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Art & Humanities Research Papers/Topics

The Extent to which Lay Readers in the Anglican Church are Equipped to Offer Counseling Services to their Congregation: A Case Study of Nairobi Diocese

Abstract: Observable trends indicate that a religious leader can make any adherent into what he or she wishes them to be; they can make them shave their hair, sell their property, stop seeking medical intervention, adopt a specific dressing code, eat or not eat certain foods, adopt beliefs that change their perceptions of life, and the list is endless. This research focused on the “power” to influence that these religious leaders could have in the form of counseling skills. The survey ai...

South Africa’s Leadership Role in Africa: A Critical Appraisal

Abstract: South Africa made history in 1994 with its successful transition from apartheid to democratic majority rule. Building on this success, and the stature of Nelson Mandela, its first President, the country's profile grew globally. The expectation that the country would do more to stabilize the African continent also grew. The country, in its foreign policy, and discourses relating to its international relations has sought to situate Africa as a priority, with clear understanding that ...

An Analysis on Humanitarian Intervention on Genocide in Africa: Case Study of Rwanda

Abstract: Conflicts in Africa are ongoing and have taken a toll on the structures many states. They involve many crimes that are committed by groups such a militia rebels to achieve power, or by the government itself to maintain power. One of the common conflicts that Africa has experienced over the years is Genocide. Genocide has taken the lives of millions and continues to be a threat to the African society today. Humanitarian Intervention has been used to attend to such crimes, however it...

International Dynamics of Internal Conflict: The Role of Slavery in the Liberian Conflict (1820 to 2003)

Abstract: Almost every internal war has an external component. Some external effects are purposive, where external actors aid and abet internal factions and governments. There are cases, however, of purposive international action that have prevented, mitigated, resolved, or managed internal conflicts. International response to conflict has always presented new dynamics to an existing conflict. The role of a variety of international actors, including individuals, states, international organiz...

Counterterrorism as Foreign Policy: Linking American Security in the Horn of Africa to Democracy in Uganda

Abstract: Since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, the U.S. has focused the majority of its foreign policy on the threat of terrorism’. In the Greater Horn of Africa, Somalia’s increasing radicalization and 20 years of chaos has placed the nation and its growing class of young fighters at the center of U.S. strategy in the region. American support to Somalia’s regional neighbors has therefore been tailored to combat the Somali threat more readily than internal issues within thos...

United Nations Peacekeeping Operations: A Case Study of Rwanda Peace Support Operations (2004 – 2012)

Abstract: Despite the failure of the United Nations (UN) to stop the 1994 Genocide, Rwanda has been actively participating in peacekeeping operations under the African Union (AU) and United Nations (UN) efforts in Sudan and troubled countries since August 2004. This study will mainly focus on three important variables through which Rwandan Defence Forces (RDF) largely originate its great success in peacekeeping missions. This study examines the role of UN peacekeeping mission in Rwandan conf...

The Impact of Sovereignty in the EAC Federation Process

Abstract: East African (EA) history now comprises, in part, of a 115-year history of formal integration, or East African Integration (EAI). EA is now seemingly poised to federate, into an East African Political Federation (EAPF). That hope is inspired by the said history. Among the concerned nations, an EAPF is a welcome prospect. It would be the culmination of a long progression, the EAI. EAI is, in sum, an implication of certain interactions among three kinds of polities, namely: colonial ...

Humanitarian Intervention and Sovereignty: A Case Study of the African Union in Darfur

Abstract: There are two kinds of injustice: the first is found in those who do an injury; the second in those who fail to protect another from injury when they can. (Cicero, De Offiis I, vii trans. Michael Winterbottom, 1994) Non-state actors are increasingly getting involved in the affairs of developing nation-states thus altering the nature of state sovereignty. This research attempts to investigate the evolving concept of state sovereignty in the context of the African Union’s intervent...

Customs Union Theory and Economic Integration: Towards a Contextualization of the East Africa Community

Abstract: Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania have engaged in various forms of integration since independence. This led to the inauguration of the East African Community in 2001. Today, the EAC has enlarged with Rwanda and Burundi as new members and a customs union established (East African Community-Customs Union) which has further led to the creation of a common market. This study aims at contextualizing the EAC and examining the trade effects of the customs union using a quantitative model of East...

Pastoral Conflict in Chad

Abstract: Chad has been known by reputation as a home of bloody civil wars. Widespread of complex political issues have obscured form of conflicts. However, one of these bloody conflicts within the country known as pastoral conflict is also one of the violent conflicts within the country that seems to be ignored or not addressed by the government. One of the basic factors in conflict between pastoralists and farmers and among pastoralists in Africa is the access to natural resources. This is...

Child Protection and Conflict in Africa: A Case Analysis of Children Associated With Armed Conflict in the Horn and the Great Lakes Regions of Africa

Abstract: This paper seeks to investigate child protection/child rights in armed conflicts in the HOA and GLRA. By establishing the principles of child protection during armed conflict, the study tries to establish a conclusive analysis on the plight of CAAC in the HOA and the GLRA. In addition, the study aims at investigating the extent of the execution and implementation of child rights in armed conflict in the HOA and the GLRA, and also it aims at examining the prospect involvement of chi...

The East African Community: the Rise, Collapse, and Revival

Abstract: The East African Community (EAC) established in 2000 represents the most current of a number of previous attempts at achieving East African integration. This study set out to investigate why Kenya. Uganda and Tanzania sought to revive the EAC after its collapse in 1977. The collapse of the old Fag African Community (EAC) in 1977 was the result of factors that strained the relationships of the states' to the extent that its continued operation was rendered impossible. The study find...

The Relationship between Parenting Styles Used Early in Life on Employees and Current Employee Performance at Sarova Panafric Hotel, Kenya

Abstract: Family is the basic unit of society. Many values are passed down through the type of parenting an individual receives. This study aimed to determine the relationship between the parenting style used in an employee's early life and their current performance at work. The study's objectives were to determine parenting styles used early in life on employees at Sarova Panafric Hotel, to measure the performance of employees in Sarova Panafric Hotel and to determine differences in parenti...

Impact of Isiolo International Airport Project on Resource-Based Conflict in Kenya: The Case of Borana in Isiolo County, 2017-2020

Abstract: Isiolo County has experienced conflict over a long time. The conflict could be best described as resource based as it has always involved one or more of the resources that the local population has been competing over, which ranges from water, pasture and land among others. Currently, there is a great flurry of land speculation and illegal acquisition where by national and county government to address resource-based conflict is expected. The study sought to investigate the impact of...

The Effects of Italy’s Securitization Policies on Irregular Migration from Africa

Abstract: This research investigated the effects of Italy’s securitization policies on irregular migration from Africa. In Italy, migration has bred controversy due to the complexity of migrant sharing across European union states. Additionally, Italian politicians and the media have shaped the conversation around irregular migration from Africa, resulting in the public opinion that Italy is threatened by allowing thousands of refugees through its borders. The issue has become central to t...

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