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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Working Capital Management And Performance Of Public Service Vehicles Insurance Companies In Kenya

ABSTRACT The study examined the impact on the performance of insurance companies in Kenya using working capital management practices. The allocation of work assets is of major importance to the success of the organization. A moderate and vigorous style of working capital administration can be embraced by an organization. If working capital is poorly managed, funds are inappropriately linked to idle assets that lower the corporation's liquidity and vice versa. Efficiency in the allocation of j...

The Impacts Of Financial Leverage On Firm’s Investment

ABSTRACT  In this research a theoretical and an empirical framework that helps to analyze the impacts of financial leverage on firms with Zimbabwean firms under spotlight. Economists continue to debate the wisdom of adjusting capital structuresto certain specific optimal capital needed to influence investment decisions. Experts on the subject have marshaled theoretical and practical arguments, but did not reach a consensus leaving way for further study on the subject matter however this rese...

The Growth of Informal Sector And Urban Management Challenges. The Case of zengeza 4 in chitungwiza.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to examine the growth of informal sector and how it has several impacts on urban management in Chitungwiza Zengeza 4 which led to challenges on resources such as water, housing, sewer system and waste management, affecting development according to (the basic needs approach) hence challenges on the deliverance of the local authority and affecting the nation at large. Particular attention is on when and how the informal sector rose in Chitungwiza, the ...

Effect Of E-Business Strategy On Performance Of Selected Supermarkets In Kisumu City, Kenya

ABSTRACT A number of firms in the retail sector in Kenya have embraced electronic business strategies in an attempt to improve their profitability, sales turn over and efficiency. A report by Cytonn indicated that despite adoption of electronic business strategies, regional retailers are able to yield up to only 11.7% returns. African Consumer Insights report that the market penetration rate of retail chains is still low at a figure between 25% - 30%. Various challenges on supermarkets have a...

Determinants Of Adoption Of Forage Technologies Among Peri-Urban Dairy Farmers In The Semi-Arid Region Of South Eastern Kenya

ABSTRACT Semi-arid peri-urban environment holds great potential for dairy development to meet the high demand for milk and become a livelihood support strategy. In support for dairy production, forage technologies were promoted among dairy farmers in order to improve the performance of the sector and contribute to poverty reduction. However, the level and determinants of adoption of selected forage technologies in relation to dairy production is still unknown. To address this, 150 dairy farme...

Ecomog And Conflict Resolution In West Africa: A Study Of The Linkage Between Economic Integration And Regional Security

ABSTRACT This research work studied the Economic Community of West African States Cease-Fire Monitoring Group's (ECOMOG's) experience, against the backdrop of regional security and conflict resolution in West Africa. It tried to establish a relationship between economic integration of ECOWAS and the resolution of regional conflict in West Africa. In other words, it attempted to establish an understanding of the prospects, possibilities and limitations of using an economic integration body, li...

Effect Of Internal Control Practices On The Financial Performance Of Agroprocessing Firms In Kisumu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Internal controls are processes planned and implemented by management in order to give rational assurance concerning the financial performance of a firm based on its objectives in respect to operational efficiency and compliance of existing rules and regulations. The main objective of the study is to determine the effect of internal control practices on the financial performance of agro-processing firms in Kisumu, Kenya. The specific objectives are based on these perspectives; contro...

Influence Of Human Capital Management Practices On Employee Engagement In Public Universities In Western Kenya

ABSTRACT. Turnover in public universities in Kenya has become a high profile issue due to the changes and challenges that face the entire education system. Despite the economic contribution of 6.7% Gross Domestic Product by public universities in Kenya, the 2013 Public Universities Inspection Committee of Kenya reported that these institutions were experiencing high turnover rates of 33% compared to other sectors in the economy resulting to poor employee engagement. Moreover, the 2013 World E...

Effects Of Organisational Culture On Strategy Implementation In Water Boards In Kenya

xiv ABSTRACT Organizational culture is central to the life of any organization. It is embedded in its practices and governs the relationships of all organizational members. The main objective of the research study was to determine the effects of organizational culture on success of strategy implementation in Water Boards in Kenya.The study specifically aimed to; assess the effect of; teamwork, stability, risk taking and results oriented culture on strategy implementation in Water Boards in Ke...

Developmental Deafness And Psychopathology In Deaf Nigerian Children

ABSTRACT The research investigated the presence of psychopathology in deaf Nigerian children. It also sought to determine the factors that may be responsible for the presence of psychopathology. Additionally the research investigated the possibility of deafness impacting on the psychopathological development of deaf children in age related ways. Data for the study was drawn from a sample of six hundred and fifty seven (657) participants. These were made up of the children's group of four hund...

Influence Of Worklife Balance Policies On Employee Job Satisfaction Among Government Of Makueni County Headquarters Employees

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to present the findings of a study that sought to gain information on staff experience of work-life balance policies and practices and how they influence job satisfaction among headquarters employees of Government of Makueni County. The research also aimed to contribute to the body of existing literature on work-life balance. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The study focused on employees, as they are key stakeholders within organization...

An Assessment Of The Influence Of Stakeholders In Implementation Of Strategic Plans In Public Secondary Schools In Machakos Subcounty

ABSTRACT The study focused on assessment of the influence of school stakeholders in implementation of public schools strategic plans’ in Machakos Sub County as the main objective and parent influence, government influence, board of management influence and teachers influence as the Independent variables. The Descriptive design was used in the research design. The target population of the study consisted of was all 62 public secondary schools registered in Machakos Sub County by 2014. Simple...

Credit Rationing In The Nigeria's Commercial Loan Market

ABSTRACT In this thesis, the concern has been to examine the structure, function and effects of Nigeria's commercial loan market. The main focus has been to empirically test for the incidence of credit rationing in the loan market, explain the rationale, identify the form and magnitude of rationing and examine the effects in the Nigerian economy. With respect to the structure and functions of the loan market, concentration ratio and market share indices were defined and derived as key measure...

Technical Skills Affecting The Effectiveness Of Financial Control In Community Support Funds In Kenya: A Case Of Maasai Mara Community Support Fund

ABSTRACT The overall objective of this study was to determine the Technical Skills affecting the effectivenessof financial control in Community Support Funds in Kenya: A Case of Maasai Mara Community Support Fund. The specific objectives of the study were: to find out the effect of numeracy skills, book keeping skills, budgeting skills and auditing skills as factors affecting the effectiveness of financial controlin Maasai Mara Community Support Fund. The study used a descriptive cross-sectio...

Human Resource Audit And Organizational Performance In The County Government Of Kisumu, Kenya

ABSTRACT Human resource audit (HRA) is responsible for identifying human resource problems that affect the human resource functions of an organization and improve organizational performance. Effectiveness of a HRA in the public sector needs to be investigated because the audits are always done but there is still evidence of underperformance, strikes and complaints in most sectors. Human resource audit is an annual and costly activity carried out in forty seven counties in Kenya and its effect...

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