The study investigated budgetary controls and performance of Roko Construction Company in Nasser road Kampala, Uganda, it was guided by the following objectives which included determining the effect of monitoring on performance, to identify the effect of evaluation on performance, and to establish the effect of Planning on performance. The study used a crosssectional research design and a descriptive correlational design. The researcher used a study population of 259 respondents are chosen fr...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of financial statement fraud on growth of financial sector in Uganda undertaking Centenary Rural Development Bank (CRDB). The study was based on the following 3 objectives; (i) to assess the effect of prevention of financial statement fraud on growth of CRDB; (ii) to establish the effect of detection of financial statement fraud on growth of CRDB; and (iii) to evaluate effect of response to financial statement fraud on growth of CRDB. Th...
The effort of dedicating time and other resources to this project not only focuses on academic career, but also on discovering events within the environment in which people work in. this research aimed at providing insights into how managerial leadership styles and behaviour influence and affect the rate at which employees join and leave an organization's premises. The study was conducted to examine the relationship between different leadership styles on labour turnover in organizations. The ...
The original aim was establish the impacts of drug abuse and the youth development in Northern Division, Iganga Municipality Uganda whose specific objectives were to establish the causes of drug abuse among the youth in Iganga Municipality, Northern Division, to identify the effects of drng abuse, c01mnon signs and symptoms among the youth in Iganga municipality, No1ihem Division, to examine the possible strategies to curb drug abuse among the youth in Northern Division, Iganga Municipality U...
The purpose of the study is to investigate the effect of employee development programmes on employee. The study objectives were to determine the extent to which on the job training programmes influence employee performance, establish the extent to which off job training programmes influence employee performance and to identify the challenges facing employee development programmes in Masaka Municipality. The study was conducted in Masaka municipality from the municipality headquarters and the ...
The study assessed the effect of work force diversity on employee performance using Kaliro District Local Government as a cases study. It was guided by the following objectives which included, to assess the effect of gender diversity on employee performance at Kaliro District Local Government, to examine the effect of age diversity on employee performance at Kaliro District Local Government, to examine the effect of ethnic diversity on employee performance at Kaliro District Local Government,...
Background of the Study Defilement is one of the most prevalent crimes in Uganda as evidenced by the increasing cases reported to the law enforcement and work agencies. Government has put in place legal control measures but the crime is still being committed. Unfortunately most offenders often escape punishment. Law of defile and rape dates back from the coming of the British colonialists towards the end of the 19th century. Prior to the establishment of British rule in Uganda, the different ...
ABSTRACT This study was conducted to find out the effect of motivation on employee performance of Rukungiri district local government (RDLG), based on the objectives to examine the effect of motivation on employee performance. find out the effect of remuneration on employee performance as well as the effect of fringe benefits on employee performance of employees at RDLG. The researcher used an analytical research design to establish a relationship between exhaust all areas in the research. A ...
ABSTRACTThis study was carried out to evaluate the impact of accounting information systems on organization reporting r motors. This study is aimed at assisting researchers and other interested groups like private organizations in finding the impact of accounting information systems on organizational reporting at spear motors Nakawa, Kampala. This study was conducted by the use of descriptive and analytical research designs. Both approaches have sed because some issues required objective asse...
ABSTRACT The study sought to establish the relationship between outsourcing and the performance of state corporations a case study of Kenya Medical Supplies Agency. The objectives of the study include: establishing the impact of outsourcing, establishing the bottlenecks in outsourcing and finally suggesting mitigation measures to bottlenecks in outsourcing. The purpose of the research was to establish the impact of outsourcing to the performance of state corporations since many organizations ...
ABSTRACTThe purpose of the study is to examine the impact of the accounting information system on decision-making in Bidco manufacturing company in Jinja Uganda. The objectives were to determine the effect of transaction processing systems on decision making in Bidco manufacturing organizations, secondly to establish the relationship between information systems on decision making in Bidco manufacturing organizations, and to determine the effect of decision support systems on decision making i...
ABSTRACT The study assessed the Relationship between Microfinance Services and Agricultural Production in Afgoi District in Somalia. The objectives of the study included: To find out the profile of respondents in terms of age, sex, marital status, and educational level; establishing the extent and efficiency, and effectiveness of microfinance services: determining the degree of agricultural productivity, and establishing the relationship between microfinance services and agricultural pro...
The study sought to examine Fiscal Decentralization and Health Service Delivery in Lyantonde District, Uganda. The study objectives were; to establish the contributions of Fiscal Decentralization in Lyantonde District, Uganda, to examine the effect of fiscal decentralization on health service delivery in Lyantonde District, Uganda and to determine the relationship between fiscal decentralization and health service delivery in Lyantonde District. Uganda. This study was used descriptive researc...
The study carried was based on the introduction of automated teller machines and service quality delivery in the banking industry. The purpose of the study was basically to find out whether the introduction of automated teller machines has improved the quality of service and delivery in the banking industry. What inspired the researcher to carry out the research was due to the fact that even though banks have introduced automated teller machines, some clients have faced complications and that...
The study was aimed at examining the relationship between the electronic procurement and organizational efficiency in private sector in Uganda in Tororo cement in Tororo as the case study. The study was based on the following main objectives which were to evaluate the E-procurement methods on organization efficiency in Tororo cement , to assess the level of organization efficiency in Tororo cement and to examine the effects of E-procurement methods on organization efficiency in Tororo. The st...