ABSTRACTThis research paper is about supplies department's relationship with other departmentsin the organization about TENESCO-Iringa. The specific study area was at the TENESCOmain store section. The study was aimed to examine the issues that exist in thesupplies department relationship with other departments at TENESCO - Iringa, and hoethe issues affect the smooth operations of the company.A case study research design was used. The appropriate stratified sampling techniquewas used, whereby...
ABSRACTThe purpose of the study was about the effect of micro credit policies on customer retention in Saccos. It was carried out in Bumu cential finance Sacco along St. Balikudembe Market inKampala district, 2016. The study was guided by three specific objectives: the micro credit policies in Bumu Central Finance Sacco, to establish the level of customer retention and to determine the relationship between micro credit policies and customer retention in SACCOS.The study used a ...
AbstractThis study was meant to determine the propensity to work and income levels of youths in Southern Sudan by taking the case of Napere suburb in Yambio Town. The average hours worked per month here represents the propensity to work while the total monthly income characterizes the income level. The study particularly sought to establish and recommend the kind of relationship that should exist between propensity to work and theincome levels of youths. This was conceived...
ABSTRACTIn every organization there are certain marketing strategies that should be considered. This is because the performance depends on the strategies chosen. This has always been a problem to some organizations that choose poorly those Strategies, especially to the artisan cooperatives. The aim of the objectives is to solve the problems concerning the strategies. Those objectives are as follows.i. To investigate the various marketing strategies offered by artisan ...
ABSTRACTPremenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a common disorder of young and middle-aged womencharacterized by cyclic occurrence in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. It is acombination of distressing physical, psychological and behavioural changes of sufficientseverity to result in deterioration of inter- personal relationships and (or) interference withnormal activities; which remit upon onset or immediately after menstruation. Most womenhave symptoms that are fairly mild and do not need tre...
ABSTRACTThe purpose of the study’ was to determine the effrct of micro/mnance institution services onthe performance of small and medium enterprises and the spec~lc objectives of the studywere; to examine effect of microfinance loan services on the performance of small andmedium enterprises in Uganda, to determine the effect of microfinance investment trainingservices on the performance of SMEs in Mukura sub county and to establish the effect ofmicrojinance saving services on the performanc...
ABSTRACTThe study was to assess the effect of training on employee retention in Kampalacentral police stations. The objectives of the study were; I to determine the types oftraining offered at Uganda police, 2 to assess the effect of training on retention atUganda police, 3 to establish the relationship between training and employeeretention. The research design was descriptive in nature and based on primary datacollection at different police stations in Kampala. The study population involved...
ABSTRACT This study is on the effect of economic on the performance of small and medium scale enterprises. Over the years, small and medium scale enterprises have been an avenue of job creation and the empowerment of Nigeria’s citizen, providing about 50% of all jobs in Nigeria and also for local capital formation. However, the mortality rate of these small firms is very high. Among the factors responsible for these untimely close-ups are tax related issues, ranging from economic depression...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was about absenteeism making original performance the problem may decline of employee performance which may be due to absenteeism. The purpose of the study is establishing relationship between absenteeism and organizational performance in ministry of agriculture, food and cooperation. The study was guided by the following objectives; to examine the causes of absenteeism on employee performance, to examine the effect of absenteeism on employee performance, to ...
ABSTRACT The notions of motivation and work performance have become a popular driving force behind most successful organizations. Butenga Sub county in Bukomansiirnbi District Local Government has made numerous efforts towards the motivation of its workers but the challenge facing the implementation of these measures continue to persist. This study shall be undertaken in Butenga Sub-county Bukomansiimbi District Local Government and its focus is geared towards establishing reasons why workers...
ABSTRACT This study set out to investigate the impacts of intemal control on cash flow management, using the case study of pride microfinance limited. According to the Committee of Sponsming Organization (COSO) Framework, everyone in an organization has responsibility for intemal control to some extent. Virtually all employees produce information used in the intemal control system or take other actions needed to affect control. Also, all personnel should'be responsible for communicating upwar...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. ,APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...........................................
ABSTRACT The study was set to analyze the relationship between commercial bank services and poverty eradication in Uganda. The case study was BARCLAYS BANK Jinja road Branch. The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between various commercial banks services and poverty eradication in Uganda. The objectives of the study were to establish the impact of commercial banks services offered by commercial banks institutions in Uganda. The study utilized descriptive research design whi...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................................................ iAPPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ............................................................................................................................. iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .............................................
ABSTRACT This study assessed the impact of Child labor on academic performance of pupils in selected primary schools in Mpigi town council in Mpigi district. Four specific objectives, four research questions were formulated with four null hypotheses associated. Survey research design was adopted. The population for the study was 37,700 drawn from the three educational zone of Niger States. A sample of 600 respondents from classes 4, 5, and 6 were randomly selected for the study. The instrumen...