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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

The Impact of Efficient Material Management on The Success of Manufacturing Companies (A Case Study of Supertex Limited, Kaduna)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page Approval page Dedication Acknowledgment   Abstract Table of contents List of tables CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1       background to study 1.2       statement of problems 1.3       objectives of the study 1.4       statement of hypothesis 1.5       significance of the study 1.6       scope and limitations of the study 1.7       definition of key terms 1.8       organization of work 1.9       end of ch...

The Impact Of Effective Recruitment And Selection On Organisation Preface (A Case Study Of Delta State University, Abraka)

ABSTRACT The study assessed the impact of effective recruitment and selection as a medium for organisational performance in Delta State University, Abraka. A descriptive survey plan was used and data was collected through administration of structured questionnaires to the selected sample of staff at the study organization. Data was presented and analysed with tables and simple percentages while chi-square test was used for test of hypotheses. The research work revealed that effective recruit...

The Impact of Effective Planning on The Growth Of Nigeria Companies

INTRODUCTION In a modern organization that emphasizes division of labour, the function of manpower recruitment. According to Tolaurien (199:417), it is the function of the personnel officer to select, train, develop, assimilate and remunerate employees. The personnel manager is expected to help formulate manpower policies and take a detailed study of financial incentives programme. He is responsible for the co-ordination of performance appraisals, administration of discipline and the promoti...

The Impact Of Effective Leadership Style In Stimulating Employees Job Performance

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY         Every organization becomes what it is largely because of her leader. This explains why in any organization, there are usually individuals responsible for organizing or directing the affairs and activities of such organization. These individual are usually people who have the ability to lead the other people in an organization to work towards the realization of the goals and objectives of the organization in order move the organization forward.     �...

The Impact of Communication in An Organization

BACKGROUND OF STUDY Research has shown a continue interest in the study of organizational goal attainment especially when all organization aim at improving their current level of performance. Organizations are either growing or declining depending on the management by leadership. According to Desmond F. (1979), says communication is the process of maintaining an uninterrupted flow of order, ideas, and suggestions between top management and the rest of the organization. It is a task which re...

The Impact of Effective Communication on Workers Performance in Private Organisation

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Communication is a phenomenon that tends to be trivialized or taken for granted because everyone communicates in one way or the other all the time, but communication is not just talking or writing or gesticulating, it is much more than that. Inter-personal communication is one of the fundamental underpinnings of society. As population grows and technology evolves accordingly, so have channels of communication changed and the world is “getting smaller” or becoming ...

The Impact of Effective Bargain for Achievement of Organizational Goals (A Case Study of Delta State Steel Company, Ovwian Aladja, Warri)

ABSTRACT The research work examined the impact of collective bargaining towards the achievement of organizational goals (A study of Delta Steel Company in Ovwian Aladja, Delta State). To enhance critical study of this research. Related literatures were reviewed and data collected through the use of questionnaire. This questionnaire were personally administered and answered by the respondents to ensure effective data collection. The items of the questionnaire were based on the research questio...

The Impact of Cost Accounting Statement in Private Organisation

ABSTRACT This study was aimed at appraising the impact of cost accounting statement in private organisation (a case study of Beta Glass Plc, Ughelli, Delta State).  Appraisal was intended to ascertain (a) how important cost accounting statement to a private organisation  (b) the degree of compliance of those information and (c) the effectiveness of cost statement in a private organisation.  In the course of the study questionnaires were administered, personal interview were conducted and ...

The Impact of Delegation in The Attainment of Organization Goals A Case Study of I.C. Global Bank Limited Ozoro Delta State

Abstract  The research work focused on the impact of delegation of authority in the attainment of organizational goals. ( A Case Study of I.C. Global Bank Limited). The data for  the analysis and information employed in this study was collected from the organization under study. The data collected analyzed in a tabular form showing number of respondent using the simple percentage distribution method and it was observed by the researcher that delegation of authority result in Quick discussio...

The Impact of Cost Accounting in A Manufacturing Organisation (A Case Study of Beta Glass Plc)

ABSTRACT The research project work examines the impact of cost accounting in a manufacturing organisation.  For any manufacturing organisation to survive quality cost control measure must be put in place. The study reviewed the works of auditors on the subject matter primary and secondary data were used for study.  The simple average percentage was the statistical tool that was used to analyze the data that was gathered for the study.  The study observed that through costing techniques, co...

The Impact of Co-Operative Societies on Local Community Development in Nigeria (A Case Study Of Sapele Delta State)

INTRODUCTION For effective Local Community Development in Nigeria, various Successive governments have embarked on several programme such as: 1.       Agricultural Development Project 2.       Poverty Alleviation Societies 3.       Co-operative Societies 4.       Credit Scheme and Micro Finance In Nigeria today Community development has been given some serious attention for the first time only during the third National Development Plan (1975-1930) it was the beginning...

The Impact of Computer on Business Transaction in Warri Metropolis

BACKGROUND OFF THE STUDY Information is a critical resource in the operation and management of organization. The information should be accurate and timely vital for the effective performance of management function such a planning, organizing, leading and control. Therefore, for any organization to survive every competitive environment, it must consciously plan and implement a functional information system of which is the computer. Computers have revolutionized every ones lives. They have chan...

The Impact of Computer on Banking Operations in Nigeria (A Case Study of Eco Bank Nig. Plc Obiaruku)

ABSTRACT The growth and development of an economy depends to some extent on the effectiveness of the banking industry. To make industry more efficient and effective for the roles they play in the economy, the researcher looked into impact of computer in banking. Analyzing the desirability or otherwise of using computer in the system of banking for their efficient operations. In trying to show the actual contribution of computer in the accounting system of banks, Eco bank Nigeria Plc was used ...

The Impact of Collective Bargaining Towards the Achievement Of Organizational Goals (A Case Study of Delta Steel Company, Ovwian Aladja, Delta State)

ABSTRACT The research work examined the impact of collective bargaining towards the achievement of organizational goals (A study of Delta Steel Company in Ovwian Aladja, Delta State). To enhance critical study of this research. Related literatures were reviewed and data collected through the use of questionnaire. This questionnaire were personally administered and answered by the respondents to ensure effective data collection. The items of the questionnaire were based on the research questio...

The Impact of Central Bank of Nigeria Regulatory Policies on Commercial Banks Operation (1990 – 1998) (A Case Study of Unity Bank Of Nigeria Plc)

ABSTRACT Monetary policies are a stabilization weapon used to regulate the value and cost of money in the economy, it is important for Central Bank of Nigeria to promote stability and a sound financial structure in Nigeria. Central Bank of a country is regarded as the apex bank regulatory institution of the financial system of a country.  Central bank is an institution charged with the responsibility supervising and regulating the supply and availability and cost of money with interest of so...

13501 - 13515 Of 19445 Results