Social & Management Sciences

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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Assets And Organizational Performance: A Case Study Of Davis And Sidrtliff Tanzania Limited

ABSTRACT Management of non cun-ent assets in organizations is of great important in running the organization efficiently on its daily operations. If those non cun-ent assets are not managed properly then there is a likely chance that organization will perform poorer. The performance of organizations depends to a large extent on how their resources are allocated and their ability to adapt to a changing condition and therefore there is a great need of the efficient internal control of the orga...

E-Procurement And Organizational Performance: A Case Study Of National Medical Stores Kampala Uganda

ABSTRACT  The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between e-procurement and organizational performance a case study of national Medical Stores Kampala Uganda. The study was guided by the following objectives, to establish the benefits and challenges of e-procurement at National Medical Stores, to establish the performance of the organization using eprocurement to establish the relationship between e-procurement and organizational performance. The researcher employed quali...

The Impact Of Domestic Violence On The Development Of Rural Communities In Nyarusiza Sub County A Case Study Of South Western Uganda

ABSTRACT This research was entitled “The impact of Domestic Violence on the Development of Rural communities in Nyarusiza Sub County, Kisoro District. The study was carried out basing on four specific objectives, i.e.; To describe the nature (forms) of domestic violence in Nyarusiza Sub County. identify the factors that have contributed to the existence of domestic violence, analyze the prevalence of the problem of domestic violence against women and finally analyze the possible remedies to...

The Effect Of Culture On Foreign Direct Investment Case Study: Unilever Company Kenya

ABSTRACT This report is a result of research can-ied to find out the effects of culture on FDI. This topic was guided by objectives which were; to examine the different cultural elements, to examine factors affecting the performance of FDI and to examine relationship between culture and FDI. To achieve the objective of the study, the researcher mainly read and analyzes the existing literature to gather necessmy information which was further reviewed to ensure accuracy and consistence of stud...

Internal Control On The Performance Of Hotel Businesses A Case Of Primrose Hotel In Bugolobi - Kampala

TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration ........................................................................................................................... I Dedication ........................................................................................................................... II Acknowledgment .............................................................................................................. III Acronymes ..................................................................

The Effects Of Public Health Education On Hiv/Aids On The People Of Banda, Nakawa Division In Kampala District.

ABSTRACT The study was carried out on the effects of public health education on HIV/AIDS on the people of Banda, Nakawa Division in Kampala District. The research had some objectives which it aimed to achieve, among which are: i) To establish the effect and impact of public health education on HIV/ AIDS control. ii) To find the reasons why people and their families are not able to make informed decisions on HIV/AIDS. iii) To identify the need for public health education in controlling HIV/AID...

An Analysis Of The Capital Market And Investment Development In Rwanda. A Case Study Rwanda Capital Market

Table of Contents DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................................... i ACKNOWLEGEMENT ............................................................................................................................... ii Appronil ..................................................................................................................................................... iii List of tabl...

The Effects Of Domestic Violence On The Behavior And Welfare Of The Children In Kasese, Uganda

ABSTRACT The study aimed at establishing the effects of domestic violence on the behavior and welfare of the children in Kasese in Uganda.The problem was the persistentdomestjc violation of behavior and welfare of the children and therefore, to assess the effects of domestic violence on the behavior and child welfare in Kasese and find out the way forward to solve the prevailing violation. The objectives of this study were; to establish the different forms of domestic violence and child abuse...

Taxation And Performance Of Small Businesses In Kansanga Marke~Kampala,~Ganda

ABSTRACT  This study was set to empirically establish the impact of taxation on the performance of small businesses in KANSANGA Market in KAMPALA UGANDA. The purpose of this study was to find out whether the amount of Tax paid could affect the profits and performance. In order to establish the relationship the researcher assumed that other related factors were to make significant effect on profits and performance of small businesses. While tax has been embraced and described by the Governmen...

Credit Financing And Performance Of Micro-Enterprises In Selected Small And Medium Businesses In Nyahuka Trading Center, Bundibugyo District

ABSTRACT The topic of the study was credit financing and performance of micro-enterprises in selected small and medium businesses in Nyahuka Trading center, Bundibugyo district. The study was guided by three specific objectives, that included i) determining the extent of credit financing; ii) level of performance of small and medium enterprises; iii) the relationship between credit financing and performance of micro-enterprises in Nyahuka Trading center, Bundibugyo district. This research em...

Role Of Microfinance Programs On Empowerment Of Women In Kenya. Case Study Of Wide Ridge Visions Development Programme

ABSTRACT This study was intended to examine the role of microfinance programs on women empowerment with specific reference to Wide Ridge Visions Development Programme in Maragua district, Kenya. The objectives of the study were to determine the programs offered to women entrepreneurs by WRVDP, to examine how the foresaid programs influence empowerment in women entrepreneurs, to investigate the current trend of welfare among MFis in Kenya today and to establish the missing links within the pr...

Customer Service Delivery And Performance Of Uganda Telecom Limited A Case Study Of Kampala City

ABSTRACT The study examined the relationship between customer service and performance of Uganda Telecom Limited in Kampala. The study intended to fulfill the following objectives; to determine how efficient UTL customer care center is in handling customers. To determine the main problems and frequent complaints UTL customers are experiencing and finally to determine the after sales services that the UTL company offers to its customers. The study revealed the following major findings, as rega...

The Relationship Between Poverty And Maternal Health Conditions Of Women In Rural Areas Of Warr Sub-County, Zombo District.

ABLE OF CONTENTS D ECLARA TI ON ............................................................................................................................. .i APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................... : ..........

The Effects of Internal Control System to the Improvement of Bank Performance in South Sudan, Juba. A Case Study of Nile Commercial Bank

ABSTRACT Economic development of any society depends on how planning and provided adequate rewards have been organized. Employees therefore being the force behind ideal performance in the ministry should be highly rewarded to be motivated to undertake the relevant tasks diligently and with optimum results being realized. The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between intemal control system and performance ofNile Commercial Bank in Juba city. The study was prompted by the ...

The Impact Of Outdoor Advertisment On The Performance Of Public Sector Corporation. Case Study; Central Division -Kampala City Council

ABSTRACT In developing countries, the outdoor advertising has basically been used by commercial corporations to inform, educate as well as entertain the public, but public sector corporations like K.C.C haven't been using it despite its low cost and wide varieties, its only of late that they have started adopting bill boards and poster panels to reach to the public, examples being the "CHOGM'' bill boards used by the Ugandan government, which were temporary and over immediately after the mee...

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