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Research Papers/Topics Social & Management Sciences

The Effect of Fraudulent Practice in the Banking Industry

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY        The late 1980’s and early 1990’s have been characterized with the increasing complexes and abrasiveness of the business environment as well as declining market. As a result of this, the urgency for information management has been accelerated with the increasing dependence of the business environment and of course the banking industry or sector on computer most management staff and computer operators are rather more concerned to move along with recent...

The Effect of Fraud and Preventive Measures On the Performance of Financial Institutions (A Case Study of Uba, Abraka)

ABSTRACT  This work was designed to study the effect of fraud and its prevention on the performance of financial institution using UBA, Abraka. The purpose of the study is to know the causes of fraud and to know the extent in which fraud affects the performance of these financial institutions. Questionnaires were administered and retrieved, the simple percentage method was used to analyze the data collected. The major findings in this work is that there is a significant relationship between ...

The Effect of Exchange Rate in Balance of Payment of Nigeria Economy

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY                                                In any nation, there arem basically four objectives or goal of micro- economics policies. i.     High level of employment ii.    A reasonable stable price iii.    Rapid economic growth and maintenance of equilibrium in the international balance of payment.        The last objective (balance of payments stability is very crucial since then basic condition of th...

The Effect of Entrepreneurship Development in Rural Areas Using Isoko North Local Government Area As A Case Study

BACKGROUND OF STUDY The Nigeria rural areas consist of diversity of people with distinct cultures sustained by diverse economy. Infact, the structure of the rural areas in Nigeria and their cultures are characterized both by continuity and changes. The societal values and norms control of the rural dwellers to a large extent have destabilizing effect on entrepreneurship development processes. The development of the rural economy depends largely on the availability of entrepreneurial competen...

The Effect of Employee Motivation on Productivity in A Manufacturing Organization. (A Case Study of Nigeria Bottling Company, Warri)

ABSTRACT The research work was carried out to know the effect of employee motivation on productivity in a manufacturing organization.  The research going the motion that motivation is one of the factors which urge workers to work efficiently and effectively which lead to an increase in productivity and achieving the objectives of an organization management should try to see that workers are satisfies with the working condition and environment of the organization as these will; help workers ...


    Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country and its second largest economy, as well as one of America’s top oil suppliers. Despite a return to civilian government in 1999 after a long spell of military dominance, Nigeria remains a fractious nation, divided along ethnic and religious lines. Nigeria is a country with a history of rigged and violent elections, however, a watershed presidential election held in 2011 April peacefully brought a southerner to power many years since the end o...

The Effect of Employee Motivation on Organizational Productivity and Profitability (A Case Study Of Isoko North)

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Business is being set up for the purpose of making profit and satisfies consumer’s needs. The only means of meeting this need is through reduction on cost and increasing productivity. Therefore, on stressing on organizational productivity and profitability. Agbinifoh B.A Etal (1999) define motivation as a driving force within an individual produced by a state of tension that exists, as the result of an unfulfilled need. Nwachukwu (1998) “defined motivation as ener...

The Effect of Conlift Management on Employee’s Performance in An Organization (A Case Study Of Ajaokuta Steel Company Limited And Fougerolle Construction Company

 ABSTRACT This research work is centered on the effect of conflict management on employee’s performance in an organization (A case study of Ajaokuta Steel Company Limited and Fougerolle Construction Company, Kogi State). The objective of this study is to find out whether conflict can be avoided in an organization and to find out whether competence in dealing with conflict is an essential part of the responsibility of an organization. Data for this study were obtained from Ajaokuta Steel Co...

The Effect of Commercial Bank Credit Policies in Promoting Small – Scale Business Enterprises in Nigeria

ABSTRACT        The effect of commercial Banks credit in promoting small scale enterprises in Nigeria as a matter of fact ought to be mutually supportive since they both depend on each other for its continuous existence. Small-scale enterprises  performance in terms of efficiency and productivity to some extent is a function of the nature of the type of commercial banks credit policies adopted by the government which are usually manifested in collective bargaining in the sense that g...

The Economic Implication of Electronic Banking in Operations of Banks in Nigeria (A Case Study of First Bank Of Nigeria Plc)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page                                                                       ii Certification                                                                   iii Dedication                                                                      iv Acknowledgement      ...

Banking Regulations- Understanding the Dodd-Frank Act and the Basel Accord

 Abstract Regulators of financial institutions in most parts of the globe are making impressive achievements in terms of regulating the behavior of banks on the level of risk they can take in making investment decisions.  Professionals in the finance industry have made a huge impact in trying to regulate these too-big-to-fail banks by drawing close lens in their lending activities. Aside from the reserve requirements of banks, there is also a capital requirement that caught the eyes of the...


 INTRODUCTION Linden (2000) remarks that for decades ago, cities such as Lagos city and Cairo were relatively attractive places to live, with little traffic along their spacious cleaning swept boulevards. Mijah(2003) claimed Kaduna was a decade back, now Kaduna metropolitan have quadrupled and theirquality   of   life   greatly   degenerated.   The   implication   include   high   rate   of   diseases   due   tounsanitary   conditions,   social   problems   ...


PRELIMINARY PAGES Title page Title page Table of content Table of content CHAPTER ONE: GENERAL INTRODUCTION CHAPTER ONE: GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction1.1 Introduction 1.2 Statement of the research problem 1.2 Statement of the research problem 1.3 Objectives of the study 1.3 Objectives of the study 1.4 Significance of the study 1.4 Significance of the study 1.5 Research Assumption/Hypothesis 1.5 Research Assumption/Hypothesis 1.6 Scope and Limitations of study 1.6 Scope and Limitations...


Background to the study  Globally, the issue of security, peace and development is at the centre stage of local,national  and international  discourse.   States,  especially   developing   ones   are   constantly   insearch for security, (Barry, 1983). Nigeria is post-colonial state in its form and Post – colonialstate is tied to the offshoot of imperialism. Over the years, different governments, individualsand   institutions   in   Nigeria   have   systematically�...


ABSTRACT The study focuses on forces driving the use of fuelwood among women in Kogi east and the implications of fuelwood on the environment, health and economy of Kogi east. Though Fuelwood has served as the major source of energy for cooking, its effect on the environment and health is to a great extent questionable. There has been noticeable disappearance of trees within the district over the years. The study met its’ quadruplet research objectives through an extensive study of relevant...

13546 - 13560 Of 19445 Results