Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Geostatistical Determination of Smallest Mining Unit (Smu) For Damang Mine, Gold Fields Ghana Limited-A Case Study at The Saddle Pit

ABSTRACT Historically, the operations of Goldfields Ghana, Damang Mine had generated grade control models using smallest mining unit (SMU) of 2 m x 5 m x 3 m. Management has introduced the use of larger excavators example the Bucyrus RH 90C and RH120E O&K with bucket size 3.5 m hence, there is therefore the need to review the SMU being used for various pits for the Grade Control Modeling Procedures which will relate to the ability of the equipment to select ore or waste with minimal dilution...

Hazards and Vulnerability Mapping for Adaptation to Climate Risks in Savannah Ecosystem: A Case Study of the Upper East Region, Ghana

Abstract The climate is warming, a trend that is projected to increase with increasing frequency and intensity of climate related hazards. Impacts are likely to be greater in developing countries because of dependence on climate sensitive livelihood activities. The nature and impacts of climate hazards require a study that goes beyond investigating a single hazard or livelihood activity to embrace multiple hazards and their impacts on the various livelihood activities. It is against this bac...

Comparative Bioconversion of Rice Lignocellulosic Waste and Its Amendments by Two Oyster Mushrooms (Pleurotus Species) And The Use of the Spent Mushroom Compost as Bio-Fertilizer for The Cult

ABSTRACT Oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus species) have been an important food item in both developed and developing countries serving an invaluable resource for nutrition, health and disease prevention. Although several agricultural wastes lignocellulose have been used for cultivation of oyster mushrooms worldwide and in Ghana, the most utilized is the wawa (Triplochiton scleroxylon) sawdust and its amendments for the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus in Ghana. However, a longer period of 28 da...

Stochastic Modeling of Stock Prices On the Ghana Stock Exchange

ABSTRACT Financial models today rely on assumptions that make them insufficient in many real cases. The Geometric Brownian Motion model is assumed as a process for stock prices frequently. The study examined whether the behavior of weekly and monthly returns series of some selected equities listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange can be modeled with the Geometric Brownian Motion(GBM). The Augmented Dickey Fuller, Shapiro-Wilk, Ljung-box and some graphical methods are some statistical methods used...

Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Soil Geochemical Data from Bogosu Area, Southwestern Ghana.

ABSTRACT Geochemical mapping and multivariate factor analysis were performed on multi-element soil geochemical data from Bogosu area in southwestern part of Ghana. Multi-element soil geochemical data have been used in soil geochemistry for the characterization of underlying lithology as their surface expressions are often based on the elements’ spatial distribution (Grunsky and Smee, 2003). The objectives of the study were to determine the spatial distribution of the elements, determine el...

Utilizing Yeast as a Model Organism for Drug Discovery Against Eukaryotic Infections

ABSTRACT Eukaryotic pathogens are responsible for several serious human diseases, however, most drugs used as treatment regimens are ineffective while others still in use are toxic. This study seeks to identify bioactive molecules from wood decay fungal (WDF) extracts with activity against eukaryotic pathogens (especially Candida albicans and Plasmodium falciparum). The Saccharomyces cerevisiae model organism for eukaryotic cell biology studies is extensively used to screen bioactive molecul...

Comparison of The Petrology and Mineral Chemistry of the Coromandel and Kiwitahi Volcanic Rocks, North Island, New Zealand

ABSTRACT This is thesis was done based on the textural, mineralogical and mineral chemistry studies of arc rocks from the North Island of New Zealand. The rocks in the area are of two main groups: the Kiwitahi and Coromandel groups. Both the Coromandel group and Kiwitahi andesites are typically porphyritic with a phenocryst assemblage (20–60%) consisting of plagioclase + pyroxene + Fe –Ti-oxide in a granular groundmass rich in plagioclase laths and pyroxene microcrystals. The Kiwitahi sa...

Reported Incidence of Motor Cycle Crash in Agona Swedru Municipal Hospital

ABSTRACT Road traffic injuries among motorcyclists worldwide have persisted as a serious public health problem with much of the health burden in the developing countries especially the middle and low-income countries. This problem has not excluded Ghana which continually suffers from road traffic injuries and fatalities mainly caused by over speeding, non-adherence to road safety regulations (helmet usage) and poor enforcement of traffic regulations. The main aim of the study was to determin...

Perceived Risks and Management Strategies in Protected Areas- The Case of Kyabobo National Park in The Nkwanta South District, Ghana

ABSTRACT The goal of preserving biodiversity for the benefit of present society and posterity have driven the creation of Protected Areas (PA) across the world. Yet, satiating conservation and protecting livelihoods of local people have been a challenge to protected area management. The incentive to protect livelihoods and avoid alienation from PAs have led to local people’s indulgence in illegal activities. This pose risks to the very survival of PAs. Like other parts of the world, PAs in...

The Distribution, Nesting Habits and Activity Pattern of CAMPONOTUS ACVAPIMENSIS MAYR (Riyi Iet'ioptera PORI'UCIDAE) In Savanna Areas of Southern Ghana.

Abstract  The distribution, nesting habits and activity as well as seasonal population pattern of Camponotus acvapimensis Mayr were studied in a savanna area of Ghana* The ants were distributed in the poor shaded areas of the savanna grassland* Type of soil, light and food availability were found to influence the nesting and anti’s distribution. Analysis for preference of nesting sites indicated that the ants nest in the soil or grass roots but where wood is available, the bark formed a ve...

A Proposed Method for Classification; An Application to Forecasting Students’ Qualification for Admission into First Degree Programs in Ghanaian Universities

ABSTRACT This study proposes a method for classification based on a Pattern Trace Network and Principal Component Analysis. Using data from a public Senior High School, the proposed method was applied to forecast whether or not a Senior High School (SHS) student would qualify for admission into the university. The method’s performance and the performance of Logistic Regression were compared. The independent variables used in the study are gender, boarding status, program of study, and cont...

Assessment of The Water and Sediment Quality of Some Lagoons Within the Greater Accra Region

ABSTRACT The Ghanaian ecosystem plays host to various lagoons which serve different purposes. The most important of them is being home for different types of fish species. Examples are Sarotherodon melanotheron (Cichlidae) which is popularly called blackchin tilapia and Tilapia guineensis (Bleeker) also known as redchin tilapia. Quality assessment was done to ascertain the level of pollution in water and sediment samples from Sakumo, Chemu and Kpeshie lagoons. Physicochemical parameters (pH,...

Endothelial Biomarkers and The Pathogenesis of Cerebral Malaria

ABSTRACT Cerebral malaria occurs due to abnormality in the function of the brain endothelium. This signifies that the brain endothelium plays a crucial role in the outcome of malaria in children. Regulated balance between angiopoietin-1 and angiopoeitin-2 is responsible for the control of normal endothelial cell function. The angiopoietin-Tie-2 system has been shown to regulate endothelial cell function and vascular integrity. Endothelial Protein C Receptor (EPCR) and Thrombomodulin (TM) are...

Common Parasites of Fruit-Eating Bats in Southern Ghana

ABSTRACT Bats are nocturnal mammals found everywhere except in the Antarctica and Arctic regions. They are important for the maintenance of the ecosystem in terms of pollination and seed dispersal, particularly in tropical regions, as well as in controlling insect populations that would otherwise be pests. Bats have been reported as reservoir hosts for several pathogens including viruses such as Ebola, Nipah, Hendra and Lyssa. The purpose of the study was to document the parasites that infes...

Multivariate Analysis to Assess the Effectiveness of the National Health Insurance Scheme (Nhis) In Ghana

ABSTRACT  This thesis provides an assessment of the effectiveness of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) in Ghana implemented by Act 650 and L.I 1809, 2004. This assessment is done by taking the Akuapem South Mutual Health Insurance Scheme, selected health facilities in the NsawamAdoagyiri Municipality and Akuapem South District that provides health insurance services and health insurance users as case study. The selected health facilities are the Nsawam Government Hospital, Pokrom H...

2206 - 2220 Of 8880 Results