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Art & Humanities Research Papers/Topics

GST 111: Communication in English

Teaching Philosophy. I will adopt experiential learning strategy. Experiential learningis based on the humanistic psychology, stressing that knowledge and feelings areinevitable in the learning process, learner-centred lesson, lessons and activities shouldfocus on all the students and their intellect, need and feelings, learning takes placethrough engaging, interactive and memorable activities, experience plays a key role inlearning and learning takes places when learner able to create knowle...


Earliest Computer • Originally calculations were computed by humans, whose job title was computers. • These human computers were typically engaged in the calculation of a mathematical expression. • The calculations of this period were specialized and expensive, requiring years of training in mathematics. • The first use of the word "computer" was recorded in 1613, referring to a person who carried out calculations, or computations, and the word continued to be used in that sense until...

Basic Mathematics for Economists

Economics students will welcome the new edition of this excellent textbook. Given that many students come into economics courses without having studied mathematics for a number of years, this clearly written book will help to develop quantitative skills in even the least numerate student up to the required level for a general Economics or Business Studies course. All explanations of mathematical concepts are set out in the context of applications in economics. This new edition incorporates se...

Use of library 1 syllabus

Learning objectives: at the end of the semester and upon completion of all learning activities, students will be able to: • Know the history of libraries • Highlight the relationship between library and education • Describe university libraries and other types of libraries • Understand the concept of study skills (reference services) • Understand the types of library materials • Understand the use of library resources including e-learning, e-materials, etc. • Use library catalog...

Foundations in Accountancy

What F3/FFA is about Paper F3/FFA aims to develop your knowledge and understanding of the underlying principles, concepts and regulations relating to financial accounting. You will need to demonstrate technical proficiency in the use of double entry techniques, including the preparation of basic financial statements for incorporated and unincorporated entities, as well as simple consolidated financial statements for group incorporated entities. You also need to be able to conduct a basic inte...

LIS 211: Learning and Communication Skills

Presentation Schedule The presentation schedule gives you the important dates for the completion of your computer-based tests, participation in forum discussions and at facilitation. Remember, you are to submit all your assignments at the appropriate time. You should guide against delays and plagiarisms in your work. Plagiarism is a criminal offence in academics and liable to heavy penalty. Assessment There are two main forms of assessments in this course that will be scored: The Continuous A...


Revising a political science textbook through five editions is a wonderfully compelling way to confront the reality of political change. When we wrote the first edition, the United States had never experienced a significant terrorist attack, an elected president had never been impeached, the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) still controlled Mexico, Saddam Hussein had a firm grip on power in Iraq, ethnic conflicts in southern and eastern Europe were only beginning, the “Euro” was st...

Communication Skills

Defining the Term Communication Since communication happens around us all the time, the process is often taken for granted. A large amount of time is spent communicating hence there is need to make sure that ideas and information are put in a way that everyone involved can understand. Thinking about what to say, working out the best way of saying it, finding the right words, making sure the other person understands and understanding anything heshe says in reply are all vital stages in communi...

Pure Mathematics for Advanced Level

Algebra is concerned with operations of numbers and we shall begin with a review of this operations and numbers. The first set of numbers usually encountered is the set of positive integers including zero.

Introduction to Sociology

OPENSTAX OpenStax provides free, peer-reviewed, openly licensed textbooks for introductory college and Advanced Placement® courses and low-cost, personalized courseware that helps students learn. A nonprofit ed tech initiative based at Rice University, we’re committed to helping students access the tools they need to complete their courses and meet their educational goals. RICE UNIVERSITY OpenStax, OpenStax CNX, and OpenStax Tutor are initiatives of Rice University. As a leading research u...

Death and the King's Horseman

Based on an incident that took place in 1946, Death and the King's Horseman is Soyinka's powerful examination of the explosive tension between traditional African culture and the West. The king of a Nigerian village has died, and Elesin, his chief horseman, is expected to "commit death" and accompany his ruler to heaven. The entire village joins in honoring him, until a colonial administrator learns of the ritual and decides to imprison Elesin rather than permit the suicide. Elesin interprets...

Miquel Street

Every morning when he got up Hat would sit on the banister of his back verandah and shout across, ‘What happening there, Bogart?’ Bogart would turn in his bed and mumble softly, so that no one heard, ‘What happening there, Hat?’ It was something of a mystery why he was called Bogart; but I suspect that it was Hat who gave him thename. I don’t know if you remember the year the film Casablanca was made. That was the year whenBogart’s fame spread like fire through Port of Spain and h...

The Voter

Chinua Achebe believed that as an author function is a social one. In his novels he criticizes both the dehumanizing effects of British imperialism in Nigeria population and the destructive influences of Nigerian political corruption that plagued his country after achieving independence.


Meaning of Philosophy Basic Sense in Understanding of Philosophy Major Conceptions of Philosophy Definition of Philosophy by different Philosophers People's belief and Ideas on the Universe Characteristics/Nature of Philosophy Types of Philosophy Methods of Philosophy Origin of Western Philosophy Pre-Socrates Schools of Philosophy Branches of Philosophy Schools of Thought in Epistemology Sources of Knowledge Truth Origin and Meaning of Metaphysics The Schools of Thought in Metaphysics Ethics ...

GateWay to Arabic Book 2

Gender Adjectives Asking Questions Lines and Shapes The Definite Article: THE People and Pronouns Pronouns Singular Attached Pronouns Colours Fruits and Vegetables Some Items of Clothing Prepositions Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2 Family and Friends My Room Parts of the Body Number: The Dual Dual Demonstrative Pronouns Dual Adjectives Number: The Plural Plural Demonstrative Pronouns Nationalities and Countries

31 - 45 Of 161 Results