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Art & Humanities Research Papers/Topics

Aspect Of The Phonology Of Yukuben

This research focuses on the phonology of Yukuben, a language spoken by about 25,000 speakers in Sabongida Yukuben of Takum Local Government Area in the east of Taraba State in Nigeria, and North West Province, Menchum division, west of Furu-Awa, near Nigeria border in Cameroon. In the absence of a population census, a rough estimate would put their population at over 500,000. Yukuben is however a generally accepted term (oxonomy) for an area, an ethnic group and a language located mainly at ...

Traditional Marriage Among Ibiaku Clan In Mkpat Enin Local Government Area Of Akwa Ibom State 1900-2000

The main objective of this study is to make an in-depth study of the traditional marriage system among Ibiaku clan and the importance that is hitherto attached to it. The second objective is to examine the various processes that were involved in traditional marriage like the fattening institution and the visit of Ekpo (masquerade) to the fattened girl. TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page - - - - - - - - - Certification - - - - - - - - - Dedication  - - - - - - - - - Acknowledgement  - - - - - - -...

Oil-Palm Production In Ejigbo Community In Osun State 1960-2000

Indigenous arts in Nigeria are as old as time immemorial and contemporary as yesterday. They are as old because they have got their history back in antiquity and contemporary because they are still with us today. Often, when technology is being talked about, the attention of many people first goes to the advanced technologies in countries like Europe and America without paying attention to the simple arts and crafts which emanated from Africa. This research essay aims at pointing out that mod...

The Impact Of Ogbomoso Emigrants On Socio-Political Structure Of Ogbomoso Community 1969-2010

Firstly, the purpose of this essay is to examine the factors that led to the movement of some indigenes of Ogbomoso to other places in Nigeria and beyond and why some have decided to be permanently  residence at their new places. Secondly, to examined their socio-political and Economic set up through their organization and to examine how they impacted   on socio-political, and economic structure of Ogbomoso community between 1969 and 2010. TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page  - - -i Certificatio...

The Socio-Economic Development In Odo-Owa During The Colonial Period

This work is aimed at ensuring that socio-economic development of Odo-Owa in Oke-Ero Local Government Area of Kwara State during the colonial period is articulated and written down for historical purpose, thus ensuring that the basic information about the socio-economic activities of the people is documented.  It also aims at examining the colonial rule system, the various changes and activities during the colonial period. It hopes to advance the history of Odo-Owa from essential political h...

Traditional Institutions In Omu-Aran During The Colonial Era

The aim of this research work is to discuss traditional institutions in Omu-Aran during the colonial era. Objectively, it seeks to examine the impact of colonial rule on the traditional institutions in Omu-Aran. The work intends to look at how traditional institutions were able to survive and co-exist with the incursion of the Europeans and the advent of colonialism. It explores the activities of traditional institutions prior to colonial rule and how British administration interfered with ...

A Socio-Economic Responsibilities Of Women In Otukpo Clan In The 20th Century

This study is chosen because of the significant role played by women in Idoma land particularly their cultural responsibilities to the Otukpo clan  What stimulated the researcher to embark on this writing is to contribute to knowledge. Nothing much has been written on the significant role played by Idoma women in the area of their cultural responsibilities particularly in Otukpo clan. This study focuses on the cultural responsibilities of women to the Otukpo clan in Idoma land which form a l...

A Historical Evolution Of (NEPAD) The New Partnership For African Development 2001-2010

As is traditional with programmes of this nature, statements articulating aims and objectives, both long-term and short are always in abundant supply. Whether these aims and objectives are later realized however depends on availability of resources and the kind of determination of the promoters of such programmes. The aims and objectives drawn up by African leaders who are the main promoters of the programmes are all embracing, covering almost all areas of problems, needs and general aspirati...

The Integration Of Migrants Into Socio-Economic Development Of AWE In The 20th Century

The objective of this study is to explore the trends of migrants and discuss effects of immigration on the growth and development of Awe. It also intends to analyse the collective efforts and activities of migrants to the socio-economic development of the area putting into consideration both negative and positive impact of the activities of the immigrants. Indeed, activities of specific groups of migrants in their pursuit of excellence would be examined as it affects their host community, for...

Growth And Development Of Mushin Local Government Area Lagos State (1976-2003)

The objective of the research, it to examine the growth and development of Mushin Local Government administration. Indeed, many works have been written on local government, but none has specifically been concentrated on Mushin Local Government. This work will therefore be focusing on a neglected area. The case study will highlight the growth and development of Mushin Local Government administration.      TABLE OF CONTENTS  Title Page          i Approval Page         ii Dedicatio...

Les Consequences Du Neo-Colonialisme Au Benin, Au Togo, Et Au Niger

Le néo-colonialisme  est un système politique qui est apparu après le colonialisme. Selon le dictionnaire Le Robert Pour Tous, le néo-colonialisme est nouvelle forme de colonialisme qui impose la domination économique à une ancienne colonie devenue indépendante. Cette définition parait s’accorder avec celle d’Universel qui nous dit que le néo-colonialisme est une forme d’Etat de domination économique et culturelle maintenues des voies détournées sur d’anciennes colonies. ...


Abstract The aim of this study was to determine The role of Nigerian Television Authority in the mobilization of the electorates for political elections (A study of 2011 general elections in Makurdi Local Government Area). The study adopted the survey design using the questionnaire as the research instrument. The study addressed three research questions. The findings revealed among others that television has a major role in mobilizing citizens for political elections. The study recommended th...

The Influence Of Social Networking On The Academic Performance Of Caritas University Student

Objectives of the Study 1. To determine the influence of social networking on the academic performance of Caritas University Students.  2. To ascertain the amount of time students spend on social networking sites. 3. To determine the impact of social networking on the grade points of students of Caritas University.  INTRODUCTION The internet plays a fundamental role in organizations and societies. The basic fact justifies  the  information  revolution  that  has  been  taking  plac...

Influence of “Second Chance” (A foreign television programme on the social behaviour of Nnamdi Azikiwe University students, Awka)

The study had the following objectives: 1. To find out if the students of Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka are aware of the foreign film „‟Second Chance‟‟.  2. To find out how often the students of Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka watch “Second Chance”.  3. To find out at which extent the students of Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka prefer watching Second Chance to local films.  4. To find out the reasons they watch Second Chance.  5. To determine if the film has any influence on th...

Influence Of Radio Ownership On Professional Journalism Practice

Objectives of the Study  The broad objective of the study is to determine Radio ownership as constraint for professional journalism practice in FRCN. 1. To determine how journalist are been restricted from their duty.  2. To ascertain the extent to which journalist protect the confidentiality of their news sources  3. To determine how the constraints can be solved.  INTRODUCTION The Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria is  the Pioneer Broadcast  Organization in Nigeria with a rich cult...

8146 - 8160 Of 8177 Results