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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Factors Influencing Membership Dropout From Community Health Funds Scheme Among Heads Of Households. A Case Of Mpwapwa District-Tanzania

ABSTARCT This study was conducted to determine the factors influencing membership dropout from Community Health Fund (CHF) among heads of households in Mpwapwa District. Specifically, this study assessed the factors contributing to membership dropout from CHF among heads of households, knowledge, understanding and attitude among households’ heads towards the quality of health services delivered, finally, the challenge facing CHF members in accessing and utilization of health services in Mpw...

The Impact Of Customer Care On Customer Satisfaction In Financial Institutions: A Case Of National Microfinace Bank (Nmb) In Mbeya City

ABSTRACT This study, intended to investigate the impact of customer care on customer satisfaction in financial institutions taking the National Microfinance Bank (NMB) in Mbeya city as a case study. The specific objectives of the study were to examine customer care and customer satisfaction strategies at NMB, to identify positive outcomes of customer care and customers satisfaction at NMB, to determine factors that hindered customer care services and customer satisfaction at NMB, and to find ...

Assessment Of Land Use Changes Adjacent To Lake Babati Using Gis And Remote Sensing

ABSTRACT The study assessed the Land use changes adjacent to Lake Babati using Geographic information system and remote sensing. Specifically, the study assessed the negative impacts associated with anthropogenic activities to the lake, land use changes adjacent to the lake between years 2000 and 2011 and examined the strengths and weaknesses of the ongoing management of the Lake. Villages studied were Babati Majengo, Singe and Bagara Ziwani. Data were collected using Geographic information s...

Contribution Of Benefit Sharing Mechanism To Conservation Attitudes: A Case Of Arusha National Park, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This work is about contribution of benefit sharing mechanism to conservation attitudes, a case of Arusha National Park, Tanzania. The issue of community attitude in conserving environment around park areas has gained profound importance all over the world particularly where there has been the increase of pressure over resource uses. The aim of this dissertation was to provide the experience of conservation attitude under benefit sharing mechanism particularly to society living adjace...


ABSTRACT This study was conducted in Mbeya rural District specifically in Idiga, Songwe Viwandani and Songwe villages, near to Songwe hills. The objectives of the study was to assess the status of Songwe hills natural resources degradation, impacts of natural resources degradation and livelihoods, and strategies for a sustainable management of Songwe hills. A study employed descriptive cross sectional research design and a sample size of 110 respondents was involved. Probability and non proba...

Workers Attitude Towards Privatization Of Public Enterprises In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Morogoro Municipality

ABSTRACT The study aims at examining the workers attitude towards privatization of public enterprises in Tanzania: A Case study of Morogoro Municipality. Specifically the study aimed to investigate employee’s awareness on privatization policy in Tanzania, to asses employees attitudes towards privatization of privatization policy in Tanzania and to examine challenges and prospects of privatization process on improving Tanzania livelihoods. The study used questionnaires, interviews and docume...

Factors Influencing Youth Disengagement In Agriculture: A Case Of Babati District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Despite the availability of potential land for agriculture and problems of formal employment in Tanzania, youth are less involved in agriculture. This study aimed at analysing factors influencing youth disengagement in agricultural activities using Babati District as a case study. Data was collected from 180 youths from rural and urban areas using questionnaire and from 16 key informants using a check list. The collected data was analysed using SPSS computer program to obtain means, ...

Effects Of Local Government In Promoting Food Security In Tanzania: A Case Of Manyoni District

ABSTRACT This study was set to examine the effect of local Government of Tanzania in promoting food security at the household level a case study of Manyoni district. Specific objectives were to examine the strategy used by local government in promoting food security at the household‟s level, to determine the challenges facing local government in promoting food security to the household‟s level and to analyze the achievement of local government reached in promoting food security at househo...

The Impact Of Customer Care On Customer Attraction And Retantion In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Barclays Bank Dar Es Salaam

ABSTRACT The study was intended to investigate the impact of customer care on customer attraction and retention in the banking industry a case study of Barclays Bank in Dar es Salaam region. The study guided by three specific objectives which are; to identify customer care activities in the area, to assess the level of satisfaction with customer care provided by BBT and to examine the level of satisfaction with complaint handling provided by BBT. Literature review concerning the study topic w...

Climate Change Adaptation Strategies For Sustained Maize Crop Production Among Small-Holder Farmers In Balaka District, Malawi

ABSTRACT Agriculture is the mainstay of the economy in Malawi and accounts for more than 30% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 90% of the export revenues. Maize is the major cereal crop grown as staple food under rain-fed conditions, covers over 80% of the total agricultural area, and contributes 54% of the caloric intake. Maize production is the principle occupation and major source of income for over 85% of the total population in Malawi. Hunger and food insecurity for the entire nati...

An Assessment Of The Performance Of Input Voucher Subsidies In Maize Production In Mbeya District

ABSTRACT This research was aimed to make an assessment of the performance of input voucher subsidies in maize production in Mbeya district. The specific objectives aimed to examine the nature and extent of input voucher subsidies system practices for maize cultivation in Mbeya district, to identify the hurdles experienced by smallholder farmers in availing the input voucher subsidies system and to bring out the challenges in making the input voucher subsidies system achieve its aim of increas...

Assessment Of Contribution Of The Ngos In The Delivery Of Health Services

ABSTACT The study aspired to assess the contributions of non-governmental organizations in the delivery of health services in Zanzibar. The study was conducted in the North „A‟ District using a case study design. NGOs have moved into the delivery of health services in Zanzibar in order to influence quality of health services, to serve the community health needs, to complement the government efforts, to serve the marginalized and vulnerable groups and to promote quality life and wellbeing ...

The Effectiveness Of Decentralization Of Secondary School Teachers’ Remunerations To Local Governments: A Case Study Of Dodoma Municipal Council In Tanzania

ABSTRACT This is a study critically examined the decentralization of secondary school teachers‟ remuneration provision to the local government authorities in Tanzania by taking Dodoma Municipal as a case study. The main objective of the study was to explore the effectiveness and efficiency of decentralization towards the teachers‟ remuneration provision for education development. The study mainly adopted qualitative and quantitative research approaches. The methods employed in data collec...

Contribution Of Sunflower Production To The Livelihood Of Farmers And Development Of Small Scale Industries In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Chamwino District, Dodoma Region

ABSTRACT This study aimed at analyzing the contribution of sunflower production to the livelihood of farmers and development of small scale industries. The study collected information from 101 sample size. The methods used to collect data were Interview, Questionnaires, Participatory Observation, Focus Group Discussion and Institutional Capacity Assessment (ICA). The findings revealed that Production trend of sunflower for the past five years in 2007-20011 has a tendency of falling and rising...

Factors Influencinginformal Sector Workers Contributions To Pension Scheme: A Case Study Pensions Fund In Tanzania

ABSTRACT The informal economy is characterized by less job security, lower incomes, an absence of access to a range of social benefits and fewer possibilities to participate in formal education and training programmes. There are several factors which need to be study that limit informal sector workers’ contribution to pension schemes. This study aimed to examine factors influencing informal sector worker’s contribution to pension scheme. Specifically, addresses perception of informal work...

10381 - 10395 Of 19638 Results