ABSTRACT This research project aimed at investigating the factors affecting internal audit effectiveness in Semi-Autonomous Government Agencies in the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. The study focused on influence of management support, internal auditor’s autonomy, internal audit staff competence and the role of audit committee on internal audit effectiveness. The findings of this study were paramount to the stakeholders in the corporate world and of significant contribution to intern...
ABSTRACT This study was aimed to analyze the effects of development-induced relocation on livelihoods; the case of people moved from Chiadzwa in the Marange area to Arda Transau in Odzi. The general objective of the study was to assess the effects of development projects on the livelihood of local communities. A sample of forty -four households relocated by Marange Resource mining company representing those who were relocated by the five other mining companies at Chiadzwa was selected using ...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate presumptive tax non-compliance among SMEs operators in the Motor Industry. Since the introduction of the presumptive tax in Zimbabwe in 2005, as a means of bringing the informal sector into the tax net, there has been slow progress in achieving compliance especially in the Motor Industry. The existence of the presumptive taxation framework and the accompanying guidelines have been explored and investigated within the Motor trade sector an...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the research was to evaluate the effects of Non Performing Loans on commercial banks Zimbabwe examining a case of BancABC. A background of a continuously rising trend in the bank’s Non Performing Loans has been has been a major cause for concern an questions have been raised as to whether or not the causes are known. In order to achieve this objective the research reviewed and consulted literature from several authorities to access in-depth knowledge of the researc...
ABSTRACT The research explored analysed the effects of gender equality on peace consolidation within Zimbabwe from the post-independence period till 2017. The waves of democracy and different feminist theories being explored at all levels within a state have given rise to the involvement of women in political processes such as peace consolidation. The inclusion of women in policy formulation and decision making processes has been greatly advocated for especially when it comes to peace proces...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to find out if visually impaired students at Midlands State University are facing similar challenges as students in Namibia at Secondary schools in their learning environments. The researcher intended to find solutions to the problems that are faced by the visually impaired students at Midlands State University. The research employed qualitative and quantitative data collection procedures through the use of triangulation of instruments: the observation,...
ABSTRACT This study is an investigation of the impact of brand equity on company performance a case of Tristar Insurance Company. The company is facing a lot of challenges given the fact that its clientele mainly comprised of corporate customers who are struggling under the current economic conditions. Also competition is intensifying in the industry. Tristar Insurance Company is now turning its focus on individual customers. The study focuses on examining whether the strengthening of Trista...
ABSTRACT The Zimbabwean audit industry has been agonised by compromised auditor professionalism as a result of the joint provision of non-audit services and audit services. Based on this background, this study endeavours to investigate the effects of non-audit services on professionalism. A quantitative method and descriptive approach was adopted for the presentations and analysis of data and a review of literature of various scholars who also investigated auditor professionalism and non-aud...
ABSTRACT Market segmentation has been traditionally done based on gender considerations. Some products have been thought to target women while others are thought to be suitable for males due to gender roles .For instance automobiles have been previously targeted towards males assuming that the males would be deciders and influencers in the decision to buy. This research was aimed at investigating how gender roles influence the decision making of construction material. The objectives of the s...
Abstract The expectation gap according to Saladrigues and Grañó (2014), is the difference between the expectations of the auditors and those who use the audited financial statements. Furthermore Ijeoma (2014), noted that the expectation gap arises as result of the difference in expectations on the assurance that the auditors gives on the financial statements and those which the stakeholders expect from the work of the auditors. The expectation of the management of the Ministry of Foreign Af...
Abstract The focus of the study was to challenge the continued dominance of English as a Lingua Franca, which is what (Lanvers, 2011) termed as the hegemony of English. The background of the study is that this is the 21st century whereby the traditional trade barriers caused by geographical locations have been eliminated due to technology. The internet has come a long way to alleviate the communication barrier, however the diversity of world languages still remain as a challenge. This study ...
ABSTRACT Natural resource degradation and water scarcity are a global concern that threatens sustainability of smallholder farmers‟ livelihoods in arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs). In ASALs, low adoption of Integrated Soil Fertility and Water Management (ISFWM) technologies has contributed to food and nutrition insecurity. A study was carried out to assess factors influencing smallholder farmers‟ adoption decision of ISFWM technologies in Mwala and Yatta Sub-Counties. A questionnaire was ...
ABSTRACT This research report sets out to understand the effects of computer technology on the effectiveness of internal audits using a case study of NOIC Zimbabwe The main objectives of the study were to establish the relationship the applications of computer technology as well as the relationship between computer technology and the effectiveness of audit internal audits. The researcher used descriptive and analytical research designs and the sample size was 20 respondents and the data was ...
ABSTRACT The objective of the research was to determine the role of forensic accounting as a tool for fraud detection and prevention by companies in Kenya of which a case study of companies in Nairobi county was used. The specific objectives of the study were to identify the role of forensic accounting in fraud detection and prevention by companies in Kenya; to determine the forensic accounting techniques and services used and applied by companies in Nairobi county. The data used in the stu...
ABSTRACT This research on the effects of time budget pressure on the quality of the audited financial statements focusing on the deliberate practice of dysfunctional behaviour by auditors. The objective of this research was to establish the effect of time budget pressure on audit quality and auditors’ behaviour, cause of dysfunctional behaviour, how it contributes to audit risk, thereby ultimately affecting audit quality and provide best practices that can be adopted to reduce time budget...