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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

The Sustainability Of Coping Strategies Adopted By People Living In Dry Land Areas Of Chivi North Ward 4

ABSTRACT Drought is the major climatic condition that has been faced by people in dry lands .The aim of the study was to find out what people in dry lands of Chivi do in response to recurrent droughts that they face day to day as well as to investigate into the sustainability of the coping strategies adopted. From the interviews, questionnaires and observations that were used in the acquisition of data, the study discovered that eradication of drought vulnerability in Chivi remain an elusive...

Relationship Between Þÿ H E A D T E A C H E R S _ M A N A G E M E N Þÿ S K I L L S A N D P R E S C H O O L E R S _ Access To Quality Education In Kisii County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The first five years of a child play a critical role in laying a solid foundation for primary, secondary and future learning of any student or pupil. Hence, the quality of Early Childhood Education which leads to the acquisition of basic competencies among preschoolers is crucial for a child’s subsequent learning and Educational advancement. In spite of the great importance associated with the Early Childhood Development and Education in Kenya, the government’s effort to ensure t...

Effect Of Business Operational Factors Onadoption Of E-Banking By Saccos In Kisumu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Despite the fact that business operational factors (technological, cost and security) among other factors employed by SACCOs are key to the adoption of e-banking, SACCOs in Kenya have continued to comparatively register low e-banking adoption rates. Although previous research outcomes present positive relationship between independent variables (technology, cost, and security) and dependent variable (adoption of technology) there exist contradictory findings with cases of inconsistenc...

Factors Influencing Strategic Plan Implementation In The Newly Established Public Universities In Kenya

ABSTRACT Once excellent strategies are formulated, they must be effectively and efficiently translated into action. The general purpose of this study was to examine factors that influence implementation of strategic plans in newly established public universities in Kenya. The objectives of the study were; to examine how the existing human resources management practices, organizational culture and organizational leadership, organizational structure & administrative systems, and effective commu...

Effect Of Expansion Strategies On Performance Of Insurance Industry In Kenya

ABSTRACT According to Insurance Industry of Kenya Report of 2017, in 2017, world insurance premiums in nominal USD terms increased by 4.0% to USD 4,892 billion, up from USD 4,703 billion recorded in 2016. Further, the report indicates Africa’s insurance industry premium grew by 0.5% in real terms to USD 66.7 billion in 2017, representing 1.4% of World’s insurance market share. In Kenya, insurance growth was 2.8 % in year 2016 compared to 2.63% in previous year while South Africa growth wa...

Impact of Ngos Intervention on Capacity Development of Small Scale Farmers: A Case of Ward 5 of Mutasa Disrtict.

ABSTRACT.  NGOs have played a pivotal role towards capacity development of small scale farmers through provision of agricultural information. This study assesses the impact of NGOs intervention on capacity development of small scale farmers in ward 5 of Mutasa district in Manicaland province. The objectives of this study were to assess the capacity needs of farmers, evaluate contribution made by NGOs to enhance capacity of farmers in ward 5 of Mutasa District as well as to assess the challen...

Effect Of Revenue Collection Techniques On Financial Performance Of County Governments

ABSTRACT Revenue collection techniques are the various methods which an organization may use to collect sufficient revenue to enable them achieve good governance and efficient service delivery. Financial performance is measuring the results of a firm’s policies and operations in monetary terms reflected in the firm’s return on investment, return on assets and value added. Kisumu County Government has a potential to collect Kshs.7 Billion annually to support and facilitate service delivery...

Analysing The Funding Policy of a Professional Academic Institution. Case of icsaz

ABSTRACT The core aim of the study was to analyse the funding policy of ICSAZ. The research has been carried out against the background of financial constraints, widening funding gap and decrease in revenue which led to decreasing profits and failure to raise required capital for desired capital projects. The research used both qualitative and quantitative research methods. To collect data from respondents the researcher used questionnaires and interviews. This was facilitated principally wi...

The Role Of Local Authorities In Mitigating The Effects Of Climate Change: A Case Of Chikomba Rural District Council

ABSTRACT The climate change issue has become a topical issue at the international, national as well as the lowest echelons of the society that is in the various districts, wards and areas. The research was conducted in Chikomba district which lies in Mashonaland East Province. The people are facing a number of challenges which includes food insecurity, water scarcity and loss of livestock which has become a major issue of concern. The main worry is that the effects are falling on people with...

Accounts Receivable Management And The Financial Performance Of Nzoia Water Service Company Limited, Kenya

ABSTRACT Management of account receivables is a significant problem for most utility service providers, particularly those still dealing with the post-payment system when services are delivered prior to payment. This study was aimed at determining the impact of the accounts receivable on Nzoia Water Services Company's financial performance. The average collections on financial performance, accounts receivable turnover and the moderating effect on accountability and financial performance by re...

The Relationship Between Personality Traits And Management Styles At Zimra Harare

ABSTRACT The present study sought to examine the relationship between personality traits and management styles. Hundred (100) managers took part in the study and these were drawn from Zimra Harare using simple random sampling. The paper was presented in a bid to clarify the exact relationship between one’s personality traits and the management styles that he/she employs in managing his/her subordinate. The basic assumption was that personality traits determine the management style that man...

Socio-Cultural And Institutional Determinants In The Uptake Of Horticulture Farming In Aldai Division, Nandi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Horticultural farming has been identified as the key to eradicating poverty and addressing food insecurity in many African countries including Kenya. However, its growth has not been as envisaged despite favorable climatic conditions, targeted policy and program implementations through several innovations. Uptake of horticultural farming by small-scale farmers supplying the domestic market continues to lag behind despite several interventions to improve production. Studies have focus...

Socio-Cultural And Economic Determinants Of Women Fishmongers’ Access To Women Enterprise Fund In Usigu Division, Siaya County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Women Enterprise Fund (WEF) was launched in 2009 in Kenya to help women access credit facilities through Constituency Women Enterprise Scheme (C-WES) and Microfinance institutions. In both channels women use their groups as collateral. Although studies from other small and micro-enterprises show low uptake of WEF among women in rural settings, it remains unknown in literature whether the same applies to women fishmongers in fish landing beaches such as in Usigu Division. Further, the...

Examining Exports’ Contribution To Economic Growth In Southern Africa: A Panel Data Analysis (2005-2016)

ABSTRACT Despite other contributions made to economic growth by other variables such as real growth in services and population growth, there has been an unending debate between exports’ contribution to economic growth in the Southern African Development Community (SADC). The purpose of this study was to examine the contribution of exports to economic growth in Southern African Countries for the period 2005 to 2016. A Random Effects Panel Data Model (REM) was used as the estimation techniqu...

Impact of Revenue Generating Systems And Performance in Local Authorities in Zimbabwe. A Case of Chiredzi Town Council.

ABSTRACT Revenue generation is the nucleus and bedrock for sound local authority sustainability. Thus this research examines the impact of income generating systems and performance at Chiredzi Town council. This is because local authorities as the third tier of government and closest to the people need revenue to provide basic social services to the citizens. However it is unfortunate that Chiredzi Town Council is failing to generate the much needed revenue despite the fact that the local au...

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