ABSTRACT County Governments in Kenya have been depending largely on the National Treasury for financial support since their establishment in April, 2013. This is against the backdrop of their agitation to have more government functions including security to be devolved. After the senate passes the division of revenue Act and the national assembly passes the CARA, then counties are guaranteed of development expenditure. However, this isn’t the only source of revenue used by the counties as t...
ABSTRACT Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is an important source of protein, minerals and food for the majority of the poor population in sub-Saharan Africa. However, its contribution to grain yield and micronutrient level is constrained by moisture stress and low available soil phosphorus. A study was carried out to determine the effects of bean genotypes, P fertilizer and moisture regimes on bean (P. vulgaris L.) grain yield and tissue concentration of Zn and Fe in three bean genotypes a...
ABSTRACT Diversification as strategy has been widely discussed in the strategy field, where the majority of studies have examined the performance consequences of diversification even though the nature of this relationship still remains largely unresolved. Several scholars view diversification as the strategy of adding related or similar product/service lines to existing core business, either through acquisition of competitors or through internal development of new products/services, which imp...
ABSTRACT Natural resources in Kenya have experienced many shortcomings due to the change of climate and global warming. The resources especially water management boards have been grappling with many management problems of trying to improve water services provision to its population. Kenyan water sector is regulated by the Water Service Regulatory Board (WSRB) hence has experienced many strategic reforms with key objective of improving the provision of clean water. Due to this transformation, ...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of Human Resource Management in the Public sector in local government authority, settings conducted at Rungwe District. The specific objectives for the study were: to identify factors influencing Human Resource performance in Local Government in Rungwe District, to suggest measures to be taken for effectiveness of Human Resource Management in Rungwe Local Government Authority and to identify factors affecting effectiveness ...
ABSTRACT Food production issues have dominated Kenyan Government development planning agenda for decades. Low food production have been experienced especially in areas where cash crops such as sugarcane are grown as it competes for rich agricultural land with food crops. Despite income from sugarcane, some households in Dede Division are still experiencing food shortages. This study assessed the effects of sugarcane farming on food production in Dede Division, Migori County. The specific obje...
ABSTRACT This study assessed the impacts of personal loans on livelihoods of workers, in particular Capital Development Authority workers. The study assessed the socio-economic, legal environments and policies, as far as personal loans are concerned in an attempt to raise the life standard/economic well-being of a worker and his/her dependants. In its execution, the study employed qualitative approach through structured interviews and questionnaires to enable the collection of inform...
ABSTRACT The new constitution which was adopted in 2013 saw the constitutionalisation of Local government and Provincial government in Zimbabwe creating a three tier government. Consequently they are three spheres of government, which are national, provincial and local levels. These tiers of governemnt are obliged to work together and mutualy cooperate and support each other through peaceful coordination and interactions termed intergovernmental relations (IGR). The basis for IGR in Zimbabwe...
ABSTRACT Zimbabwean Local Authorities have faced immense challenges in service provision during the past years due to economic challenges but however a poor performance management culture or system has been attributed to this drastic failure to provide services effectively and efficiently. The research analyses the adoption and implementation of Results Based Personnel Performance Management System and its impact on the provision of services with a special focus on Chipinge Town Council. The...
ABSTRACT Asset management is an area that is increasingly neglected by most central governments, the research investigates into the management of assets. The research was aimed at investigating the causes of poor asset management and to find ways of improving the management of assets. The quantitative descriptive case study was used as a methodology of research .The Ministry of Media, Information and Publicity was the targeted participant in this study. The collection of primary data was don...
ABSTRACT The study, has aimed to examine the impact of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) usage on customer satisfaction. It specifically focused on the identification of the services and products offered by TRA by using ICTs, Description of the services and products offered by TRA by using ICTs and the determination of the levels of customers‟ satisfaction of services to the tax payers. A cross sectional research design was adopted; sample sizes of 100 respondents, were obtaine...
ABSTRACT This has been an area of interest since SACCOs in Kisumu County have in the past registered declining trends; often times leading to collapse of some due to lack of competitive management skills, noncompliance with capital base threshold required by SASRA, non-recovery of loans due to poor credit management, Weak internal control systems leading to misappropriation of funds by management and untimely audits. Link between credit management and financial Performance is still not clear ...
ABSTRACT This research project aimed at investigating the effect of strategic change management practices in the implementation of the Teacher Performance and Appraisal Development (TPAD) in public secondary schools in Kitui Central Sub-County. The study focused on management practices of communication, leadership, resource management and teacher involvement on the implementation of TPAD. The study covered public secondary schools in Kitui Central Sub County. The study was based on three theo...
ABSTRACT The manufacturing sector in Tanzania is ranked as third most important to the Tanzania‟s economy after Agriculture and Tourism. However, the sector‟s internal financing is insufficient. The general objective of the study was to examine the factors which influence the capital structure of the manufacturing companies listed at Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange. The „study used a sample of five manufacturing companies listed at Dar es salaam Stock Exchange, to represent all listed man...
ABSTRACT The research study sought to investigate on the factors leading to abnormal shrinkage percentages at branch and company level. A significant rise in the shrinkage percentages of OK Zimbabwe Limited especially the Bon Marche branches led to the initiation of the study. The main research objectives were to examine the drivers of shrinkage and to come up with strategies that may be employed to manage abnormal shrinkages. Accredited scholars and journals were used to gain explicit under...