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Art & Humanities Research Papers/Topics

100 Examples of Common Collective Nouns

Nouns are words that refer to people, places, things, events or ideas. Nouns can be used as a subject, a direct object, and an indirect object of a verb; as an object of a preposition; and as an adverb or adjective in sentences. Nouns can also show possession. This note looks at all the types of nouns and over 100 examples of most commonly used collective nouns, including collective nouns used for people and professions.

GNS 202: Logic and Philosophy

The Philosophy called ‘love of wisdom’. Philosophy comes from two Greek word philo & Sophia which means “love of and wisdom”.  Wisdom is higher than truth and knowledge but knowledge is philosophy. Excellence, integrity and service “Philosophy of Lautech”.  There are two senses which are:  (i) “loose sense” (is a philosophy (love of wisdom) from first order.  (ii) Strict sense (is a philosophy from second order/ study of philosophy, academic discipline) here we see philo...

Factors That Influence Increase Of Street Children Population In Kenya. A Case Study Of Molo Town, Nakuru County

vi ABSTRACT The quest for the study was to examine factors influencing increasing number of street children in Molo town, Nakuru County. The study was guided by four objectives. These objectives are; to identify the influence of social factors on the growth of street children in molo town; to establish the economic factors leading to the growth of street children in molo town; to examine the political factors influencing growth of street children in molo town and to find out how cultural fact...

A Practical Guide on Investigative Journalism

Investigative journalism is one pain tasking area in the field of journalism as a whole. Many journalist do shy away from it not just because of the pains associated with getting the most concealed but most importantly the threats and risks that surrounds it. This lesson note clearly explain in a more practical way on how to carry out an investigative research successfully, and also serve as a guide to every students of mass communication. Data gathered during the course of this research was ...

History of Serial Publishing and Editing

In literature, a serial is a printing format by which a single larger work, often a work of narrative fiction, is published in smaller, sequential installments. The installments are also known as numbers, parts or fascicles, and may be released either as separate publications or within sequential issues of a periodical publication, such as a magazine, journal or newspaper. The Journal des sçavans (later spelled Journal des savants), established by Denis de Sallo, was the ear...

Differences between Library Automation and Retrospective Conversion

The main aim of any library is to provide access to proper information, to the right users in as possible as short time. In an environment of information explosion, due to growing demands of the user and shrinking of financial resources, library is not able to obtain all the reading materials on demand. The only way to overcome these problems is resources sharing through networking. The development of library services in higher learning is a complex process to cover up advances of disciplines...

English Syntax: Modal Auxiliary 'Shall'

ABSTRACT This paper succinctly discusses the modal auxiliary verb, ‘shall’, in relation to other modal auxiliaries. ‘Shall’ is treated both from the semantic and syntactic perspectives. In other words, the subject is examined along the purview of meaning relations and structural arrangements.

Law Iibrarianship

Table of content 1. Law Librarianship 2. The Law and Law Making Institutions and Procedures in Nigeria 3. The Nigerian Legal System 4. Law Libraries in Nigeria 5. Users of Law Libraries and Legal Materials 6. Information Resources in Law Libraries 7. Environment of Law Libraries 8. Administration/management Issues in Law Libraries 9. Disaster Management in Law Libraries 10. Cataloguing and Classification of Legal Resources


The teachers and teaching of Islamic studies most especially in the secular schools has been relegated to the background to the extent that even science and vocational students are denied taking the subjects in some schools. While the Subject  is a reservoir of knowledge that encompasses all the aspect and field of knowledge putting into consideration that is dealing with Qur'an  and sunnah of the prophet (saw). This lesson will help you to understand how important the subject is economical...

Dressing code

Dressing in Nigerian schools is gradually becoming retrogressive and animalistic. Although it was build out of European culture which makes us to forget our cultural and traditional mode of dressing. This write up is geared towards enlighten the public on dressing code: An Islamic perspective for moral, social and religious development among others. 


The period between 1891 and 1930 was a period full of confrontation, petition and agitation against the colonial government. The period featured newspaper like Weekly Record, The Standard, The Nigeria Chronicle, The Spectator, Lagos daily News of Herbert Macaulay and The Comet. The weekly Record gave new impetus to Nigeria Journalism through the anti-colonial posture of Jackson’s newspaper who believed in the dignity of the black race. This he expressed through his news paper. The newspaper...

151 - 161 Of 161 Results