Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Microbial Quality Management And Shelf Life Determination Of Water-Based Paints

ABSTRACT The microbial quality of materials and final products of Chemical and Allied Products Limited (CAPL), rentable paint industry in Lagos area were analyzed. The bacterial population in the fresh paint samples monitored at two weeks intervals for a period of ten months ranged from 16x 10 - 7x10 ml while the fungal population ranged from 10 x 10-55 x 10 cfu/ml. The isolated bacterial sits were identified as Bacillus polymyxa, B. brevis, B.laterosporus, Proteus mirabilis, Escherichia coli...

Decolourisation And Biodegradation Of Textile Reactive Azo Dyes By A Strain Of Proteus Mirabilis

ABSTRACT The discharge of coloured wastewaters into water-bodies has serious implications for the environmental and public health. Furthermore, the usual colour removal methods often result in aromatic amines which are toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic. Developing a method that can both decolourise azo dyes and degrade the corresponding aromatic amines formed is expedient. In this study, the ability of newly isolated indigenous bacteria to decolourise textile/non-textile azo dyes and degrade ...

Online Requisition System For Petty Cash, Transport And Subsistence And Salary Advances For Centre For Sexual Health HIV And Aids Research (Zimbabwe)Ceshhar

ABSTRACT The primary purpose of this study was to document the problems of the current manual system and come up with a new online requisition system for petty cash, T&S and salary advances for CeSHHAR Zimbabwe.The system developer followed the steps outlined in the system development lifecycle which are, planning, analysis, design and implementation. In the introduction phase the developer introduced the organization and gave the aim and objectives of the research study. Feasibility studies ...

A Framework for Implementing Cloud Based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in the Transport Business Sector in Zimbabwe.

ABSTRACT This study sought to develop a framework for the implementation of cloud based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system in the transport business sector in Zimbabwe: A case of CMED (Pvt) Ltd. Information was gathered through interviews, questionnaire and case study approaches. The concept of cloud computing is not new in the transport business but it was used for telematics only not for integrated system like ERP. An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is an enterprise-wide so...

Riozim Extranet Procurement System

ABSTRACT This research gives a detailed overview of the Extranet Procurement System with the main thrust of identifying problems, summarizing facts, identifying and analyzing alternatives. Riozim has suffered data redundancies problems, human errors, fraud and biases in terms of choosing the best supplier, costs of employing much labor to manage every activity that was involved in the process, the system is rapacious thereby time consuming and may affects production and stimulates costs and a...

Industrial Attendance Management System

Abstract Industrial attendance management system is a software application that is developed for Zimbabwe Power Company Bulawayo Power Station to allow employees to log in and out of the organisation and also calculate their overtime automatically. The problem that arose with the current system was the difficulty in handling employee clock in details manually. The developed system overcomes the problems that were associated with the current manual system such as too much bottlenecks. In-house...

Infrastructure Surveillance System For Dandemutande Investments

ABSTRACT Dandemutande Investments was face with a network management and tracking problem. The issues that were presented by old manual system include, missed service level agreement due to delayed response to network outages and incidences, the support team had to familiarize with several troubleshooting tools, manual compilation of system reports and the system was reactive and action to resolve network issues were only taken after the they had already occurred. The Infrastructure Surveilla...

Msu Wrl Virtual Assessment System

Abstract The basis of the research project was to develop an online Work Related Learning (WRL) System for the Midlands State University. As it is a requirement for MSU students completing their second year in their respective degree programs to go for Work Related Learning in their third year .The MSU WRL Virtual Assessment System aims to solve the problems faced by the MSU Work Related Learning department after a realization that students on work related learning may not manage to meet the ...

Factors causing low pass rate in biology at ordinary level in zhombe circuit

ABSTRACT The study sought to establish the factors causing low pass rate in Biology in Zhombe circuit. A qualitative research design was used which enabled the researcher to explore human behaviour that cannot be quantified. It also enabled me to understand factors causing low pass rate from a holistic view point because it employs a wide variety of methods in its enquiry. Purposive sampling was used to select heads of departments and biology teachers while stratified random sampling was used...

From 3g To Lte: The Feasibility Of The Transition For Zimbabwe Mobile Operators

Abstract Mobile telecoms industry has become a key element of productivity across economies and societies worldwide. The rigorous demand for delivery of services of uncompromising quality in the highly competitive cellular industry has challenged the operators to constantly upgrade their networks. In Zimbabwe we have witnessed a significant transformation within this sector because of the impact it has on the economy with LTE being the latest technology to be considered by most mobile operato...

An Investigation Into The Challenges In The Adoption Of Information Communication And Technology In A Selected Primary School In Warren Park .

Abstract Lack of ICT resources has negatively impacted on the full and effective adoption of ICT in education as well as the implementation of the new curriculum in the Zimbabwean context. ICT was adopted in the primary schools but the level of adoption is still in its infancy stage due to mainly shortage of resources and facilitators who lack ICT skills. This study sought to dig deeper into the challenges that are hindering the effective adoption of ICT in the primary school. Questionnaire, ...

Teachers’ Attitudes On The Use Of Ict In Teaching And Learning Of Mathematics In Gweru Urban Selected Primary Schools.

ABSTRACT ICTs have become one of the essential pillars of modern society, therefore the attitude, mastery and understanding of ICT basic skills and concepts by teachers in learning and teaching is imperative. New broadband communication services and convergence of telecommunication with computers have created numerous possibilities to use a variety of new technology tools for teaching and learning system. The Zimbabwean government has put into place the ICT Strategic Plan and created the Mini...

Motor Vehicle Insurance Android Application For Minerva

ABSTRACT The need to provide a solution to help client of Minerva Risk advisors necessitated the creation of this project and the documentation. It is divided into five chapters which are Introduction, Planning, Analysis, Design and Implementation. A background of the study and feasibility of the project are found in the first two chapters of this document showing detail on the organisation and feasibility of the project. Analysis, design and Implementation follow, these are detailed with sys...

Zimbabwe School Examinations Council Online Mark Capturing and Grading System

ABSTRACT The first chapter gives a summary of the ZIMSEC as an organisation, when it was formed and its relevant operations. The objectives that led to the research are also crafted in this chapter together with the justification for the study. Different types of feasibility were carried out to ascertain whether it was viable to continue with the system development and an analysis was done for all types of risks that might be encountered. The analysis phase focused on fact finding and differe...

Home Alarm System

Abstract The crime rate in the nation of Zimbabwe has been steadily increasing in the past 3 years with about 10-15% annually and particularly in theft related crimes. It is due to the advent of this growth in crime that has led to the development of this system as a basis of a prototype to protect people’s homes in particular. As the study in crime done by the ZRP and U.S Embassy OSAC the crimes are mainly based on breaking and entering, therefore this Arduino based alarm system is develop...

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