Natural & Applied Sciences

Natural & Applied Sciences Research Papers/Topics

Quality Control Programme On Mammography Systems In The Republic Of Benin: Assessment Of Patients Dose Optimisation In Three Selected Facilities

ABSTRACT The Mean Glandular Dose (MGD) was estimated first using Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) slabs and secondly MGD was estimated per right craniocaudal (RCC) projection view and left craniocaudal (LCC) projection view. A number of 21 patients out of a total of 28 patients, undergoing breast examination in three (3) selected mammography facilities in the Republic of Benin were involved. Image quality was evaluated based on subjective analysis of images with Leeds Tests Objects and American ...

Semigroups Of Linear Operators And Application To Differential Equations

This work concerns one of the most important tools to solve well-posed problems in the theory of evolution equations (e.g diusion equation, wave equations, ...) and in the theory of stochastic process, namely the semigroups of linear operators with application to dierential equations.

Industrial Pollution In Ghana: Some Selected Case Studies Of Industries In Tema

Abstract Waste waters from eight selected industries namely Tema Oil Refinery, Tuyee Manufacturing Industries, Cocoa Processing Company, Tema Lube Oil Company Limited, Pioneer Food Cannery Limited, Bridaltrust Paints Company Limited, Ghana Textiles Manufacturing Company and Ghana Textiles Printing Company Limited were sampled and subjected to various physico-chemical and trace metal analysis to determine levels of pollutants, using standard methods of WHO, AO AC and APHA. Generally, the ROD v...

Effects Of Stretching On Flexible Organic Electronic Structures

ABSTRACT This work presents the responses of optical properties and mechanical failure of layers of stretchable organic electronic structures under tension using analytical, simulations, and experimental techniques. The interfacial contact around dust particles was modelled. The deformation induced during stretching was also modelled before simulating the stress distributions and calculating the crack driving forces of the layers using finite element analysis. The finite element simulation o...

A Hybridized Recommendation System On Movie Data Using Content-Based And Collaborative Filtering

ABSTRACT In recent times, the rate of growth in information available on the internet has resulted in large amounts of data and an increase in online users. The Recommendation System has been employed to empower users to make informed and accurate decisions from the vast abundance of information. In this Research, we propose a hybrid recommender engine which combines Content-Based and Collaborative filtering recommendations. This seeks to explore how prediction accuracy can be enhanced in ex...

Effect Of Disorder On Spin Transport In Topological Non-Trivial Magnetic Textures

ABSTRACT An effect that is observed when an electron passes through a non-collinear magnetic textures such as skyrmion, the electron gets deviated as a result of the fictitious magnetic field generated by the skyrmion giving rise to Topological (spin) Hall effect. our interest is on the effect of disorder (magnetic and non-magnetic) on transport of non-trivial topological textures. In these work we carry out a thorough study of the topological Hall and topological spin Hall effects and test t...

Synthesis, Characterization And Luminescent Properties Of Bipodal And Tripodal Pyrazole And Triazole Lanthanide Coordination Complexes

ABSTRACT Lanthanide complexes have been established as promising agents in their application as catalysts and photo-luminescent materials. Recent research has been geared towards the optical application of these lanthanide complexes, especially as organic light-emitting diodes (OLED) for TV screens, phones and other portable electronic devices. The luminescent ability of these complexes is largely dependent on the choice of ligand environment. We report here for the first time lanthanide comp...

Semantic Sentiment Analysis Based On Probabilistic Graphical Models And Recurrent Neural Networks

ABSTRACT Sentiment Analysis is the task of classifying documents based on the sentiments expressed in textual form, this can be achieved by using lexical and semantic methods. The purpose of this study is to investigate the use of semantics to perform sentiment analysis based on probabilistic graphical models and recurrent neural networks. In the empirical evaluation, the classification performance of the graphical models was compared with some traditional machine learning classifiers and a ...

Maternal Serum Human Chorionic Gonadotropin And Magnesium As Biochemical Markers In Predicting Preeclampsia In Pregnant Ghanaian Women.

Preeclampsia is a multisystem disease of pregnancy of unknown cause. It is a maternal syndrome, which is characterized by increased blood pressure, edema, proteinuria or significant amount of protein in the urine of pregnant women and abnormal clotting, liver and renal functions all of which may be due to the release of placental toxic factors into the mother’s circulation. The only effective therapy to this complication is to facilitate the culteinment of the pregnancy or delivery (in...

A Modified Subgradient Extragradeint Method For Variational Inequality Problems And Fixed Point Problems In Real Banach Spaces

ABSTRACT Let E be a 2-uniformly convex and uniformly smooth real Banach space with dual space E ∗ . Let A : C → E ∗ be a monotone and Lipschitz continuous mapping and U : C → C be relatively nonexpansive. An algorithm for approximating the common elements of the set of fixed points of a relatively nonexpansive map U and the set of solutions of a variational inequality problem for the monotone and Lipschitz continuous map A in E is constructed and proved to converge strongly.

Statistical Analysis Of Water Level, Temperature And Humidity Using Cointegrated Vector Autoregression (Var) Models

ABSTRACT The leading climate factors influencing availability of water are; temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, and evaporation. Water and agricultural production cycles are indisputably influenced by temperature and relative humidity. Temperature and relative humidity projections can therefore proficiently be employed in making decisions when optimal usage of water resources is of interest. Thus, the current study explored both the “long-run” and “short-run” impact of both...

Effect Of Exogeneous Enzyme Hydrolysis Of Soybean (Glycine Max) Cell-Wall Materials On The Chemical Properties Of Soymilk

ABSTRACT    The effect of cell wall enzymes on the sugar composition of soymilk was investigated using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and UV/Visible spectrophotometer. Soymilk was extracted from wet milled soybean slurry from three different varieties of soybean (Samsoy1, Samsoy 2 and TGX). Different cell-wall degrading enzymes (glucanase, cellulase. arabanase, hemicellulase and xylanase) were applied to  each batch of soybean slurry before extraction  of soymilk. The enzym...

Analysing The Effects Of Macroeconomic Variables On Inflation In Ghana Using Distributed Lag Models.

The study examines the relation between inflation and some key macroeconomic variables such as money supply, interest rate, exchange rate, and GDP in Ghana. These macroeconomic variables are obtained from the Bank of Ghana spanning through January 1990 to December 2014. Data obtained were on monthly basis. However, it is only the GDP which was an annual data but had been transformed into monthly data. We use the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) technique; the Granger Causality Test Techniqu...

Spectral Decomposition Of Compact Operators On Hilbert Spaces

ABSTRACT Compact operators are linear operators on Banach spaces that maps bounded set to relatively compact sets. In the case of Hilbert space H it is an extension of the concept of matrix acting on a finite dimensional vector space. In Hilbert space, compact operators are the closure of the finite rank operators in the topology induced by the operator norm. In general, operators on infinite dimensional spaces feature properties that do not appear in the finite dimension case; i.e matrices. ...

Distributed Database System For Road Safety Information Management

ABSTRACT  Implementing Distributed Database Management System is often difficult due to the disruption of highly coordinated, interdependent processes (e.g.) information exchange, communications, relationships) of providing care in Road Safety. Thus, this system creates and maintains all offender data electronically. The system captures accident victim data, vehicle registration, driving license, and offenders, at its source at the time of entry using a graphical user interface having ...

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