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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Economics Of Waste Management In Lagos State Nigeria[1980-2003]

ABSTRACT Solid wastes management in most states of Nigeria especially in Lagos State is unsatisfactory despite consuming a relatively high proportion of the State's budget. This tends to 'crowd out other social amenities. Most of the attempts made to improve performance in the discharge of solid waste services have focused mainly on supply-side activities such as collection and disposal capacity which have failed to yield very desirable results. On this premise, this thesis therefore explored...

Social Support For Orphaned Children In Busia Township: Challenges And Prospects

ABSTRACT Worldwide, there are more than140 million children under the age of 18 years who are orphaned because of HIV/AIDS and other causes. More than 46.6 million of these children come from Sub-Saharan Africa and more than 2 million in Kenya with challenges such as poor nutrition, poor shelter and lack of access to educational facilities. Busia County is among the top five counties in Kenya with the highest HIV/AIDs prevalence rates and deaths. County statistics indicate that there are thou...

Institutional Factors Influencing The Implementation Of Human Resource Information Systems In Machakos County Government

ABSTRACT Technology is instrumental in enhancing organizational operations. This includes machinery and equipment that have been deliberately developed from the application of scientific knowledge. Human Resource has become a crucial source of competitiveness while striving for excellence in the business environment. The best performing firms rely not only on technology, patents of strategic position, but on the management of their workforce for sustained advantage in the market place. The fi...

Assessing the dynamics of fiscal Performance in Zimbabwe (1990-2018).

ABSTRACT  The thesis examines the dynamics of fiscal performance in the Zimbabwean economy. The study used annual time series data starting from the year 1990 up to 2018 to establish the economic factors contributing to budget deficits. During the period under review, Zimbabwe has experienced perpetual budget deficits except during the years 2009, 2010 and 2011 were budget surpluses were chronicled. The fiscal imbalance that has characterised the economic landscape of Zimbabwe has had negati...

Dynamic Interaction Among Road Transport Infrastructure Development, Economic Growth And Poverty Level In Nigeria

This study examines the interactive effects among road transport infrastructure development, economic growth and poverty level in Nigeria. This was with the view to providing empirical evidence on the linkages among road transport infrastructure, economic growth and poverty level. The study used secondary data. Annual time series data from 1980 to 2013 on road network, Real Gross Domestic Product (RGDP) and Real Consumption Expenditure per Capita were collected from Central Bank of Nigeria (C...

Effect Of Reward Strategies On Performance Of National Police Service Employee In Tranzoia County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Despite the government reforms effort in the National Police Service, performance has continued to deteriorate with criminal activities increasing day by day. The Police received an increase of 1,448 crime cases during September to December 2018, marking 7% rise from the 19,815 incidents reported to the police in 2017. Although research has been done on motivation and training, challenges leading to this dull performance have not been adequately investigated and well understood hence...

Nexus between Technical Efficiency and Financial Sustainability: Evidence from Small Scale Sunflower Oil Processing Firms in Tanzania

ABSTRACT Studies on technical efficiency and financial sustainability of firms respectively, have captured the attention of many scholars in both developed and developing economies over several decades. There are patchy empirical evidences however, that link technical efficiency and financial sustainability of small scale agro-processing firms in the context of developing economies like Tanzania. Sunflower Oil Processing Firms are of no exception as the sub-sector is dominated by small scale...

Influence Of Institutional Inputs On The Quality Of Secondary School Education In Migori County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Institutional inputs are resources invested in the school system to enhance quality. In Kenya quality is measured primarily by performance in education but it can also be measured by availability, adequacy and utilization of resources. There are several ways of measuring performance including achievement in national examinations. The extent to which institutional inputs influence performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) is at variance. In Kenya there are differe...

Operational Strategies And Enhancement Of Maternal And Child Healthcare Service Delivery In Devolved Healthcare Units In Machakos County

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to establish the influence of operational strategies on enhancement of maternal and child healthcare service delivery in devolved healthcare units in Machakos County. The study objectives included: determining how capacity building mother child care strategy influence enhancement of MCH service delivery in Machakos County; establishing how resource mobilization strategy influence enhancement of MCH service delivery in Machakos County; investigating the i...

Evaluating Response To Cassava Viral Disease Infections Among Selected Cassava Genotypes Under Field And Greenhouse Assays In Lower Eastern Kenya

Abstract Cassava mosaic geminiviruses (CMGs) and cassava brown streak viruses (CBSVs) respectively cause cassava mosaic disease (CMD) and cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) which significantly inhibit cassava production in Kenya. This study aimed at determining the prevalence and incidence of CMD and CBSD in lower eastern Kenya and resistance response of new improved cassava genotypes. To determine the prevalence and incidence of CMD and CBSD in lower eastern Kenya, survey was conducted in M...

Effect Of Prudential Regulatory Standards On The Financial Performance Of Deposit Taking Saccos In Kenya

ABSTRACT A SACCO is a financial institution or organization that is formed by members who come together with a common goal or objective of offering savings and credit facilities at affordable interest rates usually less than the market rate among them. Previously the SACCOs have witnessed growth in their operations inform of increased membership, branch network expansions and some starting banking like services (FOSA) in view of increasing efficiency in their operations but due to competition...

Effectiveness Of Mantel-Haenszel And Logistic Regression Statistics In Detecting Differential Item Functioning Under Different Conditions

ABSTRACT Differential Item Functioning (DIF) is the different probability of responding to a test item by individuals with the same ability level, but from two different groups. The groups may be based on gender, race or disability. DIF can be detected by methods such as Mantel-Haenszel (MH) and Logistic Regression (LR) which classify DIF items into negligible, moderate, and large DIF. Conditions such as Sample size, Ability distribution and Test length may have a significant effect on DIF de...

Effects Of Total Quality Management Practices On Performance Of Public Secondary Schools In Makueni County

ABSTRACT The concept of total quality management provides guiding principles and practices to improve the education quality. This study intended to investigate the effects of total quality management (TQM) practices on performance of public secondary schools in Makueni County. The research was conducted in public secondary schools in Makueni County. Fifty two (52) schools out of the three hundred and forty nine (349) public secondary schools in the county were randomly selected for the study....

An Assessment Of The Influence Of Strategic Plan Implementation On Service Quality In Public Hospitals In Kiambu County

ABSTRACT An assessment of the influence of strategic plan implementation on service quality in public hospitals continues to remain an area that need to be studied. Public hospitals continue to be blamed by the public for their quality of service yet these institutions have implemented strategic plan aimed at improving the service quality. Many scholars have studied on strategy formulation and implementation but little has been done on the influence of the strategic plan implementation on ser...

Youth Engagement In General Election Of 2015 In Tanzania: A Case Of Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT  The study was carried out in Dodoma Municipality with the aim of investigating reasons for low youth turnout in general elections in Tanzania taking 2015 general election as a point of reference. Specifically, the study aimed at determining the drivers for youth participation in election campaign, exploring motivations for youth to turnout for voting and mapping out youth’s future political expectations.  The study used a case study design which employed both qualitative and qua...

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