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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

An Analysis of How ais Aids in Improving Financial Performance And Decision Making.

ABSTRACT  Accounting information system has aided the performance and decision making of many organizations since the introduction of information technology. The research mainly focused on finding out if accounting information system has also aided the performance of delta beverages Kadoma. The research advocates that the use of accounting information system aid performance measures and decision making. The descriptive research method was used on a census to obtain evidence from the organiza...

The Impact Of Predominant Reliance On Non – Interest Income On Sustainable Bank Performance (Case Study Of Barclays Bank Of Zimbabwe)

ABSTRACT  The aim of this research was to analyse the impact of non – interest income on the financial performance of banking institutions in Zimbabwe. The researcher adopted both quantitative and qualitative methods of research to gather data. Likert Scale based questionnaires were distributed to a stratified sample of 26 individuals out of a total population of 35. 3 interviews were also carried out in addition to questionnaires to maximize the effectiveness of the research. More so, the...

The United Nations And The Control Of Multinational Corporations

INTRODUCTION Multinational corporations (MXCs) have been acclaimed for many decades as being instrumental to the process of facilitating the international production of goods and services. It is, however, only recently that national policy-makers, labour unions and scholars began to focus attention on the extent, nature and the implications of these business entities. As a corollary to other studies, this study attempts to highlight the growth of multi-national corporations, assess their role...

Towards Green Energy Societies; Prospects And Challenges of Solar Energy Driven Development in Zimbabwe.

ABSTRACT Solar energy is gaining momentum because of myriad challenges the world is facing as a result of climate change. Globally various efforts have been muted to ameliorate the effects of climate change among them, the ongoing international engagements under the banner of United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Various outcomes of these engagements include among other outcomes, the embrace of renewable energy to both address the bedeviling energy challenges and to ...

An Evaluation of The Effectiveness of Disaster Management Practices in Industries : The Case of zimasco pvt ltd Company in kwekwe.

Abstract. The study aimed at analyzing the effectiveness of disaster management practices in industries with specific reference to Zimasco Pvt Limited Company. The researcher used qualitative design and used questioners, FGD, interviews and observations as primary methods of collecting data. The study was drawn out of a sample size of 55 respondents and these were able to provide adequate information for the smooth ongoing of the study. This clearly demonstrated how Zimasco Pvt Limited Compa...

The Effects Of Board Characteristics On Financial Performance Among Deposit Taking Microfinance Institutions In Nairobi County

ABSTRACT With the growing competition of globalization, strategic decision makers have been faced with the competing interests of external and internal stakeholders such as greater diversity in corporate governance and maximizing financial performance. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of board characteristics on financial performance among Deposit Taking Microfinance Institutions (DTMFI`s) in Nairobi County. This study focused on board characteristics: the board size, b...

Surviving Intimate Partner Violent Marriage: Experiences of Women Undergoing Psychotherapy at Musasa Project, Harare.

ABSTRACT The study examined the nature of recurring violence against women in Harare. It focused on the lived experiences among female victims. Particular attention was given to the forms of violence experienced, reasons for staying in abusive marriages and the surviving mechanisms adopted by the female victims. The qualitative research method was employed to gather the required data with the use of semi-structured interviews. The study findings confirmed the existence of violence in marriag...

Rehabilitation Strategies For Survivors Of Gender Based Violence: A Case Of Musasa Harare Shelter

ABSTRACT The researcher sought to study the rehabilitation strategies used by Musasa to assist survivors of Gender Based Violence. The research was enriched with a couple of theories, relevant literature by other authors and previous studies that supported the research. The survivors were sampled using the random sampling method. The researcher used the method to pick on whoever wanted to be interviewed because the research is sensitive and therefore the researcher had to be considerate .In ...

Effects of Gold Panning on Communities: A Case Study of Shurugwi District, year 2000-2013.

Abstract This research sought to investigate the problems associated with gold panning among nonpanning rural, urban communities and also the gold panners of Shurugwi district. Although there are many potential socio-economic benefits of gold panning, there are numerous negative impacts from these small and inefficient panning operations as a result of wasteful extraction and processing techniques. The panning operations were found to be worsening social and environmental impacts of non-pann...

Influence Of Corporate Social Responsibility On Firm Performance Among Companies Listed On The Nairobi Securities Exchange

Abstract Numerous studies and literature with varied results have been conducted in the subject of CSR. Several questions about CSR still remain, for example there is no evident answer if CSR activities affect the financial performance, why companies engage in CSR and how they apply to it. There are several different definition of CSR and companies choose to apply it in different ways therefore it is a rather complex subject. A peculiar paradox of Kenyan economic history is that the large fir...

Iso 9001 Quality Management System And Service Delivery In The Road Sector: A Case Of Project Management And Engineering Consultants Limited (Prome) In Uganda

Abstract This study sought to examine the effect of Quality Management System (QMS) based on ISO 9001 and service delivery in the road sector, a case of Project Management and Engineering Consultants Limited (PROME) in Uganda. ISO 9001 Quality Management System was the independent variable, while service delivery was the dependent variable. ISO QMS was measured in terms of customer focus, leadership, and engagement of people while service delivery was measured in terms of customer satisfactio...

Internal Control Systems And Financial Performance Of Municipal Urban Councils In Northern Uganda: A Case Study Of Kitgum Municipal Urban Council

ABSTRACT This study investigated the Internal Control System (ICS) that influenced financial performance (FP) in Municipal Urban Councils in northern Uganda: a case of Kitgum Municipal Urban Council (KMUC). The objectives of the study were: to explore the relationship between internal control activities and FP in KMUC; to find out how the internal control environment affects FP in KMUC; and, to assess the impact of auditing on FP in KMUC. A descriptive research survey design was adopted using...

Factors Influencing Debt Financing Access By Small And Medium-Size Enterprises (Smes) In Rubaga, Kampala

ABSTRACT Unquestionably, access to finance from financial institutions is essential for the profitability and sustainable growth of the small and medium enterprises sector (SMEs). The purpose of the study was to ascertain the factors influencing access to debt finance by SMEs in Rubaga, Kampala, Uganda with a view to establishing a coherent model directed at improving SME access to debt finance. The study adopted the cross-sectional/correlational design and intrinsically it was hypothesized t...

Factors Affecting Performance Of The Procurement And Disposal Unit (Pdu) In The Uganda National Agricultural Research Organisation (Naro

ABSTRACT This study examined the factors affecting performance of the Procurement and Disposal Unit (PDU) in the Uganda National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO).The study sought to investigate the relationship between procurement planning and performance of the PDU, establish the relationship between contract management and performance of the PDU, examine the effect of adequacy of resources on the performance of the PDU and to analyze the relationship between professionalism and com...

Organizational Factors Influencing Implementation Of Strategic Plans In Universities In Mount Kenya Region, Kenya

ABSTRACT In this period of globalization when the world is consistently experiencing numerous rapid changes in various grounds, the atmosphere that the organizations operate on is dynamic and unstable. This has led to strategic planning to facilitate an organizational framework that necessitates changes and gain a competitive edge. In this study, the main objective was to establish influential factors of strategic plans implementation in universities a case of universities in the Mount Kenya ...

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