ABSTRACT Dietary diversity is an aspect of dietary quality that indicates general nutritional adequacy. Lack of diversified diets is a severe problem in the developing world, where diets are predominantly starchy staples with few animal products, seasonal fruits and vegetables. The nutritional status of a woman during pregnancy is important as a suboptimal diet impacts negatively on the health of the mother, the foetus and the newborn. There is limited knowledge in the area of dietary divers...
ABSTRACT The levels of inorganic anions, nitrate (NO3 - ), chloride (Cl- ), sulphate (SO4 2- ), phosphate (PO4 3- ), fluoride (F- ) and iodide (I - ), in amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondriacus and Amaranthus cruentus) leaves at different stages of maturity (25 days, 50 days and 75 days), grains and soil from four regions (Kenyatta University (KU), Bureti, Kisii and Elgon) of Kenya were quantitatively determined. The levels were determined using spectrophotometric, potentiometric and titrimetri...
The indiscriminate use of A. sativum L. in treatment of various diseases can pose a great danger to various body functions. It results to toxicity within the body system e.g. in both dogs and cats, A. sativum L. has been associated with oxidative hemolysis and Heinz body formation leading to anemia and methemoglobinemia. Therefore, assessment of hematological and biochemical parameters of this plant extract can be used to determine its safety and toxic margins. Just like other terrestria...
Cancer is among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide and accounts for up to 28,000 deaths annually in Kenya. Globally, approximately 13% of all deaths annually are attributed to cancer. Surgery, radiation and chemotherapy are the current treatment techniques for cancer; however, these methods are expensive, have high failure rates and have been associated with detrimental side effects. Plants derived products could be good candidates in alleviating challenges being exp...
The present management regime of snake bites requires the use of antivenom immunoglobulins. However, these antivenoms have the limitations of being expensive, requiring cold storage facilities and have problems of hypersensitivity reactions in some individuals. A. spinosus, C. articulatus, C. spinarum, C. molle and R. usambarensis have been used traditionally in the management of snake bites in Turkana and Uasin-Gishu Counties, Kenya. However, their efficacy and safety have not been scie...
ABSTRACT About 17.2 million people in Kenya have no access to clean water. The major factors contributing to lack of clean water include rapid population growth, droughts, forest degradation, poor management of water supply and water contamination. Lack of clean water may worsen as industrial development and population grows as projected if drastic measures are not taken immediately. Use of rice husks and water hyacinth that is known to contaminate and jam water bodies to create water treatm...
ABSTRACT Suspended particles in water are a major concern in global pollution management. These particles are very small and are evenly distributed in the water. They originate from factors such as decomposing organic materials and algae. They are a significant factor in the water clarity, as they limit penetration of sunlight; provide a good environment for bacterial growth, contributing to fouling and unpleasant odours that compromise aesthetic appreciation of the water. They also complex ...
Various kinds of photovoltaic (PV) modules have been developed and practically deployed as PV systems over time. The performance of PV modules found in the Kenyan market has not been documented and therefore their reliability and stability in providing an alternative source of energy has not been sufficiently established. In this study the I-V data of Silicon-based mono crystalline, poly crystalline and amorphous modules was collected. The choice of the modules was done randomly dependin...
Tomato is a popular vegetable in Kenya and is extensively grown by small-scale farmers. In spite of the economic benefits to the farmers, insect pests remain one of the most significant constraints to tomato production. Current insect pests control measures rely on pesticides despite the known hazards to human health and the environment. Repeated use of pesticides has also led to the development of resistance by pests. Therefore, it is important to evaluate other pest control strategies ...
Industrial effluents, agricultural chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides and residential wastes are the major sources of heavy metals in drinking water. Presence of heavy metals in drinking water is the cause of many diseases in human beings. Worldwide over six million people lack access to clean drink water. In Kenya it has been reported that sources of drinking water such as rivers, boreholes and wells are having heavy metals. In Bungoma Central Sub County, residents depend on River...
ABSTRACT Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is a common microvascular complication occurring five years from onset of type 1 diabetes mellitus, leading to renal failure and death. It is characterized by albuminuria and a reduced glomerular filtration rate. Although much emphasis has been placed on screening for albuminuria and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) to predict or diagnose DN, less attention has been focused on the role of high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) in risk asses...
ABSTRACT Malaria is the leading cause of death in Africa among pregnant women and children under five years. Each year 350-500 million cases of malaria occur worldwide, and over one million people die, most of them young children in sub-Saharan Africa. In Africa, Anopheles gambiae mosquito is the main vector of Plasmodium falciparum, which causes malaria. All female Anopheles mosquitoes are usually haematophagous; they require a blood meal from a vertebrate host, either before or after matin...
ABSTRACT Inadequate piped water supplies in urban centres is a growing problem; making communities resort to buying vended water. In recent years, vended water has become a major source of drinking water in most of the urban areas in the world. This study assessed the quality of vended water and its implications on price and health risks to households in Msimbazi sub catchment Dar es salaam, Tanzania. It involved assessing the physical, chemical and micro-biological quality of the vended wat...
ABSTRACT Tobacco is a heavy metal accumulator and it is estimated that 1.22 billion people are involved in smoking tobacco while about 1.45 billion people are predicted to be smoking it by 2045. Smoking tobacco results in 5 million premature deaths yearly as a result of tobacco related illness; with 70% of the deaths occurring in developing countries, Kenya included. Tobacco has heavy metals and carcinogens that make it a leading cause of deaths in the world. Tobacco easily uptakes heavy met...
ABSTRACT Recycled Low Density Polyethylene waste pollutes the environment since it is nonbiodegradable. This work investigates the enhancement of disposal of these wastes without compromising their tensile strength and permeability by blending Recycled Low Density Polyethylene with Cellulose. Injection molded blends of Recycled Low Density Polyethylene and Cellulose were prepared in percentage ratios of 100:0, 95:5, 90:10, 85:15 and 80:20. Dynamic mechanical analysis, creep, diffusion, therm...