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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Tax Reliefs And The Growth Of SMEs In Some Selected Small And Medium Scale Enterprises In Lagos State

ABSTRACT The importance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in Lagos state in recent years cannot be underrated especially with regard to creation of employment, innovation, uplifting the people‟s standard of living and financial contribution to the growth of the countries‟ Gross Domestic Product. This sector's growth is hindered by the challenges of lack of financial resources to expand, the entrepreneur managerial skills/attitudes, employment of cheap and unskilled labor , pro...

Evaluating The Integrated Community Case Management For Childhood Illnesses on Care Given at Drugs Shops in Owerri North

ABSTRACT            Nigeria has the largest number of malaria, pneumonia and diarrhoea-related deaths. While it is important that the country attains universal coverage of key childhood illness interventions, poor attention is given on the implementation iCCM in private health facilities, including drug shops, where close to a third of the population seek health care. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role and outcome on improved care after introducing integrated community case...

An Evaluation of The Strategies of Rural Development Programme in Plateau State- 1990-2000

ABSTRACT This work evaluates the strategies of programmes implementation in Plateau State as they affect rural development between 1999 – 2010, using the three selected rural development agencies in Plateau State (the Plateau State Director Labour Agency, Plateau State Agricultural and Rural Development Programme, and Plateau State Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency) as case study. This was done through the following methodology. The purposive sampling technique was used to select th...

The Challenge And Prospects Of Teaching Economics In Secondary School: Case Study Of Some Selected Secondary School In Sokoto Metropolis

Background to the Study In the recent time, there are growing agitations and calls on developing countries to focus their attention on economics education in order for them to turn around the economic status of their various Countries. It is against this background that the various Nigerian governments have been placing emphasis on the acquisition of economic education in the educational system. This issue led to the formulation of the new national policy on education. (NPE, 2006) which seem...

Ethnicity And Citizenship in Urban Nigeria; The Jos Case 1960-2000

ABSTRACT The construction of citizenship on the basis of ethnic identity necessarily breeds tension between the universal imperatives of citizenship and rights on the one hand, and the restrictive/exclusive nature of ethnic claims on the other. It is this dilemma set forth by ethnicity-citizenship nexus that is at the root of the numerous cases of communal conflicts in both urban and rural Nigeria. The research investigates into the way in which urbanism in Jos provides the framework for the...

Assessing The Impact Of Brain-Drain On Educational Development In North Western Nigeria: A Case Study Of The Polytechnic Of Sokoto State.

Background to the Study The migration of intellectual worker and skilled personnel from the less developed countries, particularly from the poor countries, to the more develop or advanced countries termed as Brain-Drain is a global phenomenon. However, it hurts more, particularly in the area of science and technology and in the progress of poor and developing countries. It is a very serious matter which such countries must attend to on urgent basis. The term, "Brain Drain" was coined by the ...

Relationship Between Career Development And Employee Retention In Public Sector Organizations: Implication For A Timely Intervention (A Case Study Of Cement Company Of Northern Nigeria, Sokot

Background to the Study Career development and employee retention are key strategic considerations for all organization regardless of size, sector, market or profile. The development of the capacity and capability of the organizations managers has a fundamental impact on efficiency, effectiveness, morale and profitability of an organization. High performing organizations increasingly pay close attention to the validity of their recruitment practices and are becoming equally vigilant about de...

Quality Assurance Standards And Their Enforcement In Private Nursery And Primary Schools In Sokoto Metropolis

ABSTRACT The core function of Quality Assurance Standard is to ensure compliance of private and public schools to the standard requirements of educational system in Nigeria, the research project investigated compliance in Quality Assurance Standards and how they are enforced in private nursery and primary schools in Sokoto metropolis. The research project has addressed four research questions. The population of the research consisted of all the teachers and head teachers in private nursery a...

The Impact Of Financial Statement In Investment Decision. (A Case Study Of Cement Company Of Northern Nigeria Sokoto).

ABSTRACT This study set out to study the Impact of Financial Statement on Investment Decision. (A case study of Cement Company of Northern Nigeria Sokoto). Financial statement provide the base statement its investment decision it is therefore critical that it should provide a reliable permanent history of the financial activities of organization record in archeological diary of measured event presented in orderly and systematically manner. It readily communicate primarily financial informati...

The Role Of Leadership In Enhancing The Performance Of Employees In An Organization:- A Case Study Of Shanga Local Government Area Of Kebbi State

INTRODUCTION Generally, humanbeings are the most precious part of civilization and most troublesome resources to manage in an organization. The responsibility build is more important than leadership in an organization. The development of people without leadership (in an organization is impossible because leadership is the back-borne of the development. Leadership is an important aspect of managing. The ability to lead effectively is one of the keys to being an effective manager also underta...

Response Of Economic Growth To The Dynamics Of Service Sector In Nigeria

Abstract The misconception of services as being nonproductive has led to the neglect of the service sector in both economic theory and applied economic researches. The Nigerian economy highly depends on the oil sector to generate revenue for the entire economy. This study examines the response of economic growth to the dynamics of the service sector in Nigeria from the windows of governance indicators. Using annual data series, endogenous growth model and autoregressive distributed lag techn...

The Impact Of Leadership Style On Worker’s Performance: A Case Study Of Guarantee Trust Bank Plc, Sokoto Branch

ABSTRACT This research examined the relationship between leadership styles of managers and the effect of the leadership style on workers performance in GTBank Plc, Sokoto Branch. For this purpose data was collected from three (3) branches of GTBank plc, in Sokoto. Quantitative method of social research was used in conducting the research as such questionnaire was administered in collecting information from the respondents. The result that emerge from the research indicate that the X2 = 89.2 f...

Empirical Investigation on The Impact of Open Source Technology Software Quality Characteristics on Business Value of an Adopting Organisation; A Case Study of Open EPR

ABSTRACT . The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of information technology software quality characteristics on the business value of an adopting organization. This phenomenon was explored empirically by examining three research questions; 1.) What is the impact of system quality of open source ERP on business value of an adopting organization? 2.) What is the impact of information quality of open source ERP on business value of an adopting organization? 3.) What is the imp...

Effects of Transformational And Transactional Leadership Styles on Employee Performance: A Comparative Study of Selected Nigerian Organizations

ABSTRACT             This study examines the effects of transformational and transactional leadership st}les on employee performance· A comparative study of selected Nigerian organizations. The study sought to establish if transformational leadership attitudes can produce better performance among employees relative to transactional leadership. Data were collected using Bass and Avolio (1985) 's Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-5X) survey. The total population of study obtain...

Examining the “Impact of Trade Facilitation Indicators on Bilateral Exports” Involving Sub-Saharan Africa

ABSTRACT This study examines the impact of trade facilitation measures on bilateral trade involving Sub-Saharan Africa. It uses country-specific data on logistic performance measures for 189 countries including 47 from SSA over a 9-year period from 2007 - 2015. Leveraging a logistics performance augmented gravity model, the findings show trade enhancing effects on all the six trade facilitation measures with customs efficiency, trade and transport-related infrastructure and competence and q...

Pub Network 114 PAGES (27642 WORDS) Economics Thesis

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