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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics


ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to assess the factors that hinder effective implementation of the Property and Business Formalization Programme (PBFP) in Kikwe ward in Meru District. The research employed a case study survey technique. The study adopted both qualitative and quantitative approaches, whereby 85 heads of household, 4 government officials and 4 village leaders were used as respondents in this study. Research data were collected using cross sectional approach whereby both quest...

Assessment Of The Factors Affecting Individual Buying Behaviour: A Case Of Supermarkets In Dar Es Salaam

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to assess factors affecting individual buying behavior. The study had three objectives to accomplish, namely; to assess the characteristics of individual buying behaviours in the study setting, to determine the main factors which influence individual buying behaviour, and to understand the main reasons behind customers’ buying behaviour with regards to place where they purchased their goods. The study was approached by using a case study design where two su...

Factors Affecting Women Entrepreneurs In Establishing And Growing Their Enterprises In Tanzania: The Case Of Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT This study has aimed at investigating the factors affecting women entrepreneurs in establishing and growing their enterprises in Dodoma Municipality, Tanzania. Specifically, the study specifically intended to understand the push and pull factors which made women to go into business endeavours, to identify the key factors which hindered women entrepreneurs in establishing their enterprises, and to understand the limiting factors for the growth of women based established enterprises. T...

Assessment Of Floods And Their Management Practices In River Songwe Catchment

ABSTRACT Every year flooding of Songwe River has brought severe problems in the lower part of its catchment located in Kyela District. Frequently floods lead to loss of people‟s lives, destructions of infrastructures and properties. This study made an assessment of floods and their management practices in Songwe River Catchment particularly at Kabanga and Ndwanga villages which are found in Kyela District (Mbeya Region). The specific Objectives were to identify the main patterns of floods, ...

The Role Of Human Resource Management In Promoting Institutional Efficiency In Public Sectors: A Case Study Of Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in Dodoma region where by Dodoma Municipality is selected as the study area. The study focuses on the role of human resource management in promoting institution efficiency. The main objective of the study is to assess the role of HRM in promoting institutional efficiency. Specifically this study intends to examine how HRM promotes institutional efficiency, to assess the contribution of HRM in ensuring institutional efficiency and lastly to examine the challeng...

The Effect Of Decentralization On Community Participation: A Case Of Primary Education Development In Kongwa District Council

ABSTRACT This study was focused on ―The Effect of Decentralization on Community Participation: A Case of Primary Education Development in Kongwa District Council‖. Specifically it aimed to examine the extent of community participation in primary education, to examine the challenges of the implementation of devolution on community participation in education and to identify the effects of devolution by decentralization on community participation in education. Sample size of 56 respondents w...

The Contribution Of One Stop Centers In Reduction Of Children Sexual Abuse And Violence In Zanzibar: A Case Study Of Urban District

ABSTRACT This study exposes how one stop centres contribute to the reduction of children sexual abuse and violence in Urban District, Zanzibar. A simple size of 70 respondents from Urban district of Zanzibar were employed during data collection process. To make the data clear, Microsoft Excel used during construction of charts and figures. The study used both qualitative and quantitative research techniques. Both open and closed ended questionnaires, interview discussion and documentary analy...

Analysis Of Factors Contributing To Employee Engagement On Performance Of An Organisation: The Case Study Of Dodoma Municipal Council

ABSTRACT The main purpose of the study was to analyse factors which contribute to employees engagement in organisation performance, due to the fact that, despite the efforts to engage employee, still employee engagement remains one of the greatest challenge facing many organizations in Tanzania. A case study research design was adopted, the population of study consisted of employee from the department of health, education and human resource. Simple random sampling and purposive sampling metho...

Performance Of Young Entrepreneurs In Tanzania: A Case Of Business Incubators In Higher Learning Institutions

ABSTRACT The performance of young entrepreneurs in Tanzania is faced by an inadequate access to business support services (BSS). This study examined the influence of business incubators on the performance of young entrepreneurs in higher learning institutions in Tanzania. The study was conducted in Dar es Salaam and Morogoro regions where the two universities business incubation centers, (i.e. the University of Dar es Salaam and Sokoine University) were purposively selected. Incubatees were s...

An Assessment Of Customer Satisfaction With Banking Services: The Case Of Crdb Bank Dodoma Branch

ABSTRACT This research aimed at assessing customer satisfaction with banking services using Dodoma CRDB Bank branch as a case study. Specifically, the study examined the implementation of customer satisfaction measures, factors that determine satisfaction with services provided by banks and challenges facing the Dodoma CRDB Bank branch. The study used a cross sectional design in a case study that aimed to get in depth data and study the satisfaction once irrespectively. This study used random...

Effectiveness Of Managing Financial Risks In Social Security Institutions In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Local Authorities Pensions Fund (Lapf) Dodoma

ABSTRACT This study focuses on the effectiveness of managing financial risks in social security institutions using a case of Local Authorities Pensions Fund (LAPF). The objectives of the study were to identify the financial risks available in LAPF operations, identify measures taken by LAPF to combat financial risks and examine the effectiveness of the existing measures being taken by LAPF in managing the financial risks. Structured interviews, questionnaires and observation were used to obta...

Importance Of Community Participation In Primary School Development In Mlele District: A Case Of Inyonga And Ilela Wards

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the importance of community participation in development of primary schools in Mlele district. The two schools from Mlele district (Inyonga and Ilela primary schools) were taken as the case study. The study was guided by four objectives which are; to assess the local people understanding on community participation, to evaluate the extent/level of community participation, importance of their participation and the challenges/limitations for e...

The Impact Of Mobile Money Services, Costs And Commission To Active Mobile Money Users On Economic Growth Of Small And Medium Business: Case Study Of M-Pesa Agents In Dodoma Manicipality

ABSTRACT This study assesses “The Impact of Mobile Money Services, Costs and Commission to Active Mobile Money Users on Economic Growth of Small and Medium Business. A Case Study of M-Pesa Agents in Dodoma Municipality”. The methodology used to conduct this study was exploratory and mixed in nature that included the use of various data collection tools to meet the objectives of the research. The study used primary data collection methods such as; observation, interview and questionnaires,...


ABSTRACT This study aimed at finding out how effectiveness inventory management reduces stock-outs in health organization. The study adopted the cross sectional research design and employed both probability and non-probability random sampling. The sample size of 100 respondents was adopted that include healthcare providers, inventory managers and healthcare receivers in the study area. Data were analyzed descriptively, whiles the qualitative responses were analyzed thematically. Based on the ...

Establishment Of The University Of Dodoma And Its Contribution To Employment Opportunities To The Local Community In Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT This study was carried out in Dodoma Municipality particularly at villages surrounding the University of Dodoma (Ng‟ong‟ona and Makulu). The objective of the study was to assess the role of University of Dodoma in employment opportunities to the local community in Dodoma Municipality. A descriptive study with cross-sectional and research design was used in order to assess the role of University of Dodoma in employment opportunities to the local community in Dodoma Municipality. Q...

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