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Social & Management Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Influence Of The Institutional Framework On The Capacity Of The Prevention And Combating Corruption Bureau In Tanzania: A Case Of Dar-Es-Salaam City

ABSTRACT The study comprehensively investigated the influence of the institutional framework on the capacity of the Prevention and Combating Corruption Bureau in Tanzania with Dar-es-Salaam City as a case study. The study was informed by modernization theory and the theory of Change. The study sought to meet four objectives, namely, to expose capacity level of the PCCB in combating corruption as well as repercussions corruption in the provision of public services in Tanzania; the adequacy of ...

Mobile Phone Money Transfer Services And Customers Use Satisfaction In Dodoma Urban

ABSTRACT Mobile phone money transfer services have been studies based on services provided and on how customers use these services in their daily businesses. However, customers use satisfaction based on mobile phone money transfer services had never studied. This study was conducted at Madukani ward in Dodoma district with the main objective of examining how mobile phone money transfer services meet customer satisfaction. Total of 100 respondents were accidentally obtained at the time when vi...

Factors That Determine Financial Sustainability Of Private Universities In Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study investigated factors that determine financial sustainability of private universities in Tanzania. The general objective of this study is to explore financial sustainability of private universities in Tanzania. The reason being that; since private universities begun in Tanzania in the 1990s it is clear that the private sector has had a role to play in the provision of university education in Tanzania. Today, it is evident that the entrance of these private providers into hi...

Teenage Pregnancy In Secondary School In Tanzania: A Case Of Kasulu-District

ABSTRACT According to American College of obstetricians and Gynecologists, Teen age pregnancy is pregnancy in human females under the age of 20 at the time that the pregnancy ends. A pregnancy can take place after the start of the puberty before first menstrual period, but usually occurs after the onset of periods. Teenage pregnancy is a natural human occurrence that is a poor fit with modern society. In many ways it has become a proxy in what could be called the cultural wars. Teenage pregna...

The Effect Of Employee Service Culture On Internal Service Quality: A Case Of Zanzibar Public Sector

ABSTRACT The study was intended to investigate the effects of employee service culture on internal service quality, in an organization by taking a case of the Public Sector in Zanzibar region. It was guided by three specific objectives which were; to analyze the relationship between employees‟ service culture and internal service quality, to analyze the level of employees‟ awareness on service culture and to determine challenges facing internal service quality at the Public Sector. In ord...

Economic Analysis Of Maize Storage Technologies Adopted By Smallholder Farmers In Kilosa And Kongwa Districts

ABSTRACT Maize storage losses are a threat to smallholder farmers in developing countries. In Tanzania, smallholder farmers adopt various storage technologies in storing their maize. Hence, it is crucial to examine effectiveness of each technology adopted in storage loss abatement. Thus, this study aimed to undertake an Economic Analysis of Maize Storage Technologies Adopted by Smallholder Farmers in Kilosa and Kongwa Districts. It specifically focused on identifying various maize storage tec...

Assessment Of Pastoral Maasai Adaptation To Land Use And Climate Changes In Simanjiro District, Manyara Region

ABSTRACT This study assesses the pastoral Maasai adaptation to land use and climate changes in Losinyai, Orjoro no.5 and Shambarai Sokoni villages in Simanjiro District. Data were collected using Remote sensing techniques, household survey, key informant interviews and documentary review. The data gathered were mainly qualitative and quantitative. For quantitative data, data were coded and analyzed by using statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) where both descriptive and inferential ...

Factors Contributing To Young Women’s Engagement In Sex Industry: A Case Of Temeke Ward In Temeke District, Dar-Es-Salaam City, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Sex work is a practice that is so thoroughly disapproved and so widely outlawed in our civilization and yet flourishes so rampantly. The aim of the study was investigate socio-economic factors influencing commercial sex work in Temeke ward. It aimed to assess the nature and extent of commercial sex in Temeke ward. The methods used to gather information consist of interview which was conducted to young women engaging in prostitution by examining their life history. Focused group discu...

Factors Influencing The Choice Of Market System Among Smallholder Sunflower Farmers In Singida Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to find out the factors influencing choice of market system among smallholder sunflower farmers in Singida region, Tanzania. Specifically, the study intended to: examine the influence of quality requirement factors onchoice of market systems by smallholder sunflower farmers, find out the influence of suppliers of supporting goods factors on choice of market systems by smallholder sunflower farmers and analyze the influence of entities influencing business...

Opportunities For Urban Livestock Keepers In The New Capital City Of Dodoma, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study assessed the opportunities for urban livestock keepers in the new capital city of Dodoma with three specific objectives: Identification of opportunities associated with shifting the capital city to Dodoma, establishing the feasible options to Dodoma Urban Livestock Keepers and identifying challenges that may undermine effective utilization of opportunities associated with shifting the capital city to Dodoma. A representative sample of 90 respondents from Ng’hong’honha ...

The Contribution Of Oil Palm Farming To Poverty Reduction: A Case Of Small Scale Farmers In Kigoma Rural District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study examined the contribution of oil palm farming to poverty reduction for small scale farmers in Kigoma Rural District, Tanzania. Specifically, the study identified different sources of income among small scale farmers; compared poverty levels between small scale oil palm farmers and non-oil palm farmers and examined the challenges which small scale farmers face. The study employed descriptive survey design (cross-sectional), whereby 50 respondents in the category of small sc...

Perceptions And Attitudes Of Communities Towards Community Policing In Tanzania: A Case Of Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to assess the perception and attitudes of communities towards community policing in Tanzania, with particular emphasis on Dodoma Municipality. A cross-sectional survey method was adopted in order to collect data from various respondents especially the retired and in-service police officers. Data collection was carried out by the use of well structured and pre-tested questionnaires. Both primary and secondary data were collected. Qualitative and qu...


ABSTRACT This study was intended to determine the adoption and impact of the improved post-harvest maize storage technologies in Kongwa and Gairo districts, Tanzania. To achieve this objective, the study pursued three specific objectives which are; to analyze factors that contributes to the adoption of improved maize storage technologies to the smallholder farmers; to determine the impact of the adoption of the improved maize storage technologies to the farmers and to examines the roles of ge...

The Influence Of Brand Name On Consumer’s Purchasing Decision: A Case Of Mobile Phone In Dar Es Salaam City Council

ABSTRACT The study aims at determining the influence of brand name on consumer purchasing decision: A case of mobile phone in Dar es Salaam City Council. The study specifically aimed to assess the level of consumers‟ trustworthy to a mobile phone brand name, to establish the extent to which consumers recall mobile phone brand name in pre purchase decision and to establish consumer‟s judgment of different mobile phone brand names when making purchase decision. The researcher employed Socia...


ABSTRACT This study was designed toassess parents‟ participation in academic performance in public primary schools in Tanzania. The objective was to investigate the level of parents‟ participation in education matters so as to examine proper approaches to ensure effective parents‟ participation in primary public schools in order to improve academic performance in public primary schools(PSLE) in Chamwino district in Dodoma region. The study was guided by Epstein‟s Typology of Home-Scho...

10396 - 10410 Of 19638 Results