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Art & Humanities Research Papers/Topics

The Gammaridean And Caprellid Amphipoda Of Southern Africa

CONTENTS SUMMARY THE AMPHIPODA OF SOUTHERN AFRICA 1 Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. The Gammaridea and Capre11idea of ' southe.rn Mo~ambique. Ann.S.Afr.Mus. 60 : 265-306. The Gammaridea and Capre11idea of South West Africa south of 200 S. -An-n.-S.-Af-r.M-u-s. -62 : 169-208. The Gammaridea and Capre11idea of Natal . -An-n.-S.-Af-r.M-u-s. 62 : 209-264. The Gammaridea and Capre11idea of the Cape Province east of Cape Agulhas Ann.~.Afr.Mus. 65 : 251-336. The Gammaridea and Capre11idea of...

Studies In The Gas Chromatography Of Amionia With Special Reference To Packings Containing Solutions Of: Silver Salts In Some.Organic Solvents

Abstract It has been found that the gas chromatography of ammonia on certain fixed phases containing salts yields chromatograms consisting of a peak followed by a plateau or a succession of 'plateaux of progressively decreasing height. Such chromatograms have been interpreted in terms of aromine formation in the column,, ~ and methods have been theoretically elaborated.for using measurements on the chromatograms to find the dissociation pressures of the ammines and the ratios of amnonia taken...

Glass Beads As Indicators Of Contact And Trade In Southern Africa Ca. AD 900 - AD 1250

ABSTRACT Luxury goods, used in mediaeva1 long distance trade ca. AD 900-1250, found an important market among the Iron Age peoples of southern Africa. Indirect evidence of this trade can be seen in the form of archaeological collections of glass beads at sites throughout Africa and Southeast Asia. Thousands of beads have been found at Iron Age sites in the eastern Transvaal Lowveld and at inland sites along the Limpopo Valley and in Botswana. Similar looking types of beads, referred to as sma...

A Study Of Lipids From Animal Skin Secretions

A Study Of Lipids From Animal Skin Secretions

Assessment, Equity And Language Of Learning: Key Issues For Higher Education Selection In South Africa ..

Assessment, Equity And Language Of Learning: Key Issues For Higher Education Selection In South Africa ..

From Salisbury To Harare : The Geography Of Public Authority Finance And Practice Under Chan·Ging .Ideological Circumstanc~

ABSTRACT FROM SALISBURY TO HARARE : THE GEOGRAPHY OF PUBLIC AUTHORITY FINANCE UNDER CHANGING IDEOLOGICAL CIRCUMSTANCES This study is based on the assumption that money 'powers the urban system'. Its focus is the geography of public finance in Harare and ideologically inspired change in urban management. The context is the changing circumstances attendant upon the transfer of power from minority White settler colonial rule to Black majority rule in Zimbabwe. The ruling ZANU-PF party professed ...

Redesigning landscape architecture in higher education: a multimodal social semiotic approach

ABSTRACT This investigation is a case study of landscape architectural design education in South Africa. Current forms of landscape architectural education are influenced by Global North perspectives and often, if not consciously, privilege particular ways of meaningmaking, and exclude or marginalise experiences or ways of knowing that are different. The aim of this research is to develop a landscape architectural pedagogy for diversity that fosters multiple perspectives and valorises resourc...

The Impact of having a Choir in the Community

Table of contents Acknowledgements 4 Chapter 1 1.1 Introduction 5 1.2 Research background 6 Chapter 2 Literature Review 8 Chapter 3 3.1 Nature of the research 12 3.2 Research ethics 12 3.3 Methodology 13 Data collection 14 Data analysis 15 Chapter 4 Description 4.1 Choir manager 16 4.2 Community member 19 Chapter 5 Analysis 5.1 The choir and the community 20 5.2 Challenges 21 5.3 Achievements and Expectations 22 5.4 The importance of music 23 Chapter 6 Discussion 24 Chapter 7 7.1 Conclusion 2...

3d Cine Dense Mri: Ventricular Segmentation And Myocardial Strain Analysis

Abstract 3D cine DENSE MRI: Ventricular segmentation and myocardial strain analysis Daniel Alejandro Auger 11 February 2013 Displacement encoding with stimulated echoes (DENSE) is a quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique which measures myocardial displacement at a pixel resolution. Regional myocardial strain can then be calculated, providing a useful clinical measure of myocardial function. Right ventricular (RV) function is difficult to quantify because of its asymmetrica...

The Impact Of The 2004 Election Campaign On The Quality Of Democracy In South Africa

ABSTRACT Despite the critical relationship between election campaigns and the quality of democracy, it is an understudied phenomenon. Moreover, in South Africa, there has never been a systematic study of an entire election campaign. In this thesis I assess whether the 2004 election campaign hindered or enhanced the quality of South Africa’s democracy. I adapt Lasswell’s model of persuasive communication (which views the source, content, medium, recipient and effect as crucial parts of th...

The Youth Ideology: A Critical Anaylsis Of Digital-Analogue Metephor In 2013 Presidential Elections In Kenya.

ABSTRACT Digital-analogue metaphor was a political construct that described the two major competing forces in the 2013 elections: Jubilee and the CORD coalitions of political parties. The study set out to demonstrate the ideological property of metaphor using the digital-analogue metaphorical catch phrase that was adopted by the Jubilee Coalition of political parties. The main objectives of this study were to map out the conceptual bearings of the digital-analogue metaphor as used in the 2013...

Histological And Morphological Studies Of The Endocrine Organs Of Xenopus Laevis

Abstract Xeno p us Lae vis bas pro vided, during the last ten ye ars, the ba s is of a growing body of physiological e nquiri e s initiat e d by .Jelly's r e s e arches on r e fl e x action. Its viability in the laboratory and amenability to o perative pro cedure in particular, make it a pe culiarly suitable obj e ct for inve stig a tion. It is r e gre ttable, the r e for e , tbat existing lit e rature on the anatomy of Xe no p us has be en dire ct e d to e lucida ting those charact e ristics...

The Design and Implementation of a Simulator for Multistatic Radar Systems

Abstract This thesis presents the design and implementation of a signal level simulator supporting a wide variety of radar systems, and focusing on multistatic and netted radars. The simulator places few limits on the simulated system, and supports systems with arbitrary numbers of receivers, transmitters, and scatterers. Similarly, the simulator places no restrictions on the radar waveform to be simulated, and supports pulsed, continuous wave (CW) and carrier-free radar systems. A exible mod...

The Thermodynamics, Mechanism and Kinetics of the Catalytic Conversion of Propylene and Water to Diisopropyl Ether over Amberlyst 15

Abstract Diisopropyl ether (DIPE) was synthesised in a single step from a feed of propylene and water over Amberlyst 15 ion exchange resin catalyst. It was produced in a trickle bed reactor at pressures between 1 bar and 60 bar, at temperatures between 70°C and 160°C and at overall propylene to water ratios between 1 : 5 and 10 : 1. Reaction proceeded in the liquid phase within the catalyst particles. The only reactions that occurred in the system were the hydration of propylene to form is...

Utilization And Effectiveness Of Pastoral Counselling In The Management Of Conflicts In Mainstream And Pentecostal Churches In Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The church is supposed to be a vehicle for crusading and enhancing peace, yet the occurrence of conflicts within the Kenyan church has become a regular occurrence. Efforts have been made to ensure that these conflicts are resolved and part of the strategies is the utilization of pastoral counselling as a way of managing conflicts in the church. However, the effectiveness of the pastoral counselling utilized has not been investigated. The purpose of this study was to investigate how p...

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