This research dealt with the effect of reward management on employee performance of MTN Ug. This study was conducted through a descriptive survey performance research design. This study involves MTN Ug Kampala main branch employees. This research was guided research questions based on the variables fore mentioned. The data gathered concerning reward management was generated from reward management Journals and magazines, Text books, internet. The study handled issues as cited from the challeng...
ABSTRACT This study focused on the role of the informal sector on people’s savings in Makindye division. The study geared in three objectives that include: To determine the role played by the informal sector in Uganda, to determine the level of savings in Uganda and to establish the impact of the informal sector on people’s savings in Uganda. The study will help the region and the country at large on the way of increasing people’s savings. The study was based on a cross sectional desig...
The study was about the effect of employee motivation on organizational perf01mance in Kampala, Uganda; a case study of SALL. The study was based on the following three objectives; to determine the factors that increase motivation of employees; to examine the requirements of a good motivational system and to examine the relationship between employee motivation and organizational performance at SALL. A sample of 176 respondents both female and male SALL' s employees and their fresh diary produ...
ABSTRACT The study sought to find out the constraints faced by women in small-scale enterprises in Arid and Semi-arid areas (ASALs). The study was carried out in Central location, Central division, lsiolo district in Eastern Province The variables under investigations were inaccessibility to credit facility, poor infrastructure, low level of education and lack of family support. The main respondents for the study were women in small-scale enterprises. Sixty five respondents formed the sampl...
Abstract This chapter explored the background ofthe study. the statement ofthe problem. purpose ofthe stud>. the objectives of the study, scope of the study. significance of the study and operational definitions of key tenns. 1.1 Background of the study Rural women world o~er are an integral and ~ita1 force in the development processes that are the key to socio-economic progress. Rural women include farmers. wage workers, petty traders. artisans. industrial home workers. micro-producers and d...
Abstract This refers to how an organization structures its decision making authority. Probably the best way to reface this discussion is to begin by evaluating where the authority for decision exists within the organization versus the physical location of personnel. If an executive at the corporate headquarters must approve a decision, then a firm maintains a centralized authority structure for that decision even if the purchasing personnel are located through the organizational hierarchy. If...
The research determined the relationship between Management styles and Job Satisfaction in Mukono Municipality. The research achieved the following objectives, to establishing the level of management styles’ application, job satisfaction, to establish whether there is a significant relationship between management styles application and Job Satisfaction in Mukono municipality. Questionnaires were used for reaching respondents who were randomly selected to be part of the study and the data co...
National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) is a semi-autonomous public agency in the ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries. It is responsible for public agricultural advisory or extension services. The NAADS programme was created in 2001 to enable rural poor farn~ers’ access agricultural information, knowledge and improved technologies. NAADS is currently being implemented in all districts, municipalities and sub counties of Uganda (New vision, Wednesday, May 28, 2014 ...
The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of stigma on the lives of PWDs in Entebbe municipality particularly in Kitooro and Entebbe central divisions, all found in Wakiso District central Uganda. The objectives of the study were as follows: o To find out the forms of stigma faced by PWDs in Entebbe municipality. o To analyze the causes of stigma facing PWDs in Entebbe municipality. o To find out how stigma affects the lives of PWDs in Entebbe community. The study took a form of d...
This study examined the relationship between foreign direct investment (FDI) and economic growth in Sudan from 1999 to 2011. Its objectives are mainly to i) determine the level foreign direct investment in Sudan from 1999 to 2011, ii) establish the level of economic growth in Sudan from 1999 to 2011, iii) find out the relationship between foreign direct investment (FDI) and economic growth in Sudan from 1999 to 2011. The study findings revealed that the level of foreign direct investment in S...
The now over two decades of the existence of the HIV/AIDS pandemic have brought into play a number of actors undertaking numerous interventions to combat its effect. Among the actors have been faith based organizations, local and international, big and small, who have been working patiently, compassionately, and effectively for years in HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support. To some players in the field of HIV/AIDS, FBOs have done more harm than good, and criticisms over their work have for y...
The study sought to establish the relationship between local governance and public service delivery in Benadir region-Somalia. This study was guided by four specific objectives namely; i) to determine the demographic characteristics of respondent in terms of gender age, education qualification and years of experience, ii) to determine the level of local governance, iii) to determine the level of public service delivery, iv) To establish whether there is a significant relationship between loca...
This study was conducted in Wajir County to examine the impact of microfmance institutions on women empowerment. The objectives of the study were to examine the impact of microfmance on women's incomes, to find out other economic benefits of microfinance to women and to identify the challenges hindering microfinance as a tool of women empowennent. A review of relevant literature was done and compared with the study findings. The study was descriptive and cross-sectional in design and the rese...
ABSTRACT In Congruence, the details of this research paper, note that the most profound and encouraging change in many business is partly due to changes in strategic thinking. Inevitably, strategic analysis and choice remains a concem creating a linkage that had been the SBL and MTN business strategy to enhance optimization and coordination of the company's value chain (products, brands, industry position, and structure) to create trade-off for leveraging the long-te1m strategic posture. In ...
ABSTRACT The study focused on the relationship between oil exploration activities and lard conflicts in Buseruka Sub-county. The study objectively sought to; examine the extent to which seismic surve~ activities contribute to land conflicts in Buseruka Sub-county in Hoima district; to assess how exploratory well drilling activities contribute to land conflicts in Buseruka Sub-county in Hoima district; and, to find out how building of roads contributes to land conflicts in Buseruka Sub-count...