Abstract This study examined the relationship between Corporate Governance and Financial Performance of locally listed companies. The study was prompted by Institutional turbulences as a result of ad hoc policy and decision making processes and poor financial performance of locally listed companies. The study aimed at establishing the relationship between corporate governance, Board roles, contingency, board effectiveness and financial Performance of locally listed companies. A cross section...
ABSTRACT The concept of corporate social responsibility has prevailed since time immemorial and has for a long time paved way for organizations' to have moral, ethical, and philanthropic responsibilities in addition to their responsibilities to earn a fair return for investors and comply with the law. For a long time, corporate social responsibility has raised issues on who actually benefits from the CSR initiatives. Business analysts have documented that CSR benefits the organization by push...
ABSTRACT Due to increased competition, the dynamic business environment and pressure by shareholders to increase their wealth management have been looking at tools of attaining this. One tool that has been adopted by most businesses globally of late is the SSC. This dissertation looks to test the applicability of this concept in relation to the Zimbabwean environment. The research was broken down into five chapters as a means to try and generate the answer to the research objective. Chapter ...
ABSTRACT The focal point of this research was to investigate into the “effectiveness of cost and management system in a pharmaceutical company” A case of National Pharmaceuticals. National Pharmaceuticals is one of the major players in the pharmaceutical sector in Zimbabwe. The company was manufacturing below capacity as a result of funding problems. The company opted to outsource the drugs as a cost reduction technique. Since it started outsourcing drugs, it began to experience a decli...
Abstract Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata L ) has a variety of uses in Zimbabwe. The crop can be used as food, leaves as vegetable for human and stems as fodder for livestock. Maximising both leaf, grain and the above ground biomass yield of the dual purpose cowpea is one of the ways to improve food security in the country as well as nutritious hay in winter for livestock thus ensuring sustainability in agriculture which is being threatened by climate change. A research was carried out to find out...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study is to assess the role played by the Child Protection System (CPS) in protecting children‟s rights in Bulawayo urban. The research will explore the impact of the CPS in protecting children‟s rights in the area of study. The research will pay particular attention to children‟s right to name and nationality, education, health, protection from child labour and protection from abuse and exploitation. This is mainly because these are the issues that need mor...
ABSTRACT This research was undertaken to evaluate the effect of budgets and budgetary control on the performance of Eversharp. The main problem was that Eversharp was making losses and costs have been increasing so this research was on the background of trying to enhance the budget process and improve performance. The research goes in depth in identifying the limitations of budgeting process and its effect on performance, evaluating the current budget technique, identifying the factors both...
Abstract The research study was focused on evaluating the effectiveness of logistics system on company performance. The key objectives of the study were to identify the effects of availability of transportation on sales volume, to determine the effects of order processing on service quality and to establish the effects of packaging on brand image. Literature from different authors on the logistics system, components of logistics system (packaging, order processing and transportation) was re...
ABSTRACT As part of its Industrial Development Policy, Namibia has made use of an Infant Industry Protection (IIP) policy to protect what are deemed as infant industries. This study investigated how effective the use of this policy has been in the Namibian manufacturing sector, specifically the Pasta and Dairy industries. The main objectives of this study are twofold: firstly, to establish whether IIP has been effective in assisting protected industries to develop and grow; and secondly, to...
ABSTRACT The study is on investigation of SHE programmes costs to the performance of Unki Mine. The problem was that the firm experienced decreases in profits and major finding was that there were no blue prints for cost cutting strategies implementation resulting in continuous increase in costs since the introduction of SHE programmes to the firm in 1995 and decrease of income and profits due to the changes in the market. Literature review was carried out in an attempt to explore on what au...
ABSTRACT The research sought to investigate the impact of cost reduction techniques as a measure of increasing the chances of survival: A case of SNV Netherlands development organisation. The funding for SNV from the Dutch government was reduced due to the general cuts in the Dutch government. Therefore this bought the need for the organisation to reduce costs in order to survive in the short run .Literature was reviewed being guided by the objectives .Other authors reviews on cost reduction...
ABSTRACT It is no longer a secret that food insecurity is a global virus. Due to shortages of nutritious and safe food millions of people have been driven into graves. Malnutrition and the rise of diseases have not spared the ones left behind. Initially food aid was seen as the best solution by the developed countries but the prevalence of conflicts in recipient countries and the nature of foreign aid threw the dream of having a food secure world into the dungeons. Governments tried but to p...
ABSTRACT Progressive social change is one of the rising expectations of the people in any given society. The need to provide political, social and economic opportunities that could bring about transformation that may nurture social welfare and human-centered development is usually the main reason given by the military for their incursion into politics. To accomplish these political objectives, the military in Nigeria has intervened incessantly in national governance since 1966. Have the effor...
ABSTRACT The research aimed at investigating the effects of downsizing and company closures on service delivery of local authorities. The researcher’s scope of study was GCC. The research was a problem study which was driven by the fact that loss of revenue was a problem that has been affecting the operations of GCC since January 2011when a number of companies were downsizing and closing. After noticing this problem the researcher was motivated to investigate the effects of downsizing and ...
INTRODUCTION Some of the preliminary issues we intend to consider in this paper are the extent to which modem day judicial practices, as manifested in Courts are well fitted for Dispute Resolution. The second is whether disputes are central to the work of Courts. The nature of our response to these issues will justify the need or otherwise for an alternative dispute resolution method. Richard Lempert defines disputes as 'controversies involving two (or more) parties, each making a special ki...