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Art & Humanities Research Papers/Topics

Presentation of emerging and cultural issues in gikuyu kiega book three.

ABSTRACT In 2002, the primary school curriculum in Kenya was revised. The curriculum requires coverage of emerging and cultural issues such as HIV/AIDS education, children rights, gender responsiveness, technology, integrity and environmental education. Mother tongue as a subject taught in lower primary is used to guide and orientate learners towards their culture, customs and accepted values of their society. It plays an important role in the teaching of emerging and cultural issues since l...

An Evaluation Of Imre Lakatos’ Attempt To Reconcile Normative And Descriptive Accounts Of Science

ABSTRACT In philosophy of science, philosophy has the role of analyzing the foundations, methods and implications of science. This role involves analyzing the way science ought to be and the way it is. In this quest, the normativist philosopher of science argues that it is only possible to understand science in reference to certain norms and standards. The descriptivist philosopher of science on the contrary argues that it is only possible to understand science in reference to its actual acti...

Reconciliation Of Libertarian Free Will With The Contemporary Neuroscientific Advocacy For Determinism In Human Action

ABSTRACT The question of whether human actions are determined or not has been a perennial philosophical concern from ancient Greek philosophy to date. Each era since then has been looking at the problem from a different perspective inspired by the circumstances of the time. This research clarifies what having free will means and what this free will entails, and it also seeks to establish a case for freedom of the will and the validity of the concept of personal responsibility for every h...

Determinants Of Use Of Informal Settlement Community Libraries By Children In Selected Informal Settlements In Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The existence of libraries in Africa goes back to the colonial period. A number of African nations have legislated the establishment of national libraries through Acts of parliaments. From such legislation, the Kenya National Library Services (KNLS) was established by an Act of parliament in 1967, with a mandate to establish libraries in the country (Mulindwa, 2010). Due to lack of capacity, such libraries have done little to establish community libraries in the slums of Kenya, and ...

The Role Of Land Use And Land Cover Changes And Gis In Flood Risk Mapping In Kilifi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT  An increase in the size of population leads to changes in land use and land cover as the growing community seeks more land for agriculture, settlements and infrastructural development. Land use and land cover change (LULCC) alter natural drainage systems, impact on surface runoff and affects infiltration capacities of an area; factors which contribute to flooding. Management of floods begins by mapping flood prone areas and understanding the vulnerability factors. The main objectiv...

Effect Of Climate Change On Agricultural Productivity In Kenya

ABSTRACT Climate change is a global phenomenon that has greater impacts on productivity through agricultural crop production, livestock production, energy and tourism. Countries all over the World have put adequate measures in place to combat or reduce its effects. This paper analyzed the effects of climate change on agricultural productivity in Kenya. The paper did answer two specific objectives; to determine the effect of climate change on crop production and to evaluate the effect of clima...

Language Of Instruction In Urban Children’s Homes: Status And Implications

ABSTRACT This study is a sociolinguistic survey of the status of Language of Instruction (LOI) in Children’s Homes. It considers the fact that there is a variety of languages at the disposal of the children in CHs, who are a minority group in the society and so have no common language as the educational language policy requires during schooling. The study, therefore, sought to describe the status and implication of LOI in CHs in order to give empirical recommendation. The literature review...

Gender Dimension of Indiscipline in Public Boarding Secondary Schools in Central Division of Machakos District, Machakos County, Kenya

ABSTRACT  In Kenya despite the fact that various recommendations from task forces have been implemented on indiscipline in secondary schools, more cases of indiscipline have continued to be reported. Since boys and girls are socialized differently, by the time they go· to school, they have different behaviours and probably that might lead to having different forms and causes of indiscipline. The types and causes of indiscipline were discussed wider the following categories; types / causes o...

Pastoral Marital Programmes Used Among Members Of Redeemed Gospel Church In Embu County, Kenya

  ABSTRACT Marriage is a social-cultural phenomenon which is biblically rooted as well as God instituted. In our contemporary society, many marriages; Christian and non-Christian alike face marital challenges which often call for a pastoral intervention from the pastoral leadership, especially among Christians. This phenomenon, no doubt, prompted the researcher to undertake this study, study on pastoral marital programmes used to address marital challenges in Redeemed Gospel Church (RGC) i...

A Morphological Analysis Of Bisa Nouns: A Dialect Of The Bemba Language In Mpika District, Zambia

ABSTRACT Many minor African languages still remain unstudied and undocumented. This also applies to the dialects of major languages. This study focused on Bisa, a dialect of Bemba, a language spoken in Zambia. Bisa dialect is spoken in Mpika District, Muchinga Province, Zambia. The study had the following objectives: One, to identify and describe the noun class system in the Bisa dialect; two, to describe the word formation processes evident in formation of nouns in the Bisa dialect; and thre...

Preparedness Of The Kenya National Police Service To Adopt Geographic Information Systems Technology In Crime Measurement, Mapping And Evaluation

ABSTRACT Emerging issues in law enforcement are becoming complex in today’s society due to enhanced globalization and increased transnational crimes. To address these challenges, police agencies need to adopt and effectively apply more innovative analysis tools such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology in law enforcement. However, the Kenya National Police Service (NPS) is still using occurrence books, paper-maps and push-pins (manual tools) to record, map and analyse crime. ...

Dynamics Of Parliamentary Diplomacy And Kenya’s Foreign Policy; 1963 – 2014

ABSTRACT Globally, parliaments have a lot of influence not only on national legislation but also in shaping foreign policies of states. However, there is scarcity of studies interrogating the role of the Kenyan parliament in influencing foreign policy since independence in 1963. Therefore, the main objectives of the study were to interrogate the extent to which the National Assembly influence Kenya’s foreign policy from 1963 to 1978, analyze the mechanisms that have been used by National A...

The Quality Of Pre-Service Primary School Teacher Education In Tanzania: An Investigation Into Policies And Practices

ABSTRACT This study investigated the quality of pre-service primary teacher education in Tanzania and determined the extent to which policies and practices affect the quality of pre-service primary teacher education. The research objectives of the study were to identify factors affecting the quality of pre-service primary TE in Tanzania; examine whether the TE policies has any influence on the quality of pre-service primary TE; establish whether the pre-service primary teacher training proce...

High Crime Rate On Socio-Economic Development Of Selected House Hold Groups In Nairobi City County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Social development and social justice cannot be achieved in the absence of peace and security, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. Insecurity has emerged as a major dilemma across the world particularly in the urban setups which hinder economic growth, development and social progress. This study therefore sort to analyze the implication of high crime rates on social economic development in Nairobi City County specifically in Kawangware. The specific focus of the study ...

Nutrition Knowledge, Attitudes And Practices Of Children From Isinya And Nkoile Primary Schools In Kajiado District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Nutrition Education is the process by which people gain knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary for developing appropriate dietary habits. Schools, families and communities are the main social contexts in which lifestyles are developed. They are excellent settings for promoting nutrition knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP). In Kenya, there is scarcity of information on nutrition knowledge of primary school children. In addition, there is paucity of data on how nutrition knowle...

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