Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Effect of Mobile Communication Mast on Soil Properties in Lugbe, Federal Capital Teritory, Abuja

ABSTRACT This study examines the effect of GSM mast on soil properties in Lugbe, Municipal Area Council of the F.C.T. The work essentially focuses on the availability or otherwise of heavy metal and its variations along the GSM masts belong to MTN and GLO operation. The soil samples were taken at 20m, 60m and 100m from each of the GLO and MTN masts in order to determine the spatial variation of the heavy metals associated with the mast. The soil samples were analyzed for Ca2+ , Fe2+ , Mn2+, ...

Chemistry Internal Assessment IB2021: Observing the extent by which varying concentrations of Soduim Thiosulfate effect the rate of reaction with Hydrochloric Acid

The rate of reaction defines as the concentration of reactant or product, consumed or produced within a given time frame. Changing one of the variables could lead to a differing rates of reaction speeds. 

An Evaluation Of Dracunculiasis And The Intervention Strategies Adopted For Its Eradication In Borno State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Interventions adopted for the eradication of dracunculiasis in Borno State were evaluated between July 2003 and June 2004 to assess the feasibility of the 2009 target date set for the eradication of guinea worm. Data on cases in Nigeria; North east zone, and Borno State from 1995 - 2007 were obtained from Nigeria Guinea Worm Eradication Programme.  Primary data on the cases occurring during the 2003/2004 were obtained through active surveillance. The various intervention strategies...

Anti-Microbial Efficacy of Guava (Pisdium guajava) and Orange (Citrus sinensis) Stems Extract Against Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans

ABSTRACT  This research was conducted in Microbiology Laboratory of Godfrey Okoye University to determine the antimicrobial efficacy of aqueous, methanol, ethanol of Pisdium guajava and Citrus x sinensis on the pathogenic Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans. The Dimethyl sulfoxide was used for dissolving the plant extracts. Pisdium guajava showed antimicrobial activity against C. albicans with the exception of methanol showing no zone of inhibition to any of the isolates. The aqueous...

Everything You Need to Know About the Swine Flu Pandemic

Introduction Swine flu is a human respiratory infection caused by an influenza strain that started in pigs. The World Health Organization uses the term "(H1N1) 2009 pandemic" when referring to the Swine flu event, and officially adopted the name "A(H1N1)pdm09" for the virus in 2010, after the conclusion of the pandemic. Swine flu was first recognized in the 1919 pandemic and still circulates as a seasonal flu virus. Swine flu is caused by the H1N1 virus strain, which started in pigs. The Apri...

Asap: A Stochastic Adaptive PCA Method For Increasing Block Size Setting

Abstract We propose Asap, an adaptive stochastic optimization algorithm for principal component analysis (PCA), in the increasing block size setting. Asap is a novel generalized variant of the classical Oja’s algorithm (Oja, 1982), but can compute top-k principal components without the necessity of tuning the step size. Asap performs PCA by first-order gradient-based optimization based on adaptive estimates of lower-order moments as with Adagrad and Adam. We provide a theoretical guarantee ...

The Application of Data Dimensional Vector Matrix in Machine learning and Data Science

Abstract: Let us suppose we are given a super‐maximal random variable ࢔ .The goal of the present article is to characterize Riemannian vector spaces. We show that ࡳ (࢜) is comparable to ࢃࣈᇲ ࢈, . Every student is aware that ࣊ .૙ > Unfortunately, we cannot assume that ‖ࡴ ≤ ‖࢞. It is well known that 1 ≠ ℵ଴ . Hence it was Bernoulli who first asked whether curves can be described. We wish to extend the results of [33] to connected hulls. In [29], it is shown t...

Optimization of Data Resources with Measurability in Complex Group Theory

Recent developments in pure logic [14] have raised the question of whether Noether’s condition is satisfied. On the other hand, it was Germain who first asked whether Monge manifolds can be constructed. The goal of the present paper is to classify trivially bijective subgroups. On the other hand, in [11], the authors studied local subgroups

On Ellipticity on geometric derivation for Computer vision and Machine Learning

It was von Neumann who first asked whether super‐totally continuous paths can be computed. Here, uniqueness is clearly a concern. The work in [29] did not consider the canonically right‐standard case. In this setting, the ability to study countably super‐separable fields is essential. It was Huygens who first asked whether locally ܿco‐bijective, geometric, partially standard primes can be extended. Hence is it possible to examine ordered matrices?

An Automated Timetabling System For Room Allocation Of Lectures To A Specific Room Case Study: Kampala International University Main Campus

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iii List of Acronyms iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 Introduction 1 1.2 Statement of the problem 2 1.3 Main objective 2 1.4 Specific objective 2 1.5 Study justification 3 1.5.1 Scope 3 CHAPTER TWO 4 LITRECTURE REVIEW 4 2.0 Introduction 4 2.1 Automated Management Systems 5 2.2 System 6 2.3. Management system 7 2.4 Information system (IS) 7 2.4.1 Components of an information system 8 Figure ii showing information ...

Designing A Web-Based Online Examination Results Management System Case Study: London College Of St. Lawrence - Wakiso

Abstract This project was purposely developed to provide examinations results to students’ examination for the examination section in the Director of studies at the London College of St. Lawrence which will be web based and this means the a student can access results anywhere as long he/she accesses internet. The designed system was to enhance quicker availability of information plus its management. It was designed with advanced features that help students get their usernames and password a...

Design And Implementation Of Advertisement And Information Web Portal Using Php, Mysql And Apache Technologies Case Study: Softzone Group Nairobi, Kenya

ABSTRACT The project involved design and implementation of an online information and advertisements portal for SOFTZONE GROUP. This system is able to act as a catalogue of information that captures the attention of people from all walks of life. The website offers a gateway to other websites belonging to registered companies that wish to advertise to the world their services and/or products in a more affordable way. The website offers services like anonymous email services and e-newsletter se...

Design And Testing Of A Web Based Tourist Guide Case Study: Uganda Wild Life Authority (Uwa)

ABSTRACT The research aimed at improving the tourism industry in Uganda most especially the Uganda wildlife Authority. The main objective of the research was to design and implement a web based tourist guide system for Tourists in Uganda. The system provides tourists with directions of the available tourist sites. The study speci tic objectives included; to identify the requirements for designing a web based tourist guide system, to design a tourist guide system for tourism, to implement the ...

Patients Records Management System Case Study: Magomeni Hospital

ABSTRACT The Patients Records Management System has been designed to help so many Health Centers in Tanzania who have a dire need to computerize their operations so as to improve services delivered to their customers and increase the productivity of the entire organization. This system seeks to provide hospital employees with a new state of the art, simple to use software since every basic concept, methods and procedures have been explained fully in a precise clear language that is understood...

Responsive Real-Time Information System For Managing Patient’s Medical Records Case Study: Juba Teaching Hospital

Abstract Infonnation is a very important aspect in our day-to-day activities to ensure effective communication. As result of this, Inlbnnation Communication Technology plays a great role to guarantee efficient and effective communication within and among ditThrent institutions and organizations. In response to this, each organization/institution strives to make sure that there is a secure means of disseminating, storing and retrieving of information within their boundaries. This calls for an ...

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