship between some cultural practices and infant death in Wamakko...

The Role Of Microfinance In Poverty Alleviation In Nigeria

This chapter contains the background to the study followed by the statement of the problem, the objectives of the study, the significance of the study, the scope and limitations of the study and lastly, the scheme of chapters. 

11701 - 11715 Of 19638 Results