Abstract In conducting the research on the topic mentioned, this chapter brings forth the introducti,,11 background of the study. statement of the problem, purpose of the study. study objecti, •· , research questions. the scope of the study in terms or geography. content/'ariables and time. ,ignificance of the study. conceptual frame\ork and eventually operational delinitions or', · :erms. LI Background of the study feenage or adolescent pregnancy means pregnanc) in a woman aged IO to 19 ...
ABSTRACT The research topic was chosen because most private and public sector industries do not believe that customer satisfaction leads to high organization performance. This made Sony sugar to lag behind in its operations, and the poor performance was attributed to poor production and packaging methods, increased prices and poor advertising methods. The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of customer satisfaction on organization performance of Sony Sugar Company limited- Ke...
Abstract This chapter gives a presentation of a brief overview or background to the study, statement of the problem, and purpose of the study, study objectives, research questions, scope and significance of this study. 1.1 Background to the study With growing levels of poverty and unemployment at their highest, many people in South Sudan; young and old, men and women, are venturing into business so as to make ends meet. The economy of south Sudan, which is almost entirely dependent on oil rev...
ABSTRACT This research report entitled "Assessment of financial performance of Telecommunication .:: ~ Company in Rwanda" is a result of research carried out in MTN Rwanda. The major objective of the study was to examine the role of financial analysis on financial performance in MTN Rwanda, with reference to tools such as ratios as benchmark for measuring the benefit of the firms. The other objectives were to analyze short-term solvency and long-term solvency of MTN Rwanda; to analyze profit...
ABSTRACT This study was about the impact of motivation on employee performance in German Technical Firm. The purpose of the study was to find out the content of existing motivation policy. The study also gives a clear picture on relationship between motivation and employee performance in German Technical Firm. The study was carried out at head office of German Technical Firm Located in Nairobi, which has about one hundred and fifty employees. It has been observed that motivation has not been ...
ABSTRACT The atm of the study was to find out the contribution of induction and orientation on the employee performance as regarding Netherlands development organization. The study addressed three specific objectives and they were to establish the relationship between induction, orientation and employee performance, to examine the effects of induction and orientation and to find out the basic factors that improve induction and orientation. Chapter one entails the background of the study, sta...
ABSTRACT The study was carried out to establish the effects of inflation to the Budgeting process of organizations, a case study of child Africa-Uganda. The objectives of the study were to establish the relationship between inflation and budgeting process of an organization. To examine the effect of inflation on the budgeting process of an organization. And to find out different types of budgets prepared by organizations The results of the study revealed that there is a relationship between t...
ABSTRACT The study was set to investigate Microfinance and Poverty Reduction which was guided by the following objective; to find out the nature of products and services offered by MFls in Katikamu Sub-County, to find out the contributions of MFIs in Poverty reduction, and to flnd out the challenges faced by people when using Microlinance service in Katikamu SubCounty. The study employed Purposive sampling and simple random sampling techniques to select 291 participants that constituted the ...
ABSTRACT This study sought to investigate the effects of the availability of credit finance on the survival of small businesses in Kenya. The study also sought to establish whether or not basic prerequisites conducive for establishment of a vibrant financial services sector as alternative financer of SMEs do exists in Kenya. The objectives of the study were to; establish the causes of lack of credit finance to SMEs in Nairobi City, to find out other factors that affect the survival of SMEs in...
ABSTRACT This research was carried out in Kampala International University, the aim was to assess the psycho-economic causes of pregnancy among university students after realizing that a big number of students fall victims of this act in universities. This was done through gathering data from different respondents using different methodologies. Data was collected from 50 respondents where, 10 were university members of staff (including, 6 university lecturers, 2 administrators and 2 doctors ...
ABSTRACT The study set out to assess the effect of reward on performance of academic staff of Kampala International University. Unfmtunately relax on performance management in the university resulted in delayed release of examination results into strikes where prope1ty is damaged and leads to dismissals. The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between reward and performance of academic staff in Kampala International University main campus It was guided by a number of objec...
Abstract There is consensus among policy makers, economists, and business experts that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are drivers of economic growth. A healthy SME sector contributes prominently to the economy through creating more employment opportunities, generating higher production volumes, increasing exports and introducing innovation and entrepreneurship skills. The dynamic role of SMEs in developing countries insures them as engines through which the growth objectives of developin...
This study dealt with examination of the relationship between community based organization and community development in Bwijanga sub county Masindi district. The study was based on analysis of secondary and primary data about community based organization and community development. Generally, the dissertation had five chapters with several sub-sections und~r each chapter. Chapter one presented the introduction, under which there were subsections like; background of the study, statement of the ...
ABSTRACT This research was based on investigating human resource development and its effects on the performance of an organization. It was conducted in shell Uganda limited it covered top administrators and employees as its respondents. The researcher was interested in this topic because organizations spend some of there resources on employees as a means of increasing performance. Therefore the researcher wanted to find out how the employee benefit as well as how they respond to programs or...
The study was to investigate peer influence and aggression among the youth in Lwengo District, Uganda. The study had four research questions and three objectives which included; To establish social determinants of peer influence on youth in Lwengo To establish the economic determinants of peer influence on youth in Lwengo To analyze the causes of youth violence in Lwengo District To evaluate the influence of media violence on the youth media It was revealed in that there were social determina...