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Art & Humanities Research Papers/Topics

The Role of Microfinance Institution in Growth of Micro and Small Enterprises ;A Case of Mogotio District

Abstract/Overview Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) are vital for the growth, especially for developing countries as they create jobs and distribute the national wealth among rural communities. It is believed that their development is mostly influenced by availability of financial services. Mogotio District has a number of micro financial institutions. It was not clear the extent to which they interacted with MSEs so as to support their growth especially in rural areas of Mogotio. This s...


Agriculture in Ghana is increasingly becoming vulnerable to climate change due to its dependence on rainfed. To tackle current food insecurity and climate change, the agricultural sector of Ghana must be transformed to become climate-smart. This requires reducing the vulnerability and enhancing the resilience of the sector to the changing climate. This involves the provision of access to and use of climate change information by smallholder farmers through climate change communication. The stu...


The use of radio programmes in agricultural extension became the best strategy employed to improve access to livestock farming information. This research work was to unveil and demonstrate the level of contributions of the Koob-Ne-Guliuk Radio Programme as an effective tool in enhancing technology adoption in livestock farming and to unearth the factors that affect livestock farmers' access to and adoption of agricultural information in the Bawku West District. The study used a mixed research...

Exploring Electric Propulsion Systems for Small Satellites

Abstract: In this paper, we dive deep into the world of spacecraft propulsion, focusing specifically on the exciting realm of electric propulsion systems tailored for small satellites. Electric propulsion holds immense promise, offering a host of advantages over traditional chemical systems, including improved efficiency, reduced propellant consumption, and enhanced mission flexibility. Small satellites, with their compact nature, stand to gain substantially from the versatility and scalabili...

Mutual contextual beliefs in memes disambiguation and interpretation-1

AbstractA visit to social media platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, Tiktok, Telegram, Twitter, and others often shock us with a lot of hilarious and ambiguous memes. Behind the fun and ambiguity that comes with these memes is largesse of unexpressed meanings capable of being realised through a pragmatic analysis using the Speech Act theory of Mutual Contextual Beliefs (MCBs) as proposed by Kent Bach and Robert M. Harnish. This study hopes to evaluate the role of contextual beliefs in the disam...

2022 - Converting a Litigant Into a Court Interpreter

This study demonstrates that self-interpretation does indeed occur in Kenyan courtroom proceedings, a situation that necessitates the use of a language other than the regular and official languages of Kenyan courts. Such language use rendered mostly in terms of self-interpretation has far-reaching ramifications on the content, facts, style, and meaning predispositions of a witness’s testimony. Most studies in courtroom communicative interactions, language, and speech manifestations, have be...

Integrating Renewable Energy and Livelihood Sustainability: A Case Study of Decentralised Watermill Upgradation Policy in the Himalayas, India

Livelihoods have been a prime concern for rural areas in the geographically difficult mountain ecosystems of Himalayas. Watermills (Gharat) have been the lifeline of the people in these areas for time immemorial. They use water, the abundantly available Common Property Resource (CPR). The present paper deals with the watermill-based enterprise programme in Uttarakhand, India. The study collected primary and secondary data from various sources including watermill owners, household survey, FGD,...

Old Age Homes in India: Home Away from Home or Last Resort of the Helpless

Consequent to the changing demographic scenario and social mores, the condition of the elderly persons in Indian society is becoming more critical, and the abuse and neglect of the elderly in the family is assuming serious proportions. The earlier notion that the elderly would be able to live peacefully in their own home amidst their family members receiving their care and love is getting shattered. Due to industrialisation, urbanisation, globalisation, privacy, and migration the families tra...

Security in Kenya: The Effects of the Somali Conflict on National Security

Abstract: The research begins by assessing the security situation in Kenya. It then attempts to look at the most probable contributing factor to the rising armed crime. Majority of the armed crimes committed in the country are attributed to Small and Light Weapons that are believed to come into the country through our porous borders. The paper then assesses Kenya’s key neighbors with particular interest in Somalia. Somalia has not had a stable government since the fall of Siad Barre in 199...

The Politics of Migration and Development: Conceptualizing the 'Diaspora' and their Impact on Kenya’s Political Economy

Abstract: Issues of migration and development have taken precedence as far as discussions on the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) is concerned. Increase in migration around the world as an attribute of globalization remains one of the main global phenomenon that continues to shape the world in the 21st century and beyond. There have been consolidated efforts to come up with an action plan that will closely reflect the common and diverging concerns and aspirations of African g...

The Obsolescence of State Sovereignty Concept: The Role of the International Criminal Court and the African States in Context

Abstract: The academic study of sovereignty is undergoing a renaissance. The dynamics of sovereignty have witnessed different treatise ever since the formation of the state system. The paradox and ambiguity of the concept is unavoidable as long as it is linked to the state. This thesis shall critically examine the nature of the concept state sovereignty and trace its origins, usage, and development. International Relations (IR), as a social science is subject to different interpretations of ...

Conflict in Somalia: Drivers and Dynamics (1969-2006)

Abstract: Somalia has been without a functioning central government since January 1991, when the military regime collapsed and civil war among clan militias broke out. During the subsequent decade, de facto decentralization of political power largely along clan lines has occurred, with varying degrees of territorial control achieved by militia leaders and local administrations in different areas of the country. The study focuses on the factors and dynamics at play in the Somalia conflict by ...

Humanitarian Intervention in Africa: A Case Study of Libya

Abstract: The following study will investigate the subject of Humanitarian Intervention. It will further explore its application in the Libyan situation of 2011 and consequently it will also analyse the conundrum associated with this intervention. Humanitarian intervention today is as debatable as it was in the early 19th century. The doctrine of Humanitarian intervention therefore, precariously sits in between realism and idealism in the study of international relations. In Africa, traditio...

Assessing Kenya’s Role in the Restoration of Peace in Somalia

Abstract: Since the advent of the civil strife in 1991 after Barre’s regime was overthrown, numerous peace initiatives have been initiated in attempts to stabilize Somalia. Nevertheless, these initiatives faced various challenges generated internally and externally hence the success limitations. However, the Kenyan intervention to Somalia “Operation Linda Nchi” that was initiated in October 2011 has since bore fruits in peace restoration inside Somalia. This study research seeks to acc...

Donor Political Conditionality and Its Impact on Sovereignty: A Case Study of Tanzania

Abstract: Donors consider Tanzania a model country because of the way it has taken ownership of the development agenda as per the Paris Declaration of 2005. Since Tanzania is so heavily dependent on aid, it is worth exploring if Tanzania’s dependency does not negate its sovereignty and allows it to retain space for genuine ownership. This dissertation examines the impact of donor conditionalities on Tanzania’s sovereignty and investigates the strategies used by Tanzania to manage aid and...

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