Social & Management Sciences

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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Remittances and Economic Growth in Kenya (1970-2010)

Abstract Statistics show that remittances to Kenya have been increasing over the years. Studies on the effect of remittances on economic growth in Kenya are limited and have not included private capital inflows as one of the determinants of economic growth. This study investigated the effect of remittances on economic growth in Kenya. Data was sourced for the World Bank's African Development Indicators and various Economic Surveys and Statistical Abstracts for the period 1970-20 IO. The stud...

Labour Diversity and Domestic Firm’s Productivity in Kenya

Abstract This study attempted to empirically examine the effect of labour diversity on firm’s productivity in Kenya. To achieve this objective primary data was collected from various firms. Thereafter analysis was done using Feasible Generalized Least Square method (FGLS). According to the study, firms that had more labour diversity in terms of skills and gender were more productive. But ethnic diversity had no impact on productivity. This is a crucial finding given the ongoing debate on t...

Foreign direct investment, institutional quality and economic growth in Kenya

Abstract The study was done to investigate the effect of FDI on economic growth in Kenya, to determine the influence of institutional quality on the effect of FDI on economic growth, and to determine the effects of structural breaks on economic growth in Kenya. This was based on the failure of the reviewed studies to capture the role of institutional quality in this effect. Markets that are likely to persist in low-quality-institution jurisdictions are those in which exchange is simultaneous...

Foreign capital inflows and economic growth in Kenya

Abstract Foreign Aid, Foreign Direct Investment and Remittances remain important and stable source of foreign capital inflows to developing countries, as they bring in large amounts of foreign currency that help sustain the balance of payments. Studies have for years examined the nexus between aid and growth, FDI and growth and to a limited extent remittances and growth. While the focus has largely been on the first two nexuses, there is an increasing literature on the remittance-growth nexu...

Real Interest Rate, Inflation, Exchange Rate, Competitiveness and Foreign Direct Investment in Kenya

Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this study was to establish the effect of real interest rates, exchange rate, inflation and competitiveness on FDI in Kenya. Methodology: The study used annual time series data for the period 1970-2016. The sources of data included World Bank Indicators and Kenya National Bureau of Statistics annual reports. Data was collected for the variables real interest rates, exchange rates, inflation rate, competitiveness/ease of doing business and FDI. The data for al...

Assessment of Financial Factors Affecting Insurance Penetration in Nakuru Town, Kenya

Abstract Over the past decade, insurance and banking firms have undergone transformation in the manner they offer their products and services in a bid to remain relevant in the insurance industry. Kenya, just like many developing countries is still at the infancy stages of absolute insurance cover. Records indicate that majority of Kenyans are presently not under any insurance cover. The study assessed the effect of financial factors on insurance penetration in Nakuru town, Kenya. The financ...

Factors affecting access of women enterprise funds by women groups in Nakuru West Sub-County, Kenya

Abstract Women’s involvement in entrepreneurship is necessary for economic growth of nations. Women in developed countries have access to capital and their acceptance as business owners has improved while in developing countries they face obstacles including lack of access to finance. This study sought to establish factors affecting access of women enterprise in Nakuru West Sub-County, Kenya. The study focused on the effect of credit rating on access to women enterprise fund. A descriptive...

Factors Influencing Price Undercutting in The Insurance Sector in Nakuru County in Kenya

Abstract A number of insurance firms in Kenya have been facing several challenges. The competition has been stiff in the sector which has occasioned price undercutting. This has resulted in reduced revenue, mergers of insurance firms, down-sizing, and even collapse of these firms. In this light, tackling uncompetitive practices such as premium undercutting is a critical issue to the sector which needs to be focused on. The study aims to determine the factors influencing price undercutting in...

Factors Influencing implementation of Public Financial Regulations by National Sub-County Treasuries in Nakuru County, Kenya

Abstract Regulation is amongst the central instruments through which governments seek to deliver on their policy priorities. However, a lack of consensus on how regulation should be conceptualized can make studying its nature and effects problematic. Therefore this study assessed the factors influencing implementation of financial regulations in national Sub-County Treasuries in Nakuru County, Kenya. The study examined the effect of technology on the implementation of financial regulations. ...

Influence of Budgetary Controls on Service Delivery in County Government of Nakuru in Kenya

Abstract In spite of collecting revenue from their jurisdictions, none of the county governments is financially autonomous. They have to rely on the disbursements from the central government. The general objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of budgetary controls on service delivery in the County Government of Nakuru in Kenya. Of specific focus was the influence of revenue maximization and performance adjustment on service delivery. A crosssectional survey research design was...

Factors influencing Financial Management in Public Secondary Schools in Nakuru County, Kenya

Abstract Proper management of finances in secondary schools is very imperative to their operations. There are, however, serious financial challenges in public secondary schools in Kenya as characterized by unprecedented high fees charged on students. This study evaluated the factors influencing financial management in public Secondary Schools in Nakuru County. Specifically, it analyzed the influence of budget management and financial controls on financial management. The study was guided by ...

Effect Of Financial Innovations On Performance Of Microfinance Institutions In Nakuru Town, Kenya

Abstract Abstract: Innovation is described as the process by which, firms master and implement design, and the production of goods and services that are new to them. Innovations generally assume different forms such as product innovations, marketing innovations, micro MFIS, location innovation, and research and development innovation. Financial innovations include institutional innovation, product innovation, and process innovation. These innovations have eased the way of doing business for ...

Effect of adoption of Financial Innovation on Performance of small and medium Enterprises in Kenya

Abstract Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are the main drivers of economic and social development in emerging economies. They represent a large number of businesses in a country that generate wealth and employment. They are widely considered vital to a country’s competitiveness. SMEs are hailed for their pivotal role in promoting grassroots economic and equitable sustainable development (Pelham, 2010). According to Tufano (2013), innovation entails firms developing new products or new p...

Stakeholder Management Strategies and Deposit Taking SACCOs’ Bottom Line in Kenya

Abstract This study sought to establish the relationship between stakeholder generic strategies and the financial performance of deposit taking Savings and Credit Co-operatives societies in Kenya. The SACCO subsector is part of the Kenyan Co-operative sector comprising of both financial and non financial cooperatives. Saving and credit co-operative (SACCO) are the financial cooperatives. They are an important part of the financial sector in Kenya, providing savings, credit and insurance serv...

Stakeholder Management Generic Strategies and Financial Performance of Deposit Taking SACCOs in Kenya

Abstract This study sought to establish the relationship between stakeholder generic strategies and the financial performance of deposit taking Savings and Credit Co-operatives societies in Kenya. The SACCO subsector is part of the Kenyan Co-operative sector comprising of both financial and non financial cooperatives. Saving and credit co-operative (SACCO) are the financial cooperatives. They are an important part of the financial sector in Kenya, providing savings, credit and insurance serv...

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