Abstract: Ten Cape porcupines were radiotracked for one year in a savanna ecosystem at Nylsvley Nature Reserve, Transvaal, South Africa. Social organisation was characterised by family groups comprising a monogamous adult pair and immature offspring. Pair members usually shared the same burrow and utilised similar home range areas. Group size is probably determined by the time of offspring dispersal which is dependent upon population density and resource dispersion and abundance. Total home ...
Abstract: Earlier studies investigated the genetic structure of fragmented or isolated elephant populations by comparing the genetic characteristics of pre-defined populations. This study aimed to determine if there was genetic evidence for spatial structuring in a continuous elephant population in the Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA-TFCA). I sequenced one mtDNA gene region for 88 individuals and genotyped 100 individuals for 10 nuclear microsatellite loci. Bayesian Clu...
Abstract: 4 Summary Seasonal metabolic adjustments and partitioning of evaporative water loss in Wahlberg’s epauletted fruit bat, Epomophorus wahlbergi Student: Ingrid A. Minnaar Supervisor: Prof. A. E. McKechnie Co-supervisors: Prof. N. C. Bennett, Prof. Christian T. Chimimba Department: Zoology and Entomology, University of Pretoria Degree: MSc: Zoology The capacity to thermoregulate over a wide range of TaS is critical for maintaining homeostasis in endotherms. Several aspects of the th...
Abstract: Read abstract in the document
Abstract: Prior to this in-depth phytosociological classification and biogeographical study, the only other intense floristic study focussing on all plant species done specifically on Mariepskop was the work by Van der Schijff and Schoonraad (1971 The aims of the study were to: (1) describe and map the plant communities above 1800m at Mariepskop; (2) analyse the life forms in each community using Raunkiaer’s (1934) classification as modified by Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg (1974) in order...
Abstract: This thesis investigates a number of aspects of the biology of the East African root rat, Tachyoryctes splendens (Rüppell, 1835) and provides important information currently depauperate in the literature. These aspects include the general burrow architecture with respect to fractal dimension (i.e. exploration efficiency), locomotory activity patterns in relation to specific light cycles, the pattern of reproduction, age structure and population growth characteristics based on cran...
Abstract: Craniometrics is a very reliable and effective tool for studying the difference in animal morphology. Previously, traditional craniometrics were conducted with the aid of calipers in two dimensional format (2D). Such discounting of actual three-dimensional 3D form may result in loss of some relevant and critical information leading to compromised and unreliable results for studies such as population variation analysis of morphology. The employment of 3D photogrammetry allows a clos...
Abstract: There are many factors which may influence the distribution of parasites and often parasites are not evenly distributed amongst their hosts. The development and survival of ectoparasites is usually dependent on abiotic factors such as temperature and rainfall. Therefore differences in ectoparasite load between host populations and seasonal fluctuations in abundance are often found to be associated with climatic variations. However, biotic (host-related) factors have also been found...
Abstract: The study investigated the origin and diversity of the three matrilineally-defined invasive, commensal Rattus species, namely R. norvegicus, R. rattus and R. tanezumi known to occur in South Africa after routine identification of the species using molecular techniques. Subsequently, their role as potential zoonotic disease reservoirs in primarily urban environments with particular interest in their potential to transmit and spread zoonotic disease through direct contact as well as ...
Abstract: The roles of phylogeny and body size in avian heat stress physiology, and how they interact to set the upper limits to heat dissipation capacity, are largely unexplored. Determining thermal end points and maximum capacity for evaporative heat dissipation in species from diverse ecological guilds and evolutionary clades is vital for understanding species-specific vulnerability to future climatic scenarios. I measured evaporative water loss (EWL), resting metabolic rate (RMR) and bod...
Abstract: Inter-individual variation in behaviour, or as it has now come to be known, personality, has been shown to affect many different components of fitness in animals. A concept that used to be thought of as background ‘noise’ has come to explain much of the variation we observe within populations and between individuals. The personality of an animal can affect how an animal utilises its environment. In a heterogeneous environment this may increase the potential to find limiting res...
Customers play a pivotal role in the success of any business. The ability to attract and retain the right clientele, who consistently engage with a company's products and services, hinges on a thorough understanding of their purchasing behavior. Successful businesses tailor their offerings to meet the unique requirements and preferences of their customers. Utilizing marketing analysis tools, such as the RFM model, facilitates the segmentation of customers based on distinct parameters, enablin...
ABSTRACT: Examination malpractice and student impersonation is a rising concern in tertiary institutions of learning in Nigeria. Majority of the students nowadays involve in the examination malpractices. Examination monitoring is one of the major approach to ensure quality assurance of school products (graduates). A qualitative examination monitoring will have zero tolerance to examination malpractices. The current method of monitoring of examination in the various school which are manual is...
Abstract: Enset (Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) Chessman) has socio-cultural, ethno-medicinal and economic use values. Nearly all enset genotypes are being threatened by bacterial wilt disease upon conventional propagation. Therefore, this research was designed to develop mass in vitro propagation protocol for three elite enset varieties from shoot tip explants. The experiment was laid out in CRD with three replications in factorial arrangement. Apart from ethanol (70%), sodium hypochlorite (NaO...
Abstract: Sustaining fossil fuel and the formation of a sizeable environment are trials maintained through the production of renewable energy as a biofuel. Bioethanol is one of the mainly important alternative sources of energy, which is produced from the several of cheapest materials includes starch, lignocellulose, celluloses, and other different waste materials especially agro waste. Dilute sulphuric acid pretreatment of lignocellulosic material is the main process in ethanol production d...