Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Evaluation of CT Brain Protocols, Image Quality and Radiation Dose

Abstract CT scan is one of the most valuable tools used in the centers of modern health care and are accompanied by radiation dose greater than that of the normal radiographic and must be therefore use carefully to protect patients from radiation. The aim of this study to compare between radiation dose and image quality and to compare between CT brain protocols and radiation dose . Random samples consist of 30 patients who underwent CT brain examination. The patients data registered(age, gend...

Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Nanka Sand

ABSTRACT The Nanka Sand (~ocene, Ypresian Stage) is one of the several lithostratigraphic units comprising the lithic fill of the Anambra Basin, southeastern Nigeria. Its unitstratotype has been selected from a system of gullies in the Nanka town. Here the unit is 305 metres thick and is underlain by the Imo Shale and, farther southwest, overlain by the Ogwashi-Asaba Formation. The stratigraphic column may be divided into four cross-bedded and burrowed tabular sand subunits ranging from 50 to...

Open Channel Flow Over a Permeable River Bed

ABSTRACT We have modelled an open channel flow through a porous media (River). In the model, we considered water as an incompressible fluid; the flow as steady and uniform; the system is assumed to be isothermal and the flow, also a laminar flow. We have solved the resulting equation using analytical method. By some mathematical operations, the momentum partial differential equation (PDE) was reduced to ordinary differential equation (ODE) and the resulting equations are solved analytically u...

Tailoring Software Process Improvement Models for Software Enterprises in Sudan

ABSTRACT The majority of software development organizations all over the world are small enterprises. Successful implementation of SPI methodologies in small software enterprises (SEs) is generally not possible because such organizations are not capable of investing the cost of implementing these programs and limited resources. Software Process Improvement (SPI) activities have been reported to result in remarkable improvements in the quality of software, reduced time to market and increased ...

3d Seismic Interpretation and Petro physical Evaluation of Stroh field Onshore Niger Delta

ABSTRACT Petrophysical evaluation and 3D seismic interpretation were carried out on the hydrocarbon bearing reservoirs of Stroh field with the aim of maximizing the benefits of petrophysical evaluation and structural interpretation in the production and development of hydrocarbon in the reservoir of the ‘Stroh field’ in Niger Delta. Eight hydrocarbon bearing reservoirs – sands ST1, ST3, ST6, ST7, ST8, ST11, ST13 and ST14 were identified from well logs and correlated across six Stroh wel...

Development of a Web-Based Tax Assessment System

ABSTRACT The aim of this project was to develop a web-based system that will contain all the information about the private sector assets for tax assessment. The objective was to register and assess all the assets of the entire private sectors establishment in a particular area for tax payment. These assets include: land, heavy equipment, light equipment, motor/vehicle, residential building, commercial building, and industrial building etc. The system will carry out tax assessment of the asset...

Mathematical Modelling of Groundwater Flow System of a Water Table Aquifer in Nsukka Area, Southeastern Nigeria

ABSTRACT Two main geological formations outcrop in the area which is within latitudes 6"45'N-7"00tN and longitudes 7O15'E - 70301E, being part of the Anambra basin of southeast Nigeria. These are the Ajalli Sandstone that is of Middle Maastrichtian age covering most of the area and the Nsukka Formation of Upper Maastrichtian age that is less prominent and overlies the Ajalli Sandstone. These two formations belong to the same hydrostratigraphic unit and give rise to thick and extensive water t...

Seven-Factor Central Composite Design Robust to a Pair of Missing Observations

ABSTRACT In this work, the seven-factor central composite design () is studied in respect of a pair of missing values using the minimax loss criterion. It was observed empirically that seven-factor central composite design with k = 7 , = 128 f n , = 14 a n , = 3 c n and n = 145 is robust at a = 2.6 and variance robust at a = 2.45. We also observed that the loss effect of missing a pair of factorial points is a decreasing function of increasing a , while the loss effect of a pair of axial poin...

Oil and Gas Exploitation and Production in Nigeria. Recent Development and Challenges Ahead.

For many years to. come, the oil and gas industry in Nigeria will continue to play a mostimportant role in the economy of the country. The prospects for meeting up with an oil reserve base target of 50 billion barrels by the year 2010 as set in the country's Vision 2010 are quite good. The country's deep offshore from all indications will continue to be a beehive of activities for many years to come. However, a lot of the anticipated success will depend in real terms on our abi'lity to cope s...

Portfolio Selection and Optimal Financial Investment in Nigerian Economy

TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page - - - - - - - - - i Approval Page- - - - - - - - - ii Certification - - - - - - - - - iii Dedication - - - - - - - - - iv Acknowledgement - - - - - - - - v Table of Content - - - - - - - - vi Abstract - - - - - - - - - vii Chapter One : Introduction - - - - - - 1 1.1 Background of the Study - - - - - - - 1 1.2 Aims and Objective of the Study - - - - - - 5 1.3 Limitations - - - - - - - - 6 1.4 Scope of the study - - - - - - - 6 1.5 The Study- - - - - - - - - 6 1.6 D...

Total Alkaloids, Total Tannins Content and Antiulcer Assay of Four Selected Medicinal Plants.

ABSTRACT The total alkaloid, tannins contents and antiulcer activity of the extracts from four selected medicinal plants were investigated. The total alkaloids content (TAC) was evaluated according to the chloride colometric method in which atropine was used as standard. While the total tannins content (TTC) was also determined using Folin Ciocalteau assay in which gallic acid was used as a standard. The antiulcer activity of the extracts was investigated using the ethanol induced model in wi...

Fuzzy Cognitive Map-Based Conflict Control Model

ABSTRACT The research work is concerned with Fuzzy Cognitive Maps-based Conflict control Model. The objective of the work was to develop Conflict control model using Fuzzy Cognitive Map (FCM) and Non-liner Hebbian Learning (NHL) that will allows the users (or policy makers) to optimize the environmental factors which are major causative factors of the Tiv-Fulani in other to achieve peace. To achieve the objective, basic factors understood to be influential in Tiv-Fulani conflict were used to ...

Bifurcation and Stability of Steady Solutions of Evolution Equations

ABSTRACT We considered the evolutional problems in two-dimensional autonomous system. We showed that the bifurcating steady solutions are obtained from the points of intersection of the two conic sections and we used the implicit function theorem to justify their existence, and also we applied the Lyapunov theorem to establish their stability. CONTENTS Title Page i Certification ii Dedication iii Acknowledgement iv Contents v Abstract vi Chapter One INTRODUCTION 1 Chapter Two LITERATURE REVIE...

An Investigation of Subsurface Structures for Construction Purpose in Makurdi, Using Electrical Resistivity Survey

ABSTRACT An electrical resistivity survey was carried out on site proposed for the construction of state secretariat office complex in Makurdi, Benue state, using vertical electrical sounding (VES) with Shlumberger electrode configuration. The soundings, which comprised of fifteen VES was done at three different locations to ascertain the suitability of the subsurface formations at the site for construction and to determine a suitable depth to which the foundation of the proposed buildings sh...

Immunoglobulin Levels in HIV Patients with Reference to Abo Blood Group

ABSTRACT This study aims at determining the effect of the ABO blood groups on the level of immunoglobulin classes in patients infected with HIV-1. One hundred and fifty three (153) confirmed HIV-1 positive subjects were enrolled in the study. These comprise of 62 (40.5%) males and 91 (59.5%) females. Sex and age-matched HIV-negative control were also recruited. The subjects comprise of adults aged 18 - 55 years with 36 years as the mean age. The study was conducted at the CDC-UNTH HIV clinic ...

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