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Art & Humanities Research Papers/Topics

Motivation And Performance of Secondary School Teachers in Juba Municipality, Central Equatoria State, Southern Sudan

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate Motivation and Teachers’ performance in secondary school in juba municipality central equatorial state southern Sudan. It was guided by three objectives, namely; establishing the profile of the respondents, the level of teacher motivation, the level of teacher performance and the relationship between level of teacher motivation and the level of teacher performance. The study used descriptive co relational survey as its research design. 6 ...

Conflicts In Pastoral Communities and Their Economic Implications: A Case of Marsabit Central District of Northern Kenya

ABSTRACF Over the years, conflict has remained the major cause of under-development in Northern Kenya. The conventional causes i.e. scarcity of pasture, water, small arms proliferation e.t.c. appear to have no eminent solution due to the deteriorating climatic change and global warming with anarchy setting in the neighboring countries like Somalia and Ethiopia. The research focus to find out the socio political factors that influence inter-Tribal conflict and the Economic Implication among th...

International Terrorism Threats on National Peace and Stability Among Selected Divisions in Kampala District Uganda

ABSTRACT This research study was carried out in three divisions of Nakawa, central and Makindye in Kampala district, to find out the existing international terrorism threats on national peace and stability in Uganda. it's guided by three objectives; (i) To establish the existing international terrorism threats on national peace and stability in Uganda. (ii) To assess the achievements and possible failures of security state agencies, in Promoting national peace and security in Uganda. (iii) T...

Civil Society in Conflict Resolution in Garbaharrey and Belet-Hawa Towns Gedo Region Somalia

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to establish the role of the civil society in conflict resolution at grass root levels in Garbaharrey and Belet-hawa towns of Gedo region, Somalia The specific objectives of the study were to identify magnitude of the conflict; establish contributions of civil society and to find out challenges faced by the civil society groups in Gedo region, Somalia. Questionnaires and focus group discussion were applied to collect data from the 100 respondents selected...

Child Labour and Governments Free Education Policy in Ayivu County, Arua District in Uganda

ABSTRACT  This study examined the influence of child labour on government’s free education policy in Ayivu county, Arua District in Uganda. A self made questionnaire is used to collect data in order to obtain four research objectives; 1) to identify the profile of the respondents, 2) to determine the extend of child labour, 3) to establish the level of success of government’s free education policy, 4) to establish if child labour is significantly correlated with government’s free educa...

National Unity and Reconciliation through a Professional Based Media in the District of Nyamagabe, Rwanda

ABSTRACT  This study “National Unity and Reconciliation through a Professional Based Media in the District of Nyamagabe, Rwanda” was aimed at finding out the extent to which a professional media influences a national unity and reconciliation process as previous studies have covered the same study but emphasizing on Gacaca courts and reconciliation. Therefore, the research was carried out in media sector and in Nyamagabe District, Rwanda. This study has used a descriptive approach in that...

Personal Power and Marital Satisfaction among Married Staff in Kampala International University Kansanga, Kampala, Uganda

ABSTRACT  This study set to find out the relationship between personal power and marital satisfaction among married staff at Kampala International University, Kampala District. It was guided by five specific objectives, that included determining of the i) profile of respondents in terms of age, gender, education level, marriage order, number of children, marriage duration and headship of family; ii) determining the level of personal power; iii) the level of marital satisfaction; iv) the diff...

Non-Governmental Organizations Humanitarian Relief in Uplifting Pastoralist Dependency in Wajir District, Northeastern Kenya

ABSTRACT  Humanitarian organizations have become important sector in the provision of assistance to many disaster affected people in the world. Humanitarian relief is the provision of life-saving assistance to those in need, including victims of both conflicts and natural disasters. However, many non-governmental organizations came with humanitarian assistance as a short term intervention creating dependency. The consequences of the above being less motivated pastoral population ,less produc...

The Potential of Non-Textbook Reading Materials in the Improvement of Reading Skills in Secondary Schools in Jigawa State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT  This academic research was carried out to assess the potential of non- textbook reading materials in the improvement of reading skills among learners in secondary schools in Jigawa state of Nigeria. Specifically, the study investigated the extent of teachers’ using non-textbook reading materials (i.e. Newspapers and Magazines) for improving reading skills in Jigawa State, Nigeria; the role of non-text book reading materials in the improvement of the learners’ reading skills in ...

Domestic Violence in Rwanda and its Effects on Family Stability A Case Study of Spousal Homicides

ABSTRACT  The thesis is entitled “Domestic violence in Rwanda and its effects on family stability, a case study of spousal homicides. Domestic violence continues to be a problem in Rwanda despite measures taken by the government, Non-Governmental Organizations and individuals to end it. The study is about establishing forms, causes artd effects of domestic violence on family stability, The specific goals of this research were to provide insights into the issue by determining the different ...

Curriculum Shifts and the Teaching of History in Uganda A Case of Secondary Schools in Mbarara District, 2000-2015

ABSTRACT  This study investigated curriculum shifts and the teaching of history in secondary schools in Uganda using Mbarara district as a case study. Despite the so many decades of western education in Uganda and the periodic shifts in Uganda’s secondary school curriculum [at least in theory after every five years], questions continue to persist about the relevance of the content taught. The increasing number of the jobless youths could be a reflection of the students not acquiring the sk...

Influence on Social Media on Children Morality in Uganda, A Case of Kampala Central Division

ABSTRACT  The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of social media on children between seven to seventeen years in Kampala central division. The study was based on three research objectives which included establishing the contributions of social media to the social development of children between 7-17 years, examining the morale challenges that can be brought by social media in children development in Kampala city division and propose measures that can be adopted in improving the ...

Human Right Protection and Domestic Violence in Selected Civil Society Organizations Bosaso, Somalia

ABSTRACT  The study was set out to investigate the relationship between human right protection and domestic violence in selected civil society organizations Bosaso, Somalia. The objectives of the study were to describe the profile of respondents, determine the level of human right protection, determine the level of domestic violence, establish whether there is significant difference between human right protection and profile characteristics of respondents, and to determine whether there is s...

Dialect Variation and Standardization: A Case Study of Fulfulde in Northern Nigeria

ABSTRACT [he study was concerned with the dialect variation and standardization of Fulfulde in ~4igeria. It was guided by three (3) objectives; to show lexical variation of Fulfulde in ~4igeria, to work out a proposal for standardization and to test the acceptability of the roposal to standardize Fulfulde in Nigeria. The study used cross sectional research design vith a sample size of 105 respondents. It also employed qualitative and quantitative echniques to analyze the collected data by use...

Entrepreneurial Capital and Perceived Performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (Smes) in Kano State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT  Many SMEs are winding up, only few SMEs owners have been able to sustain wealth past one generation, many of the ventures have failed rather than change ownership. Most SMEs die in their infancy with very few like 5% survive and grow to maturity. The main objective of this research study was to examine the relationship between entrepreneurial capital and the perceived performance of SMEs in Kano State, Nigeria. This Dissertation specifically investigated the relationships between e...

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