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Art & Humanities Research Papers/Topics

The Contribution Of Motorcycle Business To The Wellbeing Of Operators In Kisumu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Motorcycle ownership and use in developing countries has increased dramatically over the past few decades. In many countries, the motorcycle business serves as a source of livelihood to many people and riders look up to it as a source of income for survival of their households. The pursuit for economic and social survival has made many young people and middle aged men get into a variety of jobs such as motorcycle operations. Thus this study aimed at investigating the contributions o...

African Art Songs In Nairobi: Investigating Musical Idiomatic Expressions In Performance Practice

ABSTRACT The purpose of this project was to investigate musical idiomatic expressions in the performance of African art songs in Nairobi. The interest of the study came up after a voice recital was presented, and a variety of African and Western art songs were performed, but there was no clear distinction between the performance of the African and Western art songs. A cross section of the audience was in essence left wondering what could then define performance practice of an African art son...

Potential Of Selected Cultural Resources For Sustainable Tourism Development In Machakos County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya’s tourism and in particular cultural tourism plays a vital role both in rural areas as well as in urban areas in ensuring sustainability of resources in a number of ways that include socio-cultural, economic as well as environmental. However, the creative cultural economy, especially when it relates to community creativity both inherited and current, has not been officially recognized and accounted for as such and neither has it been supported and promoted as having any pote...

Status of Ecclesiastical Libraries in Major Seminaries in Kenya in Meeting Information Needs of Seminarians

ABSTRACT  There is a natural and indispensable human need for information and so do Catholic seminarians have information needs to quench their quest for knowledge. Ecclesiastical seminary library within the context of a seminary is an institution meant to meet information needs of seminarians. In order to meet their (seminarians) information needs, ecclesiastical seminary libraries must be well equipped, with sound and current collection of information sources, adopt, and integrate the use ...

Continuity and change in the funeral rites of abatirichi of western Kenya c. 1850-1960

ABSTRACT This study is a historical investigation of the development of religious concepts and practices in funeral rituals among the Abatirichi of Western Kenya who belong to the larger Abaluyia community. It has traced the evolution and meaning of the religious concepts and practices in Abatirichi funeral rituals as occasioned by decades of encounters and interaction with external cultural systems. The study has examined a historical transformation of rituals with specific reference to typ...

The Effects Of Cultural Practices And Perspectives On Sustainable Community Based Ecosystem Management In Lake Baringo, Kenya

ABSTRACT Environmental degradation has been common phenomenon in various ecosystems in various parts of the world. This is a result of an interaction of multifaceted nexus of social-economic, technological and institutional factors which are either natural or human induced. In East Africa and Kenya in particular degradation of ecosystems is common as characterized by occurrences such as sedimentation in lakes. Lake Baringo in Kenya is one such ecosystem that is currently threatened by degrada...

Travel Agencies Response To Internet Evolution In Nairobi County: An Analysis Of Competitive Strategies

ABSTRACT Innovations in internet advances have brought diverse challenges and opportunities for the travel agency sector. This study analyzed the implications of internet advances and the competitive strategies adopted by travel agencies in Nairobi County. It specifically evaluated the extent to which travel agencies have adopted and use internet developments, challenges and perceived benefits of the internet advances, the competitive strategies adopted to cope with the internet advances and ...

Popular music in Kenya: A survey and evaluation of performing strategies among selected groups in Nairobi.

ABSTRACT This study focused on Popular Music in Kenya. In their daily endeavors within the entertainment industry, Kenyan Popular musicians employ performance strategies meant to draw their audience closer and to maximize on their entertainment business opportunities. This study sort to evaluate some of the strategies adopted in order to assess their viability in the performance business. Artists in the 26 entertainment field inevitably interact with various players in the industry, hence th...

Influence Of E-Mentoring On Self-Esteem, Self Efficacy And Academic Achievement Of Secondary School Girls In Nairobi And Kiambu Counties, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study sought to establish the influence of e-mentoring on self-esteem, self-efficacy, and academic achievement of secondary school students in Nairobi County. The study was guided by five objectives namely. The first objective was to establish the levels of self-esteem of students in the e-mentoring programme with those of students not participating in the programme. Second objective sought to contrast the levels of self -efficacy levels of students in e-mentoring programme with...

Border management strategies used to curb insecurity in liboi border post of Kenya from 2007- 2015.

ABSTRACT The study sought to examine the strategies of patrolling and surveillance as used by the border management to curb insecurity, at Liboi border post of Kenya. The period under study is from 2007 - 2015. The purpose of the study was to establish how the strategies of surveillance and patrols have been applied by the border management to curb insecurity along the border. The main objective was to study how these strategies have been used for security purposes at the border. The study h...

Loans Borrowing And Social Well Being Of Administration Police Service Officers In Embakasi Sub County, Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Loan borrowing is vital for corporations, and even individuals. It entails growth of individuals and companies by construction of premises, purchase of land and even the start of a business. However, even as public and private servants engage in loans borrowing at alarming rates, it is sad the way they have utilized their borrowed money. A close look at the officers, as a result of the way they have utilized the money has led to some change in their behaviour, some have had break-ups...

The Challenges Of Teaching Islamic Religious Education On Spiritual And Academic Formation Of Secondary School Students In Nairobi, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study sought to investigate the challenges of teaching IRE on spiritual and academic formation of secondary school students in Nairobi, Kenya. The study shows that the foundation of education in Islam is guided by the principles of Quran and Hadith (the saying and deeds of Prophet Muhammad) (PBUH). Indeed, the first revelation of the Quran (Q.96; 1-5) forms the cornerstone of education in Islam. The study further shows that from the Islamic point of view, education is classifie...

Evaluation Of Kenya Institute Of Curriculum Development Approved English Textbooks For Teaching Reading Comprehension In Kenyan Secondary Schools

ABSTRACT This study evaluated textbooks approved by KICD for teaching reading in Kenyan secondary schools with particular focus to the form one class. The motivation for the study is the poor performance in English in national exams more so in areas that require application of the Reading comprehension Skill (RCS). Besides, reading is a basic literacy skill which is crucial in the acquisition of communicative competence of English as SL. However, there is a challenge in the acquisition of thi...

Effect Of Merging Government Services For Service Delivery In The Public Sector In Kenya: The Case Of Huduma Centre, Nairobi City County

ABSTRACT Mergers are hereby undertaken as a form of government intervention to reduce costs and improve service delivery. Mergers are also meant to increase stakeholder value and be prepared to deal with competition decisively. It can be as a result of advancements in technology and the increasing socio-economic pressures. Organizations are exposed to changes in markets, technology, regulatory framework, social environment, competitors which require them to respond timorously. Poor perfo...

Grafolojia Katika Uchapaji Wa Riwaya Ya Mkamandume

ABSTRACT The study investigated the role of graphological features used in the Kiswahili novel Mkamandume authored by Said A. Mohamed. It looked at various graphological features used in the novel and their impact on the reader. The research was guided by the theory of stylistics pioneered by Baally (1909) and propagated by Jakobson (1958), Halliday (1971) and expounded by Leech and Short (1981). More emphasis was however placed on the views of Leech and Short (1981). According to these theo...

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