Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Geochemistry Of Neoproterozoic Phyllites From The Akuapim Range, Southeastern Ghana

ABSTRACT Neoproterozoic phyllites from the Akuapim range, a prominent part of the Togo Structural Unit forms part of the Pan-African Dahoeyide orogen exposed at the southeastern part of Ghana. The area of study exhibit three varieties of phyllites which are carbonaceous, ironstained and micaceous phyllites. These phyllites have been analyzed for their mineralogical and geochemical characteristics to infer their source -area weathering, source rock composition and tectonic setting. The mineral...

Paenidigyamycin, A Novel Antiparasitic Alkaloid From The Ghanaian Paenibacillus Polymyxa Strain De2sh

ABSTRACT There is an ever-growing interest in the Paenibacillus genus as a result of reports that strains belonging to this genus have several important properties. These properties include promotion of plant growth, bioremediation and the biosynthesis of structurally intriguing molecules with unrivalled biological activities and mechanisms of action. However, the agricultural applications of the aforementioned molecules far outweigh their use in medicine. In this current report, a novel Paen...

Novel Post-Translationally Modified Non-Ribosomal Peptides (Nrps) From The Ghanaian Streptomyces Sp. De2e

ABSTRACT Non-ribosomal peptides (NRPs) are currently receiving considerable interests for possible development as effective alternatives to clinically failing conventional small molecule antibiotics. Particularly, NRPs produced by the genus Streptomyces have attracted considerable attention given the antibiotic production history of the genus. In this current report, a novel Ghanaian Streptomyces sp. strain DE2E isolated from the high biodiversity rich wetlands of the Brong-Ahafo Region of Gh...

Ultra-High Dispersion Of Mgo/Cao In Mesoporous Sba-15 And Macroporous Sba-15 Using A One-Pot Method: Novel Material Preparation And Application As A Base Catalyst For Transesterification

ABSTRACT Global uncertainty over fossil fuels security provides the impetus for the development of fuels from renewable feedstocks. A promising route to diesel is available through transesterification of vegetable oils. In this work, there is a novel development of the true liquid crystal templating approach to the synthesis of uniformly dispersed ordered porous mixed oxides. Via this route, a family of mesoporous and mesomacroporous MgO/SBA-15 and CaO/SBA-15 catalysts with metal loading in t...

Downstream evolution of ocean properties and associated fluxes in the Greater Agulhas Current System: Ad hoc Argo experiments and modeling

Downstream evolution of ocean properties and associated fluxes in the Greater Agulhas Current System: Ad hoc Argo experiments and modeling Tamaryn Morris The evolution of cyclonic eddies across the Southern Mozambique Chanel and the downstream evolution of the Agulhas Current was investigated using Argo floats, in combination with output from ocean general circulation reanalysis models. Two dedicated experiments were undertaken in April and July 2013, whereby eight floats were deployed within...


While leopards (Panthera pardus) currently occupy the most extensive geographic range of all large felids, they are also suffering the highest rate of current range loss amongst large terrestrial carnivores. This is primarily because most leopards still range outside of formally protected areas where they are exposed to the full suite of anthropogenic threats affecting carnivores including habitat loss, prey depletion, conflict with humans, and commercial harvest for body parts. The extensive...

Functional Anatomy, Osteogenesis and Bone Microstructure of the Appendicular System of African Mole-Rats (Rodentia: Ctenohystrica: Bathyergidae)

In comparison to their ecophysiological and behavioral aspects, the skeletal system of African mole-rats (Bathyergidae) has been relatively understudied. Only a few studies have assessed their skeletal system, but these have mostly focused on their cranial and dental systems, with little attention on their postcranial skeleton. This PhD thesis provides a considerable amount of information about the functional anatomy, morphological diversity and postnatal bone morphogenesis of the appendicula...

3D Scan Campaign Classification with Representative Training Scan Selection

Abstract Point cloud classification has been shown to effectively classify points in 3D scans, and can accelerate manual tasks like the removal of unwanted points from cultural heritage scans. However, a classifier’s performance depends on which classifier and feature set is used, and choosing these is difficult since previous approaches may not generalise to new domains. Furthermore, when choosing training scans for campaign-based classification, it is important to identify a descriptive s...

Repositioning fusidic acid for tuberculosis: semisynthesis of analogues and impact of mycobacterial biotransformation on antibiotic activity

Abstract Tuberculosis (TB), caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), is one of the leading causes of death globally, especially in low and middle-income countries. TB is primarily a curable disease, with chemotherapy predicated on a combination of four drugs. The increase in multiple forms of drugresistant TB is a major cause for concern, underpinning the importance of a continuous pipeline of new anti-TB agents. Drug repositioning – that is, the optimization of existing drugs for new th...

Physicochemical, Biological And -Haematin Inhibiting Activity Of Pyrido-Dibemequines, Pyrido[1,2-A]Benzimidazoles And Their Derivatives

ABSTRACT There is an urgent need for new antimalarials following the emergence of Plasmodium falciparum strains with reduced sensitivity to the currently used artemisinin combination therapies. Classical aminoquinoline-based drugs inhibit the formation of haemozoin (HZ) thereby causing parasite death from the cellular accumulation of toxic ‘free’ haem. Coincidentally, this immutable pathway also exists in Schistosoma mansoni, and presents a vulnerable target for drug design in these haema...

A 3D fault seal analysis study conducted in the Ibhubesi Gas Field Offshore the West Coast of South Africa

Abstract A three dimensional fault seal analysis study of the AK fault situated offshore of the West Coast of South Africa is presented. This study is aimed at informing the development plan of the Ibhubesi gas field with regards to the compartmentalization of the reservoirs, by understanding whether a key fault, the AK fault facilitates hydrocarbon migration to the Ibhubesi field reservoirs or whether it provides a seal. In order to address this research aim, a seismic interpretation of the ...

PSN Africa 134 PAGES (28483 WORDS) Geology Thesis
Trace metal effects on phytoplankton in subpolar seas with special emphasis on coccolithophores

Abstract Coccolithophores are a biogeochemically important phytoplankton group, fulfilling an important role in the global carbon cycle through primary production and the formation and export of calcium carbonate. Despite this biogeochemical importance, relatively little is known about their ecophysiology, for example their response to nutrient availability in terms of both macronutrient (nitrate, phosphate) and micronutrient (trace metal) or how this impacts on their competition with other p...

Modes of Land Control in Transfrontier Conservation Areas

ABSTRACT In light of the current literature on green grabbing, this study is motivated by the need to understand whether TFCAs are characterized by green grabbing and what form they take if indeed they are unfolding there. It investigated the modes of land control and transfer - within the Lesotho component of the Maloti Drakensberg Transfrontier Conservation Area and South Africa’s Greater Mapungubwe Transfrontier Conservation Area – in order to explore the politics of land in TFCAs thro...

Interactive effects of temperature and grazing by seagrass limpets (Siphonaria compressa and Fissurella mutabilis) on seagrass (Zostera capensis)

Abstract Climate change is a reality. One of the main ecological concerns regarding climate change is the predicted increase in atmospheric and sea temperatures. The latter is expected to rise by roughly 2.5O C by the end of 2050 with dramatic impacts on marine ecosystems predicted around the world. Seagrass ecosystems are a good example of vital ecosystems that are threatened by climate change and other anthropogenic factors. A decline in global seagrass cover of 29% has been estimated over ...

Lack of polymorphism suggests a recent bottleneck of Aloidendron pillansii

Abstract The Karoo-Namib is a species rich region in which many iconic and keystone species are found, such as Aloe pillansii. The recent population history of A.pillansii is poorly understood. However the suggested climatic shifts that occurred throughout the Holocene era may have affected its distribution, demographics and gene flow. The glacial/interglacial refugia hypothesis predicts that the southernmost population served as a refuge population and that the subsequent expansion of the po...

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