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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

The impact of equity on growth and expansion of the stock exchange. A case study of uganda securities exchange

Abstract The Uganda Securities Exchange (USE) is Uganda's principal stock exchange. It was founded in June 1997. The USE is operated under the jurisdiction of Uganda's Capital Markets Authority, which in turn reports to Uganda's central bank, the Bank of Uganda. The shareholders of the USE constitute brokers/ dealers and investment advisers as stated in The Capital Markets Authority Digest. "What is the Uganda Security Exchange?" pp 2. The process of achieving sustainable securities exchange ...

The Effect Of Reward System On Employee Turn Ovlcr In Lugazi Town Council

This study will aim at establishing the relationship between reward system and employee turnover. The objectives of the study were to investigate the different types of reward systems. determinants of the reward systems and the causes of employee turnover. An exploratory survey study design was used; quantitative method was employed in the study. The data was collected using self administered questionnaires which included reward system scale. cause of employee turnover scale, relationship bet...

Socio-Economic Effects Of Sudanese Refugees Settlement In Koboko District: 1983-2004

Abstract This section composes of the background of the study, the statement of the problem, purpose of the study, the objectives of the study, scope of the study and the significance of the study. 1.1 Background to the study The incident of refugee started as soon as mankind merged into organized communities. From ancient times for many reasons or others, persons were forced to leave their own communities for other places. Such movements might have been caused by oppression by rulers, wars, ...

Inflation And Economic Growth Int Anzania ( 1992-2012)

This research report set out to investigate the relationship between inllation rate and economic growth rate(% annual GDP) in Tanzania (1992-2012), the study employed time series survey data since examined data for a short time ,its objectives were; to establish the trend of import in Tanzania (1992-2012), to establish the trend of GDP growth of Tanzania (1992-2012), to investigate the relationship between Inflation rate and GDP gnm th rate in Tan:rania ( 1992- 2012), the hypothesis of the st...

To Investigate Factors Contributing To Street Children, A Case Study Of Meru Municipality, Meru Central District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The research is aimed at investigating the factors contributing to the street children problem. Case study of Men, municipality Mem Central district, Eastern Province, Kenya. The major variables of the study are poverty, child neglect and peer pressure. This study was aimed at investigating the factors contributing to the street children phenomenon. It was carried out in Mciii municipality Meru central district of eastern province of Kenya. The variables examined were poverty, child ...

E- Procurement And Organisational Performance Case Study Of Nakumatti Supermarket In Kampala, Uganda

This research studied electronic procurement and organizational performance case study of Nakumatti supermarket in Kampala, Uganda. The objectives of the study include; To identify the impact of E-tendering on organizational performance, to examine the relevancy of E-auctioning on organizational performance and to establish the relationship between E-procurement and organizational performance Data was collected using self administered questionnaires. The study used purposive sampling tec...

Design A Monitoring And Evaluation Strategy For Effective Optimized Online Patient Record Handling System Case Study: Muhimbili National Hospital

Abstract  Information technology is now a basic part of the fabric of every institutional organization. It is almost impossible to find any area of the organization customer service, distribution, finance, marketing or production where strategy, planning and operation do not depend heavily on some aspect of information technology as either a competitive necessity or an opportunity. Designing an Online Patient Record Handling System will improve the general management of Muhimbili National Ho...

Impact Of Logistics Management On Organisational Performance: A Case Study Of Mljkwano Group Of Companies.

The study and practice of logistics emerged in the I 960s and 1970s. Logistics costs were high. On a national level. it was estimated that logistics cost in the U.S. accounted for 15 percent of the gross national product (Heskett et al.. 1973 ). Similarly. physical distribution costs of other nations were found lo be high as well. For example. in the United Kingdom. they ,,ere 16 percent of sales (Murphy. 1972). in Japan they were 26.5 percent of sales (Kobayashi. I 973 ). in Austrnlia t...

An Investigation Of The Role Of Women’s Empowerment On Community Development In Lokopo Sub County, Napak District, Karamoja Region North Eastern Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv CHAPTER ONE 1 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY 1 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Background of the Study 1 1.2 Problem Statement 4 1.3 Objectives of the study 4 1.3.1 Main objective ofthe study 4 1.3.2 Spec~ic objectives ofthe study 4 1.4 Research questions 5 1.5 Scope of the study s 1.5.1 Geographical scope s 1.5.2 Context scope s 1.5.3 Time scope 1.6 Significance of the study s CHAPTER TWO 6 LITERATURE REVIEW 6 2.0 Introduction 6 2.1 Th...

Management Competences And Performance Of Small And Medium Entreprises In Adyel Division Lira District

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between Managerial Competencies, and performance of selected SMEs in Adyel Division Lira District. The research was guided by three objectives;to assess the relationship between management competence and business success of Small and Medium Enterprises in Adyel division Lira district, to establish the relationship between management competences and business growthof Small and Medium Enterprises in Adyel division Lira distric...

Equal Employment Opportunity Practices . And Employee Performance In Selected Commercial Banks In Nyeri, Kenya.

The topic of the research project is "Equal Employment Opportunity Practices and Employee Performance In Selected Commercial Banks." the study sought to establish the perception of employees on the effectiveness of equal employment opportunity practices to employee performance in selected commercial banks. The problem statement deals with the challenge that the commercial banks face to ensure that their employees are keeping with its goals and also ensure that there is excellent employe...

A research report on the topic: micro finance credit policies on loan repayment. Case study: centenary rural development bank ltd (cerudeb), ffianda branch

ABSTRACT  The research study was undertaken on the micro finance credit policy on loan repayment. The research was based on three objectives as, 1. To analyze the relationship between credit policies on loan repayment. n. To examine and evaluate loan repayment in the bank HI. To establish the credit policies applied in centenary rural development bank. To achieve the study objectives, the researcher collected data from both primary and secondary sources, which data was from records, intervie...

Conflict Management And Staff Productivity In Golis Telecommunication Co. Puntland Somalia

This research study addresses the problem of determining the impact of conflict on staff productivity in G.T.C of Somalia .The failure in many organizations to have a fair and consistently high quality relationship between the supervisors and supervisees at the workplace is costly. In G.T.C Of Bosaso, Somalia has continuously experienced several conflict between management and staff such conflict have often lead to stoppage, distraction of company fields and drop down in monthly performa...

The Impact Of Taxation On Business Performance Case Study: Chakala Enterprise (Arua District)

Much of businesses have been recognized as engines of economic growth, there has been poor performance of these businesses because of the high taxes imposed upon them. They pay I% of their tum over in Income Taxes without allowances for any deductions. This undermines their growth and perfonnance. This therefore made the researcher to carry out a research on the impact of Taxation on business perfo1mance. The research will be canied out in Arua district. In order to do this, the researche...

Investors’ Behaviour And Portfolio Selection Among Equity Investors In Rwanda

ABSTRACT The study was carried out on Investor’s Behavior and Portfolio Selection among equity Investors in Rwanda. Specifically, the researcher attained the following objectives; to find out the demographic characteristics of investor in Rwanda Capital Market and specifically equity investors, to ascertain the profile of general investors in Rwanda capital market and specifically the equity investors in relation to investment goal, ability to cope with uncertainty and risk tolerance, ...

5041 - 5055 Of 19638 Results