ABSTRACT According to the Kenya Publishers Association (K.P.A) there are forty-one companies engaged in book publication and have a clientele base all over East African Community (EAC) and across the world. The companies have a varied combination of organization structures ranging from Functional to Matrix, and clear expectations on the performance of its staff. The main objective of the study is to determine the effects of organization structure on performance of sales staff among Publishers...
ABSTRACT Service delivery process has not been an easy undertaking since it has been faced by numerous factors some emanating from outside the external environment others from within the organization. This research project was therefore an attempt to discuss the internal organizational factors on the service delivery in Kenya police service as an organization with police commands within Kitui County being the area of survey. This project assessed organizational culture, leadership, resources ...
ABSTRACT The primary objective of this study was to establish the determinants of willingness to pay for AIDS levy by civil servants in Gweru District. A sample of 328 civil servants in Gweru was surveyed by the researcher using two-stage cluster sampling technique. Civil servants were first grouped according to their Ministries representing clusters and then a simple random sampling was employed from each cluster to collect data. The researcher employed the theory of contingency valuation ...
Abstract Governments, are entrusted to actively promote and maintain the welfare of their people, and the Namibian Government is no exception. Governments go about promoting the wellbeing of their people by using many policies within their many respective arms of governance. It can be argued that in order for Governments to carry out their work, they need to move from point to point. According to Sperling and Salon (2002) ‘Enhanced mobility has many positive effects on economic developmen...
ABSTRACT A number of national economic policy inconsistencies have occurred in Zimbabwe since the year 2010. This study was carried out to assess the effect of national economic policy deficiencies on the standard of living of ordinary citizens in Harare Central Business District and the economy of Zimbabwe. The researcher applied the pragmatism philosophy and mixed methods approach whereby a combination of qualitative and quantitative data was collected using questionnaires and interviews....
ABSTRACT States are required to conform to stringent project and program reporting requirements in order to satisfy the wide range of stakeholders. Project and program monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems, frequently a requirement for funding, are believed to inform the reporting process. The role of the state has evolved over the past years and it is readily apparent that good governance has progressively become key in the attainment of sustainable socioeconomic development. The demands...
ABSTRACT The study took a micro-level approach to examine how trade in secondhand clothes has impacted the household livelihood of women in Zimbabwe with particular attention to Zvishavane town. A qualitative research design was used to gather and analyze data. Structured questionnaires and interviews were the main methods used to collect data from the sampled/selected twenty respondents. Information was also gathered through reviewing the already existing literature from journals and the in...
ABSTRACT The study focused on the effects of financial management practices on the firm’s financial performance. This study was motivated by the decline in the profitability of the organisation despite the company making effort to implement cost cutting measures. As a result, the study investigated the effect of current practices in the areas of working capital management, noncurrent assets management and investment practices. The study made use of descriptive research design as to allow q...
Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the nature and extent of record keeping in microfinance institutions and its effects to their sustainability. The research was influenced by underperformance of microfinance industry as 60% of the industry were not operating profitably while 30 institutions were reportedly shut down operations in 2017. The main objective of this study was to identify the nature of record keeping by microfinance institutions. To achieve the objectives of t...
ABSTRACT The study sought to evaluate the effectiveness of the survival strategies employed by the retail hardware sector in Shurugwi, Zimbabwe. The objectives of this study was to establish the challenges faced by SMEs, to establish survival strategies used by SMEs and to establish alternative survival strategies that can be used by SMEs in the retail hardware sector. Descriptive research design was used to provide further insight into the research problem by describing variables of intere...
Abstract The major focus of the study was to assess the role corporate entrepreneurship has played in the performance of Zimbabwean banks post dollarization (2010-2012). The multicurrency regime brought challenges to banks, which included limited foreign currency reserves, limited capital sources, illiquidity, limited market, market scepticism, and competition that has a bearing on the performance of banks. These challenges have resulted in loss of business for some banks and cases of bank c...
ABSTRACT The main thrust of the research was to investigate the effectiveness of disaster response in Zimbabwe. The topic is called disaster response (relief strategies) in Zimbabwe Case of TokweMukosi. The objectives of the study included identifying and establishing the various roles of different stakeholders, local government, Department of Civil protection, NGOs, Civil Society Organisations etc, in disaster response in Zimbabwe, determining the effects of disasters, establishing an effe...
ABSTRACT The study runs along the topic “A survey of Midlands State University students’ portrait of an ideal marriage partner” based upon the problem statement that ignorance of characteristics one expects and is expected of in a marriage partner can result in miscalculated social commitments and non-satisfying relationships. The ultimate purpose of findings being to chart a course to happier and longer lasting relationships, a matter critically crucial upon the current background of ...
ABSTRACT Manufacturing industry has had challenges which have impaired the effectiveness of its performance. This makes the supply chain a very prominent concern for all organizations as they strive for better quality goods and services and thus higher customer satisfaction. Since most firms have realized that maximizing performance of one department or function may lead to less than optimal performance for the whole firm, it is now critical for firms to manage the entire network of supply to...
ABSTRACT Turbulent working environment, increased costs, poor revenue generation and low shareholder wealth, resulted in many organizations ceasing their operation. It is against this background that management of TelOne (Pvt) Ltd decided to restructure the company. For the period 2015 to 2017, the performance of the company was quite low despite its adjustments to governance structure, organizational configuration and strategic reorientation. Most of these strategies could not work as emplo...