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Art & Humanities Research Papers/Topics

Comparative Study On High Value Traditional Crops Productivity Among Common Interest Group And Non-Common Interest Group Smallholder Farmers In Miwani Division, Muhoroni Subcounty, Kenya

ABSTRACT Agriculture is the backbone of Kenyan economy contributing to both Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and export earnings. The Ministry of Agriculture plays a key role in bringing farmers together and educates them on food production practices through various approaches. The Common Interest Groups is one of the extension approaches where farmers with similar interests are brought together for the purpose of imparting technologies. One of the major production areas promoted by extension ag...

African Muslim Diaspora: The Genesis of Contemporary Global Islamic Radicalism

Abstract African diaspora is a phenomenal history of primordial occurrence ostensibly buried alive in a shallow grave. Its seeming resurrection in contemporary time has become a reality seeking a global attention. One of the flying wings of that reality which can never be clipped is religion. Being a diehard cultural pivot, religion connotes different things to different people at different times. It is the totality of life to the average living majority of African Muslims in diaspora. Relig...

Occupational Stress: Level, Causes, Effect And Coping Strategies Based On Demographic Characteristics Among Drugs And Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Counsellors In Selected Counties Of Kenya

ABSTRACT Occupational stress is a common phenomenon among drugs and substance abuse rehabilitation counsellors. Though occupational stress and coping strategies have received increased attention, apparently the current level of attention attributed to level, causes, effects and coping strategies among drugs and substance abuse rehabilitation counsellors still remains a point of concern. This study therefore sought to establish the level, causes, effects of occupational stress and coping stra...

Hisbah and Sharia Law Enforcement in Metropolitan Kano

Abstract The reintroduction of Sharia in the twelve states of northern Nigeria between 1999 and 2000 underscores the salience of Islam in the politics and governmentalities of the region. Popular pressure led to the reintroduction of Sharia in Kano, but its trajectory signified usage for administrative convenience and legitimacy prompted by the challenges of democratic change. The reintroduction of Sharia was a convergence of state Islam and popular Islam. Hisbah was established to enforce a ...

Relationship Between Selected Rehabilitation Factors And Recovering Alcoholics Competencies In Central And Nairobi Regions, Kenya

ABSTRACT Attainment of sobriety calls for appropriately planned and skillfully managed process that offers personal support and guidance, necessitating effective approaches during alcohol rehabilitation. An understanding of how various rehabilitation related factors influence recovering alcoholics’ competencies is therefore key to their reintegration into society. Recovery from alcohol addiction should therefore result in a substantial improvement in the reduction of alcohol intake and an ...

Change And Continuity In Riddles And Riddle Performance Among The Kipsigis Of Kericho County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study focused on contemporary Kipsigis riddles, their performances and ways in which they have adjusted to the socio-cultural circumstances brought to bear on the Kipsigis cultural lives. The objective of this study was to interrogate the ways in which the postcolonial experiences has influenced Kipsigis riddle formation and riddling, and the implication on the processes which produce the meaning. Although the structure and form of riddles has been extensively studied, the ques...

Body Adornment Among The Samburu: A Historical Perspective

ABSTRACT Self-adornment plays a significant role in ensuring the continuity of the political and cultural life of pastoralists. This study outlines changes in Samburu body adornment from the pre-colonial period to the present. In the study it is argued that Samburu body adornment in the pre-colonial period was influenced by interaction with neighbouring communities like the Rendille. Colonial policies and mingling of cultures in the post-independent period also shaped Samburu body adornment ...

Influence Of HIV/AIDS Counselling Services On The Quality Of Life Of Church Members In Selected Churches In Nakuru East Sub- County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Globally and in the continent of Africa HIV/AIDS has become a pandemic that has affected more than 38 million people. The world has responded to this pandemic in many ways including creating counselling services to improve the quality of life. In Nakuru East Sub County churches are increasingly getting involved in HIV/AIDS counselling services to help improve the quality of life of its members. However, no studies have been conducted to assess the influence of HIV/AIDS counselling s...

Influence Of Mentoring On Youth Empowerment In Secondary Schools In Njoro Sub-County, Nakuru County

ABSTRACT Youth in Kenya constitute approximately two thirds of the total population. They continue to face various challenges ranging from unemployment; societal negative perceptions; malnutrition; drugs and substance abuse; inadequate or non existence of youth friendly health facilities; peer pressure and lack of involvement in decision making in various positions. This has called for use of youth development approach interventions to ensure youth empowerment. Such interventions include tal...

The Impact of Itinerant Scholars on the Propagation of Islām in Ibadan, Nigeria

Abstract The advent of Islam in Ibadan, in about 1829, was made possible by the arrival of some Muslim scholars from the Northern part of the country. They were Igun Olorun, Ahmad Qifu and Uthman Baasunu who respectively became the first three Imams in the city. For the spread of the faith, these Mallams and their indigenous disciples adopted education and preaching methods. For education, they established Qur’anic schools in almost all quarters and villages where people were taught Arabic ...

Teacher-Counsellor And Student Perceptions On The Effectiveness Of Guidance And Counselling Services In Addressing Psycho-Social Challenges Facing Students In Day Secondary Schools In The Nor

ABSTRACT The Government of Kenya‟s policy on subsidized secondary education is aimed at increasing access to secondary education by all students. To ensure this demand of access to secondary education is achieved; the Government has encouraged the establishment of day secondary schools through Sub-county Education Boards (SCEBS) to cater for children from low socioeconomic backgrounds. However, the students in day secondary schools may still face many psycho-social challenges that emanate ...

Genealogical Reconstruction Of The Proto -Luluhyia Language

ABSTRACT A genealogical reconstruction of any language is geared towards the formulation of a protolanguage. The reconstruction of a target language is largely dependent on the current use of its presumed varieties or dialects. In this case, the genealogical reconstruction of the ProtoLuluhyia language was possible through consideration of its dialects. The existing literature shows that genealogical reconstruction of a proto-language for all Luluhyia dialects had not been done. It was, ther...

Determinants Of Police And Community Cooperation In Policing Imenti North Sub – County, Meru County

ABSTRACT Community policing is a global initiative which is built on the premise that the public and police should cooperate in policing to reduce the fear of crime. However, little is known about what determines the cooperation between the community and police in policing leading to success of these community policing programs. Therefore, this study sought to examine the determinants of police and community cooperation in policing Imenti North Sub-County within Meru County. The focus of the...

Portrayal of Female Political Aspirants in Selected Nigerian Newspapers: Revisiting Underrepresentation and Misrepresentation

Abstract Most studies of print media portrayal of women show that there is a general bias against women: not only are women under-represented, they are also negatively portrayed. But there is an emerging body of studies that challenge this dominant position, and suggest that the portrayal of women is gradually changing. This study queries the print media portrayal of women in politics in Nigeria focusing on the 2007 and 2011 general elections. Through a content analysis of 4,386 political st...


ABSTRACT Abuse of power, an excessive use of authority in governance or homes; and resistance, the attempt to confront such abuses, have occupied a prominent position in sociopolitical discourses in African literature. Existing studies on sub-Sahara African novels written from the late 1980s have focused on thematic concerns such as gender issues, disillusionments and exploitation, without giving adequate attention to the issue of abuse of power and resistance. This study, therefore, examine...

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