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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

Frustration/Aggression Theory and Niger Delta Militancy, 1999-2015

ABSTRACT The dynamics and manifestation of Niger-Delta militancy is rooted in long years of neglect marginalization, poverty and underdevelopment of the region by the Nigerian state and MultiNational-Corporations. Therefore this study interrogated the nexus between frustration/aggression theory and militancy in the Niger-Delta. It noted like in previous studies that frustration over long years of misery, poverty, unemployment, environmental pollution in the Niger-Delta transmogrified into agg...

Political Economy of Nigeria-China Relations (1999 – 2013)

Abstract That China has positioned itself as a country to reckon with in today’s world economy is no longer contestable. This reflects in the influx of economic activities from various foreign investors who are attracted to the existence of a market for their products and services in the over one (1) billion populated country (Ayantunji & Ayodele, 2009). The study examines the Political Economy of Nigeria-China Relations (1999-2013). The analysis of China’s relations with Africa has often...

World Bank Loan Conditionalities and Politics of Poverty Reduction in Africa: The Nigerian Experience, 1999 - 2012

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i Approval Page -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------ii Dedication ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------iii Acknowledgement ------------------------------------------------------------------------------iv Table of Contents ------------------------------------------------------------...

Music Preference, Parental Monitoring and Gender as Factors in Adolescents’ Sexual Permissiveness

Abstract This study was a survey aimed at ascertaining whether music preference, parental monitoring and gender are factors in adolescent sexual permissiveness. A sample of 405 adolescents were drawn from three secondary schools within Igbo-Eze South Local Government Area, Enugu State. Three instruments were used in the data collection. They include: Sexual Permissiveness Scale (SPS), Music Preference Scale (MPS) and Parental Monitoring Measure (PMM). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to ...

Public Perception of Drug Addiction and Its Socio-Economic Implications in Nigeria: A Study of Enugu Urban

ABSTRACT This study was aimed at investigating the perception of the general public on the socio-economic implications of drug addiction in Nigeria. The study was conducted in Enugu urban and a sample of six hundred (600) respondents aged 18 years and above resident in Enugu urban were selected through simple random sampling. Structured questionnaires developed by the researcher were administrated to the respondents by six research assistants. In addition in depth interviews were conducted wi...

Resilience, Social Support and Self-Efficacy as Predictors of PostTraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms Among Adult Trauma Victims

ABSTRACT Exposure to intense psychological trauma is associated with significant emotional burden and stress. Trauma victims suffer from myriads of adverse psychological consequences, particularly Post -traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. This study examined resilience, social support and self-efficacy as predictors of PTSD symptoms among adult trauma victims. A cross-sectional design was adopted in the study. Two hundred and eighty-one (281) adults consisting of 131(46.6%) males and 1...

Industrial Democracy and Labour Stability in Nigeria: A Case Study of Selected Organizations in Imo State, 2007-2011.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to find out this issue of industrial democracy and how it can enhance labour stability in Nigeria with particular reference to Imo State. The idea of industrial democracy become necessary in view of the unending industrial unrest, strikes and labour instability bedeviling the country. Over the years, low productivity, low service delivery, unhappy workforce among others have been the bane of the Nigeria industrial organizations. A case study research meth...

Human Resources Management in Nigeria Local Government System

ABSTRACT The best way to achieve quality service delivery in the Local Government in Enugu State through human resources management is explored. Three hypotheses were raised for this study. The survey research design methodology was adopted. The data for this study were collected through questionnaires administered to 574 staff of the Uzo-Uwani and Igbo-Etiti Local Government areas of which 400 were returned. The data were analyzed through the use of tables and simple percentages. The finding...

Personality, Family Conflict and Age in Marriage as Predictors of Postpartum Distress

ABSTRACT The study investigated personality, family conflict and age in marriage as predictors of postpartum distress. Two hundred and seven (207) women in their postpartum period participated in the study and were purposefully drawn from Federal Medical Center and Specialist Hospital Lokoja. Three hypotheses were tested: Personality will not significantly related to postpartum distress. Family conflict will not significantly related to postpartum distress. Age in marriage will not significan...

Edu Frontiers 129 PAGES (23162 WORDS) Psychology Thesis
Implementation of Administrative Decentralization, Enhancement of Human Capacity and Services Delivery of Selected Local Governments in Busoga Region

ABSTRACT This study correlated between implementation of administrative decentralization and enhancement of human capacity on services delivery in selected local governments in Busoga region. The specific objectives of the study were in these variables : (1) socio demographic characteristics of the respondents in terms of gender, age, tribe, religion, educational qualification, present position, number of years work experience in present position , district and department ; (2) the extent of ...

Assessment of Financial Performance of Telecommunication Company in Rwanda: A Case Study of Mtn Rwanda

ABSTRACT This research report entitled "Assessment of financial performance of Telecommunication Company in Rwanda" is a result of research carried out in M1N Rwanda. The major objective of the study was to examine the role of financial analysis on financial performance in M1N Rwanda, with reference to tools such as ratios as benchmark for measuring the benefit of the firms. The other objectives were to analyze short-term solvency and long-term solvency of M1N Rwanda; to analyze profitability...

Causes and Impact of Inadequate Workforce On Organizational Performance: A Case Study of Bukoba Urban District Council, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study carried out an investigation on the causes and impact of inadequate workforce on organizational perfbrmance in Bukoba Urban District Council found in Tanzania. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: to identi& the causes of vacant positions in BUDC. examine the effect of inadequate workforce in BUDC. and to assess the measures put forward by BUDC in filling the vacant positions. This study employed Descriptive Research Design utilizing 114 respondents c...

Inflation and Economic Growth in Uganda from 1976 to 2016

ABSTRACT The existence and nature of a link between inflation and Economic growth has been the subject of considerable interest and debate. High and sustainable Economic growth and low inflation are two of the main objectives of macroeconomic policy. Hence, if high inflation is harmful for an economy and low inflation is beneficial, then it is reasonable to ask, what is the optimal level of inflation for an economy? In general, is there any link between inflation and Economic growth? In this ...

Edu Frontiers 51 PAGES (13285 WORDS) Economics Thesis
Foreign Direct Investment and Unemployment Rate in Uganda (1991-2017)

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of foreign direct investment on unemployment rate in Uganda from 1991 -2017. It was driven by two major objectives, which are to investigate if there is casual relationship between foreign direct investment and unemployment rate in Uganda and to examine the effect of foreign direct investment on unemployment rate in Uganda. The study used time series data in between 1991 to 2017 from the World Bank and Uganda Bureau of stat...

Edu Frontiers 67 PAGES (16591 WORDS) Economics Thesis
The Role of United Nations Development Programme in Capacity Building in Southern Sudan Case Study of Juba, Central Equotoria State

ABSTRACT As for the capacity Building and Development, UNDP building the capacity of people in the institutions at the community, state, and GoSS level to bring about sustainable change in capacity development. The Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning is one of those institutions benefitting from this kind of support. The Annual Report also calls attention to TJNDP’s geographical reach in southern Sudan. Their projects in the areas of governance, rule of law, crisis prevention, recover...

1186 - 1200 Of 19439 Results