The study investigated the effects corruption on service delivery in social institutions e.g health and education. In Bududa Local Government It was based on the following research objectives: l). To establish the relationship between corruption and social service delivery; 2).To establish the relationship between interference in recruitment process and service delivery; 3). To establish the relationship between interference in procurement process and service delivery. The study was conducted...
The data collected revealed some of the challenges faced by NGO's in effective service delivery to street children in Uganda: A case study of UNICEF, Lira district. It was found that UNICEF encounters poor coordination with Lira District local government. This was attributed majorly to poverty which makes the government not to offer enough financial support to the organization and also provide their services directly to the rehabilitated street children. Due to this problem, UNICEF is sometim...
Abstract The study examined the various activities in ~~hich youth livelihood programs absorb the wellbeing of the urban youth of Busimbi division Mityana district The study was guided by four objectives which include: to establish the current knowledge. perceptions and attitudes of the youth towards the youth livelihood program. to establish a relationship between the youth livelihood program and wellbeing of youth in Busimbi division and to determine challenges ficing youth livelihood progr...
Abstract The purpose of this study was to establish the impact of occupational stress on employee performance and how effectively it can be managed. The objectives of the study were to identify causes of occupational stress in MTN Uganda, examine management competence in managing occupation stress and assess the effect of occupational stress on employee performance and finally assess the challenges experienced by management in managing occupational stress. The researcher used questionnaire, i...
Abstract The study was carried out to know the effect of remuneration on employee performance at the ministry of energy (Rural Electrification Agency). The researcher used the following objectives of research on his search for relevant information. To find out the different types of remuneration offered to employees in rural electrification agency, to examine the tools used to measure the performance of employees in rural electrification agency and finally to find out the relationship between...
Abstract This study was to establish the relationship between income tax administration and profitability of small-scale business enterprises in Kikuubo B. Kampala Central. The study aimed at assessing the profitability of business enterprises in Kikuubo B. Kampala Central; finding out if taxpayers are aware of all their tax obligations, know how income tax is administered, policies and problems affecting them as well as their businesses. The study was guided by the following research objecti...
Abstract The study was undertaken at Fresh Diary Farm, South Sudan with the purpose of evaluating the effect of competition on organisational performance. The specific objectives of the study were; to find out the effect of completion on the sales of Fresh Diary Farm, South sudan, the effect of competition on the market share and the effect of competition on the profitability of the farm. The methods used to collect data were questionnaires and interviews from a cross section of the responden...
Introduction The research is about improving staff performance through motivation in mild may Uganda specifically in the directorate of resources. It includes background of the study in which the details of the study is analyzed in historical perspective, theoretical perspective, conceptual perspective and contextual perspective of the study. It will also include the statement of the problem, purpose of the study, objective of the study, hypotheses, scope of the study and significance of the ...
Abstract Organizational culture is an idea in the field of Organizational studies and management which describes the psychology, attitudes, experiences, beliefs and values (personal and cultural values) of an organization. It has been defined as "the specific collection of values and norms that are shared by people and groups in an organization and that control the way they interact with each other and with stakeholders outside the organization. The study is aimed at investigating the relatio...
Abstract The general objective of the study was to establish the relationship between youth involvement and project sustainability in rural areas in Asuret sub-county, Soroti district. The specific study objectives were; to determine the level of youth involvement in rural areas in Soroti sub-county; to determine the level of project sustainability in rural areas in Asuret sub-county; and to determine the relationship between youth involvement and project sustainability in rural areas in Asur...
Abstract The study about the role played by management practices in the performance of small scale enterprises was intended to contribute knowledge to the existing policy makers to address the issues of management and performance of small scale enterprises, In particular this study helps entrepreneurs to realize the challenges they face in the small and medium enterprises and this study also made some recommendations to overcome those challenges. The study shows how some management practices ...
Abstract The study was about poverty and domestic violence in Buteba sub county Busia District in Eastern Uganda. The Purpose of the Study is to examine the impact of poverty on domestic violence in Buteba Sub County in Eastern Uganda. The research objectives; to find out the causes of poverty among people in Buteba sub County in Eastern Uganda, to find out the impact of poverty on domestic violence and to suggest ways of reducing poverty in the area of Buteba sub County. The study reviewed l...
Abstract Membrane rupture occurs before 37weeks of gestation is known as preterm PROM (PPROM). Preterm PROM complicates approximately 3% of pregnancies and leads to one third of preterm births. It also increases the risk for prematurity and leads to a number of other perinatal and neonatal complications including a 1 to 2% risk of fetal death (Meiss, 1987). It can also lead to significant perinatal morbidity including respiratory distress syndrome, neonatal sepsis, umbilical cord prolapsed, p...
Abstract The purpose of the study was to assess the effect of budgetary control practices and financial performance of soft drink companies in Kawempe division based on Riham Company. The study was set determine the effect of cost allocation on the financial performance, to determine the effect of cost evaluation on financial performance and to examine the effect cost monitoring on financial performance of soft drink Companies in Kawempe division. The study was conducted in Riham located in K...
Abstract Decentralization has been touted as being central to the promotion and realization of good governance in Uganda. The major objective of the study was to examine the role of decentralization in the promotion of good governance in Kanungu town council. The study used both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods in which questionnaires and observation were used to collect data from respondents. Research question one sought to find out the relationship between decentralizati...