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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

An Assessment Of The Viability Of Economic And Financial Crimes Commission (Efcc) In Combining Corruption In Nigeria: Implications For Improvement.

ABSTRACT Despite the pervasive corruption in Nigeria, which led to the underdevelopment of its institutions and economy. There still some impediments on its effective administration and tackling of these menace. Which the economic and financial crimes commission (EFCC) is established to tackle it. The research work attempt to examine the viability of economic and financial crimes commission in combating corruption in Nigeria and implications for improvement as its scope, the research work wa...

Impact Of Globalization On Nigeria’s Foreign Policy (2007-2016)

Abstract The study focuses on the impact of globalisation on Nigeria’s foreign. It analyzes the evolution of Nigeria’s foreign policy via the impact of globalization on Nigeria’s bilateral and multilateral relations and her conducts with other countries of the world with respect to United States and China. The specific objective of this study is to look at the influence of and correlation between globalization and Nigeria’s foreign policy with emphasis on the determinants of Nigeria�...

The Sources Of Revenue In An Islamic System Of Administration (A Case Study Of Sokoto Caliphate)

 INTRODUCTION Revenue is a very essential element in the running of any administration or government, this government could be federal, state, or local or even private establishment or organization. This is because it is through the revenue as a source of finance to the organization that the said organization will be able to carry out its activities or affairs efficiently and effectively. This revenue could mean money which comes to a person, organization or government and such source coul...

African Union Mission And Peacekeeping Operations In Africa: A Case Study Danfur Conflicts

ABSTRACT This research examines the role of the African Union (AU) in peacekeeping operations in the Darfur region, Sudan. The study examine the nature and the operation of AU military mission towards making peace in the region. With the aid of qualitative method, the research revealed that the issue of mandate, inadequate fire power and equipment alongside multilingual composition had hampered the effectiveness of the mission. It also revealed effectiveness of the mission. Thus, the study c...

The Problem And Prospects Of Employee Performance Management System In The Public Sector: How Does ICT Intervene? A Case Study Of Federal Inland Revenue Service Sokoto State.

Background to the Study Performance management system is a continuous process of improving individuals, team and organizational performance. Performance management has to be the core of all organizations since it gives strategic direction and how resources are going to be distributed towards the achievement of set goals and objectives. Employee performance management system has been popular within human resource management study, involves managing employee efforts, based on measured performa...

Impact Of Management Development On Organizational Commitment: (Evidence From Ibb University, Lapai)

ABSTRACT   The purpose of the study is to examine the impact of management development on organization commitment to work in Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai. The methodology that was used for the study was survey. Primary data was collected from a sample of fourty (40) management teams. Self- administered questionnaire was used in the collection of data; data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics (such as frequency distribution, mean, standard dev...

The Impact Of Micro And Small Enterprise Development Development On The Rural Poor: A Study Of Beneficiaries Of The Rural Enterprises Programme at Asuogyaman District

ABSTRACT In Ghana there is dearth of knowledge about the role of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) in alleviating poverty at the rural areas. It is increasingly being recognized among scholars, policymakers and private sector practitioners that MSEs are a potentially powerful tool for economic development and poverty reduction. In Ghana, the practice of MSEs promotion as an official development intervention strategy commenced in 1995 once the Rural Enterprises Programme (REP) was piloted to...

Challenges of Municipal Finance in Ghana; A Case Study of Tema Metropolitan Assembly

ABSTRACT The study focused on the challenges of municipal finance in TMA. The study analysed the sources of revenue, assessed the extent to which revenue generated are able to meet expenditure requirements, examined the constraints of revenue mobilisation and evaluated the management of financial resources in TMA. Purposive sampling was used to select two officers who had in-depth knowledge on the subject matter whilst simple random sampling was employed to select one hundred and one revenue...

Edu Frontiers 102 PAGES (23134 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Security Sector Reform in Post- Conflict States in Africa; The Case of Liberia

ABSTRACT The study analyses post-conflict Security Sector Reform (SSR) in post-conflict states in Africa with particular reference to Liberia. It posits that a robust and comprehensive SSR can be a tool for peacebuilding, and promote sustainable peace in postconflict environments. The importance of local ownership to any attempt at carrying out an SSR is also discussed in the study. This helps to make meaningful generalisations about, and contribute to post-conflict SSR as a whole. The study...

Challenges of Coupling Distance Education Degree Programmes to Un-Campus Education Programmes in Dual Mode Public Degree Universities in Ghana

ABSTRACT Technological advancement and the changing demands of formal occupations has culminated in the birth of distance education degree programmes in universities that also offer the traditional on-campus degree programmes referred to as dual-mode universities. But it is well established in the literature on educational administration that the organizational structure of universities are loosely coupled in that there are many independent departments, colleges and schools that occasionally...

Exports and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Roles of Intra- and Inter-SSA Exports.

ABSTRACT Most economies in Sub–Saharan Africa (SSA) have been lagging behind in development due to low growth performance over the years. The destinations of SSA exports have largely remained the same, with Europe commanding the ‘lions’ share of total exports while intra-regional trade remains very low over the years. However, the assessment of the effect of export destinations (intra and inter-SSA exports) on economic growth has not received any significant attention in Sub–Saharan ...

Edu Frontiers 114 PAGES (29383 WORDS) Economics Thesis
The Role of Personality And Test Taking Attitudes on Applicants Perception of Selection Fairness And Organizational Attractiveness

ABSTRACT The present study aimed at investigating the role of personality and test attitudes on applicants’ perception of selection fairness and organisational attractiveness. The study was conducted among applicants who have been through at least a selection interview process within selected Service organisations in the Greater Accra Region. A sample of 387 respondents were sampled via mixed mode sampling methods (purposive and convenient sampling). Design of the study was a quantitative ...

Edu Frontiers 149 PAGES (33889 WORDS) Psychology Thesis
Examining The Challenges of Urban Roads Maintenance in Ghana; A Case Study of The Accra Metropolis

ABSTRACT “Roads, and means of transport, make a crucial contribution to economic development and growth and bring important social benefits Poorly maintained roads constrain mobility, significantly raise vehicle operating costs, increase accident rates and their associated human and property costs, and aggravate isolation, poverty, poor health, and illiteracy in rural communities This study highlights the economic and social importance of regular road maintenance and recommends ways to ach...

Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders among Firefighters: Do Task Characteristics and Work Experience Matter?

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to understand how firefighters’ task characteristics and work experience affect their development of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs). Guided by literature on task characteristics, work experience and WMSDs, data was collected from 320 firefighters within the Greater Accra Regional fire command. Data was then analysed through descriptive and inferential statistics. It was found that task characteristics had a significant positive effe...

The Impact of Credit Information Sharing on The Loan Portfolio Quality of Savings And Loan Companies in Ghana

ABSTRACT According to the 2018 Banking Sector Report, the financial sector crises were attributed to two main causes which are bad corporate governance practices on the path of the board and senior management persons, and high non-performing loans (NPLs) due to equally high default rate. Despite the reforms by the central bank to sanitise the banking sector, Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) hit a new record as it shot up from GH¢7.1bn as at end of April 2017 to GH¢8.63bn in April 2018. The Credi...

Edu Frontiers 68 PAGES (13527 WORDS) Finance Thesis

11716 - 11730 Of 19638 Results